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Delphi 11 Alexandria

hough transformation

  Alt 19. Dez 2010, 15:49
bin auf der Suche nach einer korrekten Implementierung der Hough Transformation für Linien in Pascal,
der Code unten liefert nicht den korrekten Accumulator Inhalt zurück

THoughResult = array of array of Integer

/// Hough transformation for line detection
/// r = sin(theta) * a + cos(theta) * b
procedure Hough_LineDetection ( AnalysisBitmap : TBitMap; var aHoughResult : THoughResult );
var x,y, theta : integer;
    r : Extended;
    ImageWidth : integer;
    ImageHeight : Integer;
    max_d : Integer;


   /// size of hough array
   ImageWidth := AnalysisBitmap.Width;
   ImageHeight:= AnalysisBitmap.Height;

   max_d := round( sqrt( ImageHeight* ImageHeight + ImageWidth * ImageWidth ) ) ;

   SetLength(aHoughResult,360, max_d );

   // For all rows in image do :
   for y:=0 to AnalysisBitmap.Height-1 do

   // For all pixel in one row do :
   for x:=0 to AnalysisBitmap.Width-1 do

      // Is there a point there or not ? If not, just skip the pixel ( threshold based methode ...)
      if IsPixel(x, y, AnalysisBitmap, 128 ) then
           // iterate the unknown variables : ( r, theta )
           // loop theta -> to be able to determine the other unknown -> r
           for theta:=0 to 359 do
                r:=x*cos(theta*PI/360) + y*sin(theta*PI/360);

                // Plot the finding (theta,r) into an array.
                // Ignore negative values...
                if r>=0 then Inc(aHoughResult[theta,round(r)]);


Geändert von mkinzler (19. Dez 2010 um 15:54 Uhr) Grund: Delphi-Tag eingefügt
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