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Registriert seit: 19. Apr 2003
1.291 Beiträge
Delphi 2005 Professional

Icons verbrauchen alle Resourcen...

  Alt 25. Jan 2004, 00:26
Ich weiss, dass ich irgendwo etwas falsch mache, zumindest fängt bei wiederholter Ausführung der folgenden Funktion der Rechner irgendwann komplett an zu spinnen... obwohl eigentlich alles jeweils korrekt freigegeben wird.

procedure TForm1.SetIcon(Loading, Ignoring, Stopped, Plugin:
  function CombineIcons(FrontIcon, BackIcon: HIcon): HIcon;
    WinDC: HDC;
    FrontInfo: TIconInfo;
    FrontDC: HDC;
    FrontSv: HBITMAP;
    BackInfo: TIconInfo;
    BackDC: HDC;
    BackSv: HBITMAP;
    BmpObj: tagBitmap;
    WinDC := GetDC(0);

    GetIconInfo(FrontIcon, FrontInfo);
    FrontDC := CreateCompatibleDC(WinDC);
    FrontSv := SelectObject(FrontDC, FrontInfo.hbmMask);

    GetIconInfo(BackIcon, BackInfo);
    BackDC := CreateCompatibleDC(WinDC);
    BackSv := SelectObject(BackDC, BackInfo.hbmMask);

    GetObject(FrontInfo.hbmMask, SizeOf(BmpObj), @BmpObj);
    BitBlt(BackDC, 0, 0, BmpObj.bmWidth, BmpObj.bmHeight, FrontDC, 0, 0,

    SelectObject(BackDC, BackInfo.hbmColor);
    DrawIconEx(BackDC, 0, 0, FrontIcon, 0, 0, 0, 0, DI_NORMAL);

    Result := CreateIconIndirect(BackInfo);

    SelectObject(FrontDC, FrontSv);
    SelectObject(BackDC, BackSv);
    ReleaseDC(0, WinDC);
  RS: TResourceStream;
  sI: string;
  Ico: array[0..8] of TIcon;
  n: integer;
  for n := 0 to High(Ico) do
    Ico[n] := TIcon.Create;

    StrPLCopy(IconData.szTip, '[' + Label2.Caption + ']'#13 + 'WAN-IP: ' +
      Edit3.Text + #13 + 'LAN-IP: ' + Edit4.Text, 63);

    if G_IP = ''#0 then
      sI := 'I_Inactive'
    else if G_IP = '
      sI := 'I_Offline'
      sI := 'I_Online';
      RS := TResourceStream.Create(0, sI + GetIconSufix, RT_RCDATA);
      RS.Position := 0;

    { Ladeanzeige }
    if Loading then
      sI := 'I_Loading'
      sI := 'I_Blank';
      RS := TResourceStream.Create(0, sI + GetIconSufix, RT_RCDATA);
      RS.Position := 0;
    Ico[2].Handle := CombineIcons(Ico[1].Handle, Ico[0].Handle);

    if Ignoring then
      sI := 'I_Ignoring'
      sI := 'I_Blank';
      RS := TResourceStream.Create(0, sI + GetIconSufix, RT_RCDATA);
      RS.Position := 0;
    Ico[4].Handle := CombineIcons(Ico[3].Handle, Ico[2].Handle);

    if Stopped then
      sI := 'I_Stop'
      sI := 'I_Blank';
      RS := TResourceStream.Create(0, sI + GetIconSufix, RT_RCDATA);
      RS.Position := 0;
    Ico[6].Handle := CombineIcons(Ico[5].Handle, Ico[4].Handle);

    if Plugin then
      sI := 'I_Plugin'
      sI := 'I_Blank';
      RS := TResourceStream.Create(0, sI + GetIconSufix, RT_RCDATA);
      RS.Position := 0;
    Ico[8].Handle := CombineIcons(Ico[7].Handle, Ico[6].Handle);

    IconData.hIcon := TNA_Icon.Handle;

    { Statusanzeige }
    Image1.Picture.Icon.Handle := IconData.hIcon;
    Edit3.Text := G_IP;
    Label7.Caption := G_IT;

    if G_IP = ''#0 then
      Label2.Caption := 'undefined'
    else if G_IP = '
      Label2.Caption := 'Offline'
      Label2.Caption := 'Online';

    if IsMinimized = True then
      Shell_NotifyIcon(NIM_MODIFY, @IconData);

    for n := 0 to High(Ico) do
    IconReady := True;
Update: Ich verwende jetzt einen Array of Icon um eine bessere Übersichtlichkeit zu erreichen
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