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Delphi XE Professional

Re: tWebbrowser scrollposition ermitteln

  Alt 15. Mär 2008, 14:23
Die Funktion hatte noch einen kleinen Fehler. Update:

// Webbrowser Scrollbar X,Y Position ermitteln
function WB_GetScrollPosition(WB: TWebBrowser; var ScrollPos: TPoint): Boolean;

  // Scrollbar X,Y Position der ListView ermitteln
  function WB_GetLVScrollPosition(WB: TWebBrowser; var ScrollPos: TPoint): Boolean;
    lpsi: TScrollInfo;
    WND, WndLV: HWND;
    Result := False;
    // SysListView32 Child vom TWebBrowser suchen
    WndLV := 0;
    Wnd := GetNextWindow(WB.Handle, GW_CHILD);
    while (WndLV = 0) and (WND <> 0) do
      WndLV := FindWindowEx(Wnd, 0, 'SysListView32', nil);
      Wnd := GetNextWindow(Wnd, GW_CHILD)
    if WndLV <> 0 then // SysListView32 gefunden
    // TScrollInfo initialisieren
      FillChar(lpsi, SizeOf(lpsi), 0);
      with lpsi do
        cbSize := SizeOf(lpsi);
        fMask := SIF_POS;
      // ScrollInfos der vertikalen ScrollBar ermitteln
      if GetScrollInfo(WndLV, SB_VERT, lpsi) then
        ScrollPos.Y := lpsi.nPos;
        // ScrollInfos der horizontalen ScrollBar ermitteln
        if GetScrollInfo(WndLV, SB_HORZ, lpsi) then
          ScrollPos.X := lpsi.nPos;
          Result := True;

  // Scrollbar X,Y Position des HTML Documents ermitteln
  function WB_GetDOCScrollPosition(WB: TWebBrowser; var ScrollPos: TPoint): Boolean;
    IDoc: IHTMLDocument2;
    IDoc3: IHTMLDocument3;
    IElement: IHTMLElement;
    ScrollPos := Point(-1, -1);
    Result := False;
    if Assigned(WB.Document) and (Succeeded(WB.Document.QueryInterface(IHTMLDocument2, IDoc))) then
      IDoc := WB.Document as IHTMLDocument2;
      if Assigned(IDoc) and Assigned((IHTMLDocument2(IDoc).Body)) then
        if (IDoc.QueryInterface(IHTMLDocument3, IDoc3) = S_OK) then
          if Assigned(IDoc3) then
            IElement := IDoc3.get_documentElement;
        if (Assigned(IElement)) and (Variant(IDoc).DocumentElement.scrollTop = 0) then
          ScrollPos.Y := IHTMLDocument2(IDoc).Body.getAttribute('ScrollTop', 0)
          ScrollPos.Y := Variant(IDoc).DocumentElement.scrollTop;
        if Assigned(IElement) and (Variant(IDoc).DocumentElement.scrollLeft = 0) then
          ScrollPos.X := IHTMLDocument2(IDoc).Body.getAttribute('ScrollLeft', 0)
          ScrollPos.X := Variant(IDoc).DocumentElement.scrollLeft
      Result := (ScrollPos.X <> -1) and (ScrollPos.Y <> -1)

  Result := WB_GetDOCScrollPosition(WB, ScrollPos);
  if not Result then
    Result := WB_GetLVScrollPosition(WB, ScrollPos);
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