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Registriert seit: 27. Apr 2005
Ort: Görlitz
1.358 Beiträge
Delphi XE2 Professional

AW: Problem mit Zint Barcode-Generator

  Alt 24. Aug 2010, 06:38
Naja ... ich gebe zu, das ist wenig tricky, aber vom Entwickler so geplant.
Zitat von http://www.zint.org.uk/zintSite/Manual.aspx?page=11:
An extra feature is available for Data Matrix symbols which allows Zint to automatically resize the symbol as required but also prevents Zint from using rectangular symbols. To set this mode at the command line use the option --square and when using the API set the value option_3 = DM_SQUARE
Lange Rede kurzer Sinn:
var myBmp :TBitMap;
    ZintBarcode1 :TZintBarcode;
  ZintBarcode1 := TZintBarcode.Create;
  myBmp :=TBitmap.Create;

  ZintBarcode1.BarcodeType := tBARCODE_DATAMATRIX;
  ZintBarcode1.Option3 := 100;
  ZintBarcode1.Data := '123456789012345';
  Image1.Picture.Bitmap := myBmp;

Benjamin Schwarze
If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of Giants. (Isaac Newton)
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