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Registriert seit: 27. Okt 2005
1.110 Beiträge
Delphi 10.1 Berlin Enterprise

AW: Delphi XE zentrierter Text im StringGrid

  Alt 3. Jan 2012, 08:11
vorab nochmals vielen dank an RaSoWa1... dein DRAWRECT muster hat mir viel ärger erspart

ich hab mir aus dem ganzen jetzt eine procedure gebastetlt die ich im OnDrawCell aufruf anbei der source...

ist sicher noch ausbaufählig, aber für meine bedürfnise reichts vorab erst mal
// prFormatStringGrid --> Format Cells in String Grid *
// Parameter --> strGrid = TStringGrid (Name of the Component) *
// iCol = Integer (String Grid Column No.) *
// iRow = Integer (String Grid Row No.) *
// Rect = TRect *
// State = TGridDrawState(e.g. fdFixed, fdSelected)*
// strGridDrawingStyle = TGridDrawingStyle (e.g. gdsGradient) *
// Alignment = TAlignment(e.g. taCenter, taLeftJustify)*
// FontColor = TColor (Font Color) *
// FontSize = Integer (Font Size) *
// blFontBold = Boolean (Font Bold) *
// Return --> *

procedure prFormatStringGrid(strGrid : TStringGrid; iCol, iRow : Integer; Rect : TRect; State : TGridDrawState; strGridDrawingStyle : TGridDrawingStyle;
                             Alignment : TAlignment; FontColor : TColor; FontSize : Integer; blFontBold : Boolean);

s : String;


  //=== Canvas Settings for gdsGardient Drawing Style ==========================
  If (strGrid.DrawingStyle = gdsGradient) And ((gdFixed in State) or (gdSelected in State)) Then
    If Not(goFixedVertLine In strGrid.Options) Then inc(Rect.Right);
    If Not(goFixedHorzLine In strGrid.Options) Then inc(Rect.Bottom);
    If (gdHotTrack In State) Or (gdPressed In State) Then
      If (gdPressed in State) Then
        GradientFillCanvas(strGrid.canvas, strGrid.GradientEndColor, strGrid.GradientStartColor, Rect, gdVertical)
      End Else
        GradientFillCanvas(strGrid.canvas, GetHighlightColor(strGrid.GradientStartColor), GetHighlightColor(strGrid.GradientEndColor), Rect, gdVertical);
    End Else
      GradientFillCanvas(strGrid.canvas, strGrid.GradientStartColor, strGrid.GradientEndColor, Rect, gdVertical);
    strGrid.canvas.Brush.Style := bsClear;
  End Else

  //=== Font Settings for each Cell ============================================
  s := strGrid.Cells[iCol, iRow];
  strGrid.Canvas.Font.Color := FontColor;
  strGrid.Canvas.Font.Size := FontSize;
  If Not (blFontBold) Then strGrid.Canvas.Font.Style := strGrid.Canvas.Font.Style - [fsBold];
  If (blFontBold) Then strGrid.Canvas.Font.Style := strGrid.Canvas.Font.Style + [fsBold];
  If Alignment = taCenter Then DrawText(strGrid.Canvas.Handle, PChar(s), Length(s), Rect, DT_SINGLELINE or DT_CENTER or DT_VCENTER);
  If Alignment = taLeftJustify Then DrawText(strGrid.Canvas.Handle, PChar(s), Length(s), Rect, DT_SINGLELINE or DT_LEFT or DT_VCENTER);
  If Alignment = taRightJustify Then DrawText(strGrid.Canvas.Handle, PChar(s), Length(s), Rect, DT_SINGLELINE or DT_RIGHT or DT_VCENTER);


aufruf in OnDrawCell des stringgrids

procedure Tmain_form.strgrid_dataDrawCell(Sender: TObject; ACol, ARow: Integer; Rect: TRect; State: TGridDrawState);


  //=== Column Title ===========================================================
  If ARow = 0 Then
    prFormatStringGrid(strGrid_data, ACol, ARow, Rect, State, strgrid_data.DrawingStyle, taCenter, clBlack, 9, True);

  //=== Data Rows ==============================================================
  If ARow <> 0 Then
    prFormatStringGrid(strGrid_data, ACol, ARow, Rect, State, strgrid_data.DrawingStyle, taLeftJustify, clBlack, 8, False);

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