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Delphi 6 Personal

Re: Region vom Bitmap erstellen...

  Alt 6. Sep 2009, 07:13
Also mal von C nach D.
function BitmapToRegion(bmp: TBitmap; TransparentColor: TColor): HRGN;
  AllocUnit = 100;
  PRectArray = ^TRectArray;
  TRectArray = array[0..(MaxInt div SizeOf(TRect)) - 1] of TRect;
  pr: PRectArray; // used to access the rects array of RgnData by index
  h: HRGN; // Handles to regions
  RgnData: PRgnData; // Pointer to structure RGNDATA used to create regions
  x, y, x0: Integer; // coordinates of current rect of visible pixels
  maxRects: Cardinal; // Number of rects to realloc memory by chunks of AllocUnit
  Result := 0;

  maxRects := AllocUnit;
  GetMem(RgnData, SizeOf(RGNDATAHEADER) + (SizeOf(TRect) * maxRects));
    with RgnData^.rdh do
      dwSize := SizeOf(RGNDATAHEADER);
      iType := RDH_RECTANGLES;
      nCount := 0;
      nRgnSize := 0;
      SetRect(rcBound, MAXLONG, MAXLONG, 0, 0);

    for y := 0 to bmp.Height - 1 do
      x := 0;
      while x < bmp.Width - 1 do

        // Pixel suchen die der transp. Farbe entsprechen & x solange erhöhen
        x0 := x;
        while x < bmp.Width - 1 do
          // ohne scanline zu Testzwecken - mit (Windows.)GetPixel
          if GetPixel(bmp.Canvas.Handle, x, y) = DWORD(TransparentColor) then break;

        // test to see if we have a non-transparent area in the image
        if x > x0 then
          // increase RgnData by AllocUnit rects if we exceeds maxRects
          if RgnData^.rdh.nCount >= maxRects then
            Inc(maxRects, AllocUnit);
            ReallocMem(RgnData, SizeOf(RGNDATAHEADER) + (SizeOf(TRect) * MaxRects));

          // Add the rect (x0, y)-(x, y+1) as a new visible area in the region
          pr := @RgnData^.Buffer; // Buffer is an array of rects
          with RgnData^.rdh do
            SetRect(pr[nCount], x0, y, x, y + 1);
            // adjust the bound rectangle of the region if we are "out-of-bounds"
            if x0 < rcBound.Left then rcBound.Left := x0;
            if y < rcBound.Top then rcBound.Top := y;
            if x > rcBound.Right then rcBound.Right := x;
            if y + 1 > rcBound.Bottom then rcBound.Bottom := y + 1;
        end; // if x > x0

        // Need to create the region by muliple calls to ExtCreateRegion, 'cause
        // it will fail on Windows 98 if the number of rectangles is too large
        if RgnData^.rdh.nCount = 2000 then
          h := ExtCreateRegion(nil, SizeOf(RGNDATAHEADER) + (SizeOf(TRect) * maxRects), RgnData^);
          if Result > 0 then
          begin // Expand the current region
            CombineRgn(Result, Result, h, RGN_OR);
          else // First region, assign it to Result
            Result := h;
          RgnData^.rdh.nCount := 0;
          SetRect(RgnData^.rdh.rcBound, MAXLONG, MAXLONG, 0, 0);
      end; // scan every sample byte of the image

    // need to call ExCreateRegion one more time because we could have left
    // a RgnData with less than 2000 rects, so it wasn't yet created/combined
    h := ExtCreateRegion(nil, SizeOf(RGNDATAHEADER) + (SizeOf(TRect) * MaxRects), RgnData^);
    if Result > 0 then
      CombineRgn(Result, Result, h, RGN_OR);
    end else
      Result := h;
    FreeMem(RgnData, SizeOf(RGNDATAHEADER) + (SizeOf(TRect) * MaxRects));

procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
  ARgn: HRGN;
  ABitmap: TBitmap;
  ABitmap := TBitmap.Create;
    ARgn := BitmapToRegion(Image1.Picture.Bitmap, clFuchsia);
    SetWindowRgn(Form1.Handle, ARgn, True);
Das ist allerding (in etwa) genauso wie mein alter Code nur das ich nur mit CombineRgn() und CreateRoundRgn() arbeitete.

Irgend wie heht das sicherlich auch anders / einfacher...
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Dateityp: zip extcreateregiondemo_840.zip (225,6 KB, 33x aufgerufen)
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