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Registriert seit: 13. Jul 2010
25 Beiträge
Delphi 2 Desktop

AW: Anti End Task, not WM_Close?

  Alt 2. Jan 2011, 08:54
I am making a security application for a policy. This app block unlisted/unwanted program from running (Admin/Guest Account). I hook in ring3, right now I have not implemented my app as a service/ring0, it's just a normal GUI app. I use ESET in my pc, Eset's GUI can be killed easily but eset's service is "self restarting" service. But.. I have not implemented yet my app as service. Making a service will consume more my time, maybe later I will working on it. So I just want to ask, is there any simple way to block End Task for GUI app?
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