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Benutzerbild von Sir Rufo
Sir Rufo

Registriert seit: 5. Jan 2005
Ort: Stadthagen
9.454 Beiträge
Delphi 10 Seattle Enterprise

AW: Passwort-Stärke ermitteln (Code und Prüflogik)

  Alt 27. Sep 2010, 21:36
Ich habe das mal übersetzt
unit uPassStrength;


  TPassphraseStrength = ( psVeryWeak, psWeak, psGood, psStrong, psVeryStrong );

  TPassphraseInfo = record
    Length : integer;
    AlphaUC : integer;
    AlphaLC : integer;
    Number : integer;
    Symbol : integer;
    MidChar : integer;
    Requirements : integer;
    AlphasOnly : integer;
    NumbersOnly : integer;
    UnqChar : integer;
    RepChar : integer;
    RepInc : Extended;
    ConsecAlphaUC : integer;
    ConsecAlphaLC : integer;
    ConsecNumber : integer;
    ConsecSymbol : integer;
    ConsecCharType : integer;
    SeqAlpha : integer;
    SeqNumber : integer;
    SeqSymbol : integer;
    SeqChar : integer;
    ReqChar : integer;
    MultConsecCharType : integer;
    function Score : integer;
    function ScoreStr : string;
    function Strength : TPassphraseStrength;
    procedure Clear;

procedure PassphraseAnalyseEx( const Password : string; out PassphraseInfo : TPassphraseInfo );
function PassphraseScore( const Password : string ) : integer;
function PassphraseStrength( const Password : string ) : TPassphraseStrength;


  SysUtils, Math;

function StringReverse( const Str : string ) : string;
    idx : integer;
    Result := '';
    for idx := 1 to Length( Str ) do
      Result := Str[ idx ] + Result;

procedure PassphraseAnalyseEx( const Password : string; out PassphraseInfo : TPassphraseInfo );
    AlphasLC = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz';
    Alphas = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz';
    Numerics = '0123456789';
    Symbols = ')!@#$%^&*()';
    MinLength = 8;
    MinAlphaUC = 1;
    MinAlphaLC = 1;
    MinNumber = 1;
    MinSymbol = 1;
    a : integer;
    TmpAlphaUC, TmpAlphaLC, TmpNumber, TmpSymbol : integer;
    b : integer;
    CharExists : Boolean;
    S : integer;
    Fwd, Rev : string;
    pwd : string;
    // Initialisierung
    TmpAlphaUC := 0;
    TmpAlphaLC := 0;
    TmpNumber := 0;
    TmpSymbol := 0;

    pwd := StringReplace( Password, ' ', '', [ rfReplaceAll ] );

    PassphraseInfo.Length := Length( pwd );

    // Durchsuche das Passwort nach Symbolen, Nummern, Groß- und Kleinschreibung
    for a := 1 to Length( pwd ) do

        // Großbuchstaben
        if Pos( pwd[ a ], AlphasUC ) >= 1 then
            if ( TmpAlphaUC > 0 ) then
                if ( TmpAlphaUC + 1 = a ) then
                    inc( PassphraseInfo.ConsecAlphaUC );
                    inc( PassphraseInfo.ConsecCharType );
            TmpAlphaUC := a;
            inc( PassphraseInfo.AlphaUC );

          // Kleinbuchstaben

        else if Pos( pwd[ a ], AlphasLC ) >= 1 then
            if ( TmpAlphaLC > 0 ) then
                if ( TmpAlphaLC + 1 = a ) then
                    inc( PassphraseInfo.ConsecAlphaLC );
                    inc( PassphraseInfo.ConsecCharType );
            TmpAlphaLC := a;
            inc( PassphraseInfo.AlphaLC );

          // Ziffern

        else if Pos( pwd[ a ], Numerics ) >= 1 then
            if ( a > 1 ) and ( a < Length( pwd ) ) then
              inc( PassphraseInfo.MidChar );
            if ( TmpNumber > 0 ) then
                if ( TmpNumber + 1 = a ) then
                    inc( PassphraseInfo.ConsecNumber );
                    inc( PassphraseInfo.ConsecCharType );
            TmpNumber := a;
            inc( PassphraseInfo.Number );

          // Symbole

        else if Pos( pwd[ a ], AlphasLC + AlphasUC + Numerics ) < 1 then
            if ( a > 1 ) and ( a < Length( pwd ) ) then
              inc( PassphraseInfo.MidChar );
            if ( TmpSymbol > 0 ) then
                if ( TmpSymbol + 1 = a ) then
                    inc( PassphraseInfo.ConsecSymbol );
                    inc( PassphraseInfo.ConsecCharType );
            TmpSymbol := a;
            inc( PassphraseInfo.Symbol );

        // Doppelte Zeichen prüfen
        CharExists := False;
        for b := 1 to Length( pwd ) do
          if ( a <> b ) and ( pwd[ a ] = pwd[ b ] ) then
              CharExists := true;
              PassphraseInfo.RepInc := PassphraseInfo.RepInc + ( Length( pwd ) / Abs( b - a ) );
        if CharExists then
            inc( PassphraseInfo.RepChar );
            PassphraseInfo.UnqChar := Length( pwd ) - PassphraseInfo.RepChar;
            if PassphraseInfo.UnqChar <> 0 then
              PassphraseInfo.RepInc := Ceil( PassphraseInfo.RepInc / PassphraseInfo.UnqChar )
              PassphraseInfo.RepInc := Ceil( PassphraseInfo.RepInc );
      end; // for a := 1 to Length( pwd ) do

    for S := 1 to Length( Alphas ) - 2 do
        Fwd := Copy( Alphas, S, 3 );
        Rev := StringReverse( Fwd );
        if ( Pos( Fwd, LowerCase( pwd ) ) >= 1 ) or ( Pos( Rev, LowerCase( pwd ) ) >= 1 ) then
            inc( PassphraseInfo.SeqAlpha );
            inc( PassphraseInfo.SeqChar );

    for S := 1 to Length( Numerics ) - 2 do
        Fwd := Copy( Numerics, S, 3 );
        Rev := StringReverse( Fwd );
        if ( Pos( Fwd, LowerCase( pwd ) ) >= 1 ) or ( Pos( Rev, LowerCase( pwd ) ) >= 1 ) then
            inc( PassphraseInfo.SeqNumber );
            inc( PassphraseInfo.SeqChar );

    for S := 1 to Length( Symbols ) - 2 do
        Fwd := Copy( Symbols, S, 3 );
        Rev := StringReverse( Fwd );
        if ( Pos( Fwd, LowerCase( pwd ) ) >= 1 ) or ( Pos( Rev, LowerCase( pwd ) ) >= 1 ) then
            inc( PassphraseInfo.SeqSymbol );
            inc( PassphraseInfo.SeqChar );

    if ( PassphraseInfo.AlphaLC + PassphraseInfo.AlphaUC > 0 ) and ( PassphraseInfo.Symbol = 0 ) and
      ( PassphraseInfo.Number = 0 ) then
      PassphraseInfo.AlphasOnly := Length( pwd );

    if ( PassphraseInfo.AlphaLC + PassphraseInfo.AlphaUC = 0 ) and ( PassphraseInfo.Symbol = 0 ) and
      ( PassphraseInfo.Number > 0 ) then
      PassphraseInfo.NumbersOnly := Length( pwd );

    if ( PassphraseInfo.Length > 0 ) and ( PassphraseInfo.Length >= MinLength ) then
      inc( PassphraseInfo.ReqChar );
    if ( PassphraseInfo.AlphaUC > 0 ) and ( PassphraseInfo.AlphaUC >= MinAlphaUC ) then
      inc( PassphraseInfo.ReqChar );
    if ( PassphraseInfo.AlphaLC > 0 ) and ( PassphraseInfo.AlphaLC >= MinAlphaLC ) then
      inc( PassphraseInfo.ReqChar );
    if ( PassphraseInfo.Number > 0 ) and ( PassphraseInfo.Number >= MinNumber ) then
      inc( PassphraseInfo.ReqChar );
    if ( PassphraseInfo.Symbol > 0 ) and ( PassphraseInfo.Symbol >= MinSymbol ) then
      inc( PassphraseInfo.ReqChar );

    PassphraseInfo.Requirements := PassphraseInfo.ReqChar;

function PassphraseScore( const Password : string ) : integer;
    pi : TPassphraseInfo;
    PassphraseAnalyseEx( Password, pi );
    Result := pi.Score;

function PassphraseStrength( const Password : string ) : TPassphraseStrength;
    pi : TPassphraseInfo;
    PassphraseAnalyseEx( Password, pi );
    Result := pi.Strength;

{ TPassphraseInfo }

procedure TPassphraseInfo.Clear;
    Length := 0;
    AlphaUC := 0;
    AlphaLC := 0;
    Number := 0;
    Symbol := 0;
    MidChar := 0;
    Requirements := 0;
    AlphasOnly := 0;
    NumbersOnly := 0;
    UnqChar := 0;
    RepChar := 0;
    RepInc := 0;
    ConsecAlphaUC := 0;
    ConsecAlphaLC := 0;
    ConsecNumber := 0;
    ConsecSymbol := 0;
    ConsecCharType := 0;
    SeqAlpha := 0;
    SeqNumber := 0;
    SeqSymbol := 0;
    SeqChar := 0;
    ReqChar := 0;
    MultConsecCharType := 0;

function TPassphraseInfo.Score : integer;
    MultLength = 4;
    MultRepChar = 1;
    MultMidChar = 2;
    MultRequirements = 2;
    MultConsecAlphaUC = 2;
    MultConsecAlphaLC = 2;
    MultConsecNumber = 2;
    MultConsecCharType = 0;
    MultConsecSymbol = 1;
    MultAlphaUC = 2;
    MultAlphaLC = 2;
    MultSeqAlpha = 3;
    MultSeqNumber = 3;
    MultSeqSymbol = 3;
    MultNumber = 4;
    MultSymbol = 6;
    Result := 0;
    // Additions
    Result := Result + Length * MultLength;
    if ( AlphaUC > 0 ) and ( AlphaUC < Length ) then
      Result := Result + ( Length - AlphaUC ) * MultAlphaUC;
    if ( AlphaLC > 0 ) and ( AlphaLC < Length ) then
      Result := Result + ( Length - AlphaLC ) * MultAlphaLC;
    if ( Number > 0 ) and ( Number < Length ) then
      Result := Result + Number * MultNumber;
    Result := Result + Symbol * MultSymbol;
    Result := Result + MidChar * MultMidChar;
    if Requirements > 3 then
      Result := Result + Requirements * MultRequirements;
    // Deducations
    Result := Result - AlphasOnly;
    Result := Result - NumbersOnly;
    Result := Result - Trunc( RepInc );
    Result := Result - ConsecAlphaUC * MultConsecAlphaUC;
    Result := Result - ConsecAlphaLC * MultConsecAlphaLC;
    Result := Result - ConsecNumber * MultConsecNumber;
    Result := Result - SeqAlpha * MultSeqAlpha;
    Result := Result - SeqNumber * MultSeqNumber;
    Result := Result - SeqSymbol * MultSeqSymbol;

    if Result > 100 then
      Result := 100
    else if Result < 0 then
      Result := 0;

function TPassphraseInfo.ScoreStr : string;
    case Strength of
      psVeryWeak :
        Result := 'sehr schwach';
      psWeak :
        Result := 'schwach';
      psGood :
        Result := 'gut';
      psStrong :
        Result := 'stark';
      psVeryStrong :
        Result := 'sehr stark';

function TPassphraseInfo.Strength : TPassphraseStrength;
    sc : integer;
    sc := Score;
    if sc >= 80 then
      Result := psVeryStrong
    else if sc >= 60 then
      Result := psStrong
    else if sc >= 40 then
      Result := psGood
    else if sc >= 20 then
      Result := psWeak
      Result := psVeryWeak;

Kaum macht man's richtig - schon funktioniert's
Zertifikat: Sir Rufo (Fingerprint: ‎ea 0a 4c 14 0d b6 3a a4 c1 c5 b9 dc 90 9d f0 e9 de 13 da 60)
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