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122 Beiträge
Delphi 7 Enterprise

AW: Tabelle und Abfragen drucken

  Alt 15. Jul 2011, 17:47
Hallo Falco953,

durch Zufall habe ich vor einiger Zeit unter http://www.delphi3000.com/articles/article_2398.asp?SK= ein ausgezeichnetes Snippet
(D3 oder höher & QRep.3.0 oder > ?) gefunden. Autor ist R.R.Aguilo.

Es waren einige Fehler drin, die ich verbessert habe.
Sind gekennzeichnet.

Ich habe dafür ein Programm geschrieben. (D7-QR3-BDE-Paradox)

Wenn Du interesse hast schicke ich es Dir oder stelle es in D.-Praxis !

Das Schöne daran ist, dass Du mit EINEM ! Report-Formular beliebige
Ergebnisse aus beliebigen Tables (mit SQL und dargestellt im DBGrid)
mit QRPrewiew anzeigen und ausdrucken kannst.

Vielleicht hilft es Dir weiter ?


************************************************** *******************

Orginal von R.R.Aquilo -->

First make a new form, name it as TGridReport and drop a TQuickRep on it.
Rename you QuickRep to GridRep. Then make a Preview that receives a DBGrid as parameter, just like this:

procedure TGridReport.Preview(Grid: TDBGrid);
  i, CurrentLeft, CurrentTop : integer;
  BMark: TBookmark;

  if not GridRep.Bands.HasColumnHeader then

  if not GridRep.Bands.HasDetail then

  GridRep.Bands.ColumnHeaderBand.Height:=Abs(Grid.TitleFont.Height) + 10;
  GridRep.Bands.DetailBand.Height:=Abs(Grid.Font.Height) + 10;
  CurrentLeft := 12;
  CurrentTop := 6;

  {Record where the user stopped in the DBGrid} 
  {Don't let the grid flicker while the report is running} 
    for i:=0 to Grid.FieldCount - 1 do
      if (CurrentLeft + Canvas.TextWidth(Grid.Columns[i].Title.Caption)) >
        (GridRep.Bands.ColumnHeaderBand.Width) then
        CurrentLeft := 12;
        CurrentTop := CurrentTop + Canvas.TextHeight('A') + 6;
        GridRep.Bands.ColumnHeaderBand.Height := GridRep.Bands.ColumnHeaderBand.Height +
          (Canvas.TextHeight('A') + 10);
        GridRep.Bands.DetailBand.Height := GridRep.Bands.DetailBand.Height +
          (Canvas.TextHeight('A') + 10);
      {Create Header with QRLabels} 
      with TQRLabel.Create(GridRep.Bands.ColumnHeaderBand) do
        Parent := GridRep.Bands.ColumnHeaderBand;
        Color := GridRep.Bands.ColumnHeaderBand.Color;
        Left := CurrentLeft;
        Top := CurrentTop;
      {Create Detail with QRDBText} 
      with TQRDbText.Create(GridRep.Bands.DetailBand) do
        Parent := GridRep.Bands.DetailBand;
        Color := GridRep.Bands.DetailBand.Color;
        Left := CurrentLeft;
        Top := CurrentTop;
        CurrentLeft:=CurrentLeft + (Grid.Columns[i].Width) + 15;

    lblPage.Left := bdTitle.Width - lblPage.Width - 10;
    lblDate.Left := bdTitle.Width - lblDate.Width - 10;

    {After all, call the QuickRep preview method} 
    GridRep.PreviewModal; {or Preview if you prefer} 

    with Grid.DataSource.DataSet do

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