Thema: FreePascal Grafiken erkennen. Library ?

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Registriert seit: 31. Mai 2009
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Turbo Delphi für Win32

AW: Grafiken erkennen. Library ?

  Alt 5. Mai 2012, 13:13
Hier, die einfache Variante mit SAD (Sum of Absolute Differences (siehe Wikipedia))

function findPicture(const Source, Picture: TBitmap): TPoint;
  TPRGBTripleRow = Array of PRGBTriple;
  SourceScanlineRow : TPRGBTripleRow;
  PictureScanlineRow : TPRGBTripleRow;
  function getRGBDifference(const ColorA, ColorB: PRGBTriple): Integer;
    Result := abs(ColorA.rgbtBlue - ColorB.rgbtBlue) +
              abs(ColorA.rgbtGreen - ColorB.rgbtGreen) +
              abs(ColorA.rgbtRed - ColorB.rgbtRed);
  function getPColor(const ScanlineRow: TPRGBTripleRow; const X, Y: Integer): PRGBTriple;
    Result := PRGBTriple(Integer(ScanlineRow[y]) + x * 3);
  procedure buildScanlineRows;
    y: Integer;
    SetLength(SourceScanlineRow, Source.Height);
    for y := 0 to Source.Height - 1 do SourceScanlineRow[y] := Source.ScanLine[y];
    SetLength(PictureScanlineRow, Picture.Height);
    for y := 0 to Picture.Height - 1 do PictureScanlineRow[y] := Picture.ScanLine[y];
  function _findPicture: TPoint;
    x, y, i, j : Integer;
    SAD : Integer;
    curSAD : Integer;
    SAD := -1; // not assigned
    for y := 0 to Source.Height - Picture.Height do
      for x := 0 to Source.Width - Picture.Width do
        curSAD := 0;
        for j := 0 to Picture.Height - 1 do
          for i := 0 to Picture.Width - 1 do
            inc(curSAD, getRGBDifference(getPColor(SourceScanlineRow, x + i, y + j), getPColor(PictureScanlineRow, i, j)));
        if (SAD = -1) or (curSAD < SAD) then
          SAD := curSAD;
          Result := Point(x, y);
          if SAD = 0 then Exit;
  if (Picture.Width > Source.Width) or (Picture.Height > Source.Height) or
     (Picture.PixelFormat <> pf24bit) or (Source.PixelFormat <> pf24bit) then
    Result := Point(-1, -1)
    Result := _findPicture;
Edit: Das liefert die linke obere Ecke des Bereiches. Der Bereich hat klarerweise dieselbe Dimension wie "Picture"
das Erkennen beginnt, wenn der Erkennende vom zu Erkennenden Abstand nimmt

Geändert von Aphton ( 5. Mai 2012 um 14:18 Uhr)
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