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33 Beiträge

AW: Andorra 2D [Ver., 31.12.08]

  Alt 11. Aug 2010, 14:43
musste leider feststellen, das der Loop bei der Videowiedergabe nicht funktioniert, habe mir deshalb was ausgedacht, wie er geht, ist nicht ganz die feine englische, aber es funktioniert: (vielleicht brauchts ja jemand, ich brauchte es, da ich eine kurze videosequenz immer wieder wiederholen wollte)

Die Unit AdVideoTexture (Klasse TAdVideoTexture) sieht nun so aus:
  TAdVideoTexture = class(TAdCustomVideoTexture)
      FTimeGap: double;
      FFPS: integer;
      FTmpFPS: integer;
      FTmpTime: double;
      FState: TAdVideoPlayerState;
      FLoop: boolean;
      FSpeed: double;
      FFrameTime: double;

      FOnPlay: TAdNotifyEvent;
      FOnStop: TAdNotifyEvent;
      FOnPause: TAdNotifyEvent;
      FOnClose: TAdNotifyEvent;
      FOnNextFrame: TAdNotifyEvent;

      procedure SetSpeed(AValue:double);
      procedure DoPlay;virtual;
      procedure DoPause;virtual;
      procedure DoStop;virtual;
      procedure DoNextFrame;virtual;
      procedure DoClose;virtual;

      property TmpTime : Double read FTmpTime write FTmpTime;
      property TmpFPS : Integer read FTmpFPS write FTmpFPS;
      property FrameTime : Double read FFrameTime write FFrameTime;
      //Abgeändert, damit in die var geschrieben werden kann...
      property TimeGap: double read FTimeGap write FTimeGap;
      {Creates an instance of TAdVideoTexture.}
      constructor Create(AParent: TAd2dApplication);

      {Starts to play the video.}
      procedure Play;virtual;
      {Pauses video playback.}
      procedure Pause;virtual;
      {Stops video playback (resets the data source, clears all buffers)}
      procedure Stop;virtual;
      {Destroys all created video playback objects.}
      procedure Close;virtual;
      {Moves the timer of TAdVideoTexture on, so that playback continues.
      @param(ATimeGap specifies the time that has been passed since the
         last call of ATimeGap in seconds)}

      procedure Move(ATimeGap:double);virtual;

      {Texture that can be accessed when you want to draw the film.}
      property Texture;
      {Time information about the current displayed frame.

      property Time;
      {Information about the current video frame.

      property Info;
      {Current state of the player.}
      property State: TAdVideoPlayerState read FState;
      {The FPS the video is currently played with.}
      property CurrentFPS:integer read FFPS write FFPS; //Abgeändert, damit in die var geschrieben werden kann...
      {Set this property if you want the video to loop.}
      property Loop: boolean read FLoop write FLoop;
      {Use this property to vary playback speed. Default is 1. For example, 0.5
       would mean that the video is played with the half speed.}

      property Speed: double read FSpeed write SetSpeed;

      {Event that is triggered when playback starts.}
      property OnPlay:TAdNotifyEvent read FOnPlay write FOnPlay;
      {Event that is triggered when playback stops.}
      property OnStop:TAdNotifyEvent read FOnStop write FOnStop;
      {Event that is triggered when video playback is pasued.}
      property OnPause:TAdNotifyEvent read FOnPause write FOnPause;
      {Event that is triggered, when a new frame is displayed. This
       event can e.g. be used to synchronize the video to an audio buffer.}

      property OnNextFrame:TAdNotifyEvent read FOnNextFrame write FOnNextFrame;
      {Event that is triggered when the decoder is closed.}
      property OnClose:TAdNotifyEvent read FOnClose write FOnClose;
Neue Unit (Eigene Klasse):
uses ... AdVideo, AdVideoTexture;
TNewVideo = class(TAdVideoPlayer)
    //FWidth, FHeight : Integer;
   {procedure SetPropertis(AWidth, AHeight : Integer);
    procedure DoDraw(AdDraw : TAdDraw; TimeGap : Double); Unintressant hier, hab ich aber in meinem Projekt gebraucht }

    procedure Move(ATimeGap:double); override;
procedure TNewVideo.Move(ATimeGap: Double);
  if GetOpened and (State = vpPlaying) then
    TmpTime := TmpTime + ATimeGap;
    TimeGap := TimeGap + ATimeGap;
    if (TimeGap > FrameTime) then
      if NextFrame then
        TmpFPS := TmpFPS + 1;
        TimeGap := TimeGap - FrameTime;
    if Pos=Size then
      if Loop then
         Seek(0) Else
    if TmpTime > 1 then
      CurrentFPS := TmpFPS;
      TmpFPS := 0;
      TmpTime := 0;
Entschuldigung für den Doppelpost, aber der letzte ist ja schon ne ewigkeit her
Getested mit AdMPEG2Video

P.S.: Meine Pixelkollision funktioniert inzwischen recht gut
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