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Registriert seit: 15. Jun 2010
Ort: Augsburg Bayern Süddeutschland
3.470 Beiträge
Delphi XE3 Enterprise

AW: Senden an Named Pipe klappt nur zum Server! Warum?[erledigt]

  Alt 18. Mär 2011, 12:47
ich nehme an es liegt daran dass im Destructor
Disconnect(false) statt DisConnect(true) aufgerufen wird... die entscheidenden Zeilen ....
destructor TPipeClient.Destroy;

  // Disconnect if connected

  // Free resources

  // Perform inherited
  inherited Destroy;


procedure TPipeClient.Disconnect(const CanWait:Boolean);
  if not Assigned(self) then
  // Exit if not connected
  if not(FConnected) then exit;

  // Signal the kill event

  // Terminate and wait for the worker thread to finish
  if Assigned(FWorker) then FWorker.Terminate;

  // *** Added by Russell on 01.19.2004 ***
  // Only wait if we are not in a destroying state
  if CanWait and not (csDestroying in ComponentState) then

  // Set new state


procedure TPipeClientThread.Execute;
var dwEvents: Integer;
     bOK: Boolean;

  // Loop while not terminated
  while not(Terminated) do
     // Make sure we always have an outstanding read and write queued up
     bOK:=(QueuedRead and QueuedWrite);
     if bOK then
        // If we are in a pending write then we need will not wait for the
        // DataEvent, because we are already waiting for a write to finish
        if FPendingWrite then Dec(dwEvents);
        // Handle the event that was signalled (or failure)
        case WaitForMultipleObjects(dwEvents, @FEvents, False, INFINITE) of
           // Killed by pipe server
           WAIT_OBJECT_0 : Terminate;
           // Read completed
           WAIT_OBJECT_0+1 : bOK:=CompleteRead;
           // Write completed
           WAIT_OBJECT_0+2 : bOK:=CompleteWrite;
           // Data waiting to be sent
           WAIT_OBJECT_0+3 : ; // Data available to write
           // General failure
     // Check status
     if not(bOK) then
        // Call OnError in the main thread if this is not a disconnect. Disconnects
        // have their own event, and are not to be considered an error
        if (FErrorCode <> ERROR_PIPE_NOT_CONNECTED) then PostMessage(FNotify, WM_PIPEERROR_W, FPipe, FErrorCode);
        // Terminate

  // Make sure the handle is still valid
  if (FErrorCode <> ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE) then

  // Close all open handles that we own

Thomas Wassermann H₂♂
Das Problem steckt meistens zwischen den Ohren
H₂ (wenn bei meinen Snipplets nichts anderes angegeben ist Lizenz: WTFPL)
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