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exchange elapsed time between Clients

  Alt 24. Jun 2010, 15:17
Delphi-Version: 2005
Hi , i've 2 Clients " 2 Machines in my network " and a Server i use the following procedure to calc the elapsed time :

procedure TForm1.ElapsedTimeTimer(Sender: TObject);
    s: string;
    TotalTime: TDateTime;
    DLTimes: Double;
    Hh, Mh, Sec, MSec: Word;
  TotalTime:= Now-FStartTime;
  DecodeTime(TotalTime, hH, Mh, Sec, MSec);
  Sec := Sec + Mh * 60 + hH * 3600;
   DLTimes := Sec + MSec / 1000;
  s:=Format('%2d:%2d:%2d', [sSec div 3600, (Sec div 60) mod 60, Sec mod 60]);
  label1.Caption:=FormatDateTime('"elapsed time : " hh:nn:ss', StrToTime(s));
Let's suppose that ClientA's elapsed time is : 00:20:00 here when i transfer this elapsed time value to ClientB this letter elapsed time will become 12:20:00

so why 12:20:00 and not 00:20:00 ?

P.S : i use Indy
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