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Registriert seit: 23. Mai 2011
Ort: Görlitz
150 Beiträge
Delphi XE Starter

NewAC MP3 von Stream speichern

  Alt 10. Sep 2011, 10:39
Delphi-Version: 2007
des WMA speichern klappt ohne Probleme nur MP3 will irgendwie gar nicht
Lame_enc.dll und Bass.dll sind vorhanden. Oder ist das nicht vorgesehen und ich muss erst die WMA erzeugen und davon dann die MP3?

die Datei wird übrigens erzeugt ist aber dann leer

procedure TfrmMain.btnRecordClick(Sender: TObject);
  sName: String;
  Case btnRecord.Tag of
        if (DXAudioOut.Status = tosIdle) and (DSAudioOut.Status = tosIdle) then
        if (WMATap1.Status = tosIdle) and (MP3Out1.Status = tosIdle) then
          sName := ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0)) + CBsender.Text +
            ' - ' + FormatDateTime('hh-nn-ss - dd.mm.yyyy', Now);
          WMATap1.FileName := sName + '.wma';
          MP3Out1.FileName := sName + '.mp3';
          btnRecord.Caption := 'Record Stop';
          mbtnRecord.Caption := 'Record Stop';
          if not cbOut.Checked then
            WMATap1.Id3v2Tags.Title := WMStreamedIn1.Id3v2Tags.Title;
            WMATap1.Id3v2Tags.Artist := WMStreamedIn1.Id3v2Tags.Artist;
            WMATap1.Id3v2Tags.Genre := WMStreamedIn1.Id3v2Tags.Genre;
            WMATap1.Id3v2Tags.Year := WMStreamedIn1.Id3v2Tags.Year;
            WMATap1.Id3v2Tags.Album := WMStreamedIn1.Id3v2Tags.Album;
            WMATap1.Id3v2Tags.Track := WMStreamedIn1.Id3v2Tags.Track;
            WMATap1.Id3v2Tags.Comment := WMStreamedIn1.Id3v2Tags.Comment;
            WMATap1.Id3v2Tags.Composer := WMStreamedIn1.Id3v2Tags.Composer;
            WMATap1.Id3v2Tags.Encoder := WMStreamedIn1.Id3v2Tags.Encoder;
            WMATap1.Id3v2Tags.Copyright := WMStreamedIn1.Id3v2Tags.Copyright;
            WMATap1.Id3v2Tags.Language := WMStreamedIn1.Id3v2Tags.Language;
            WMATap1.DesiredBitrate := 128;
            MP3Out1.Id3v2Tags.Title := WMStreamedIn1.Id3v2Tags.Title;
            MP3Out1.Id3v2Tags.Artist := WMStreamedIn1.Id3v2Tags.Artist;
            MP3Out1.Id3v2Tags.Genre := WMStreamedIn1.Id3v2Tags.Genre;
            MP3Out1.Id3v2Tags.Year := WMStreamedIn1.Id3v2Tags.Year;
            MP3Out1.Id3v2Tags.Album := WMStreamedIn1.Id3v2Tags.Album;
            MP3Out1.Id3v2Tags.Track := WMStreamedIn1.Id3v2Tags.Track;
            MP3Out1.Id3v2Tags.Comment := WMStreamedIn1.Id3v2Tags.Comment;
            MP3Out1.Id3v2Tags.Composer := WMStreamedIn1.Id3v2Tags.Composer;
            MP3Out1.Id3v2Tags.Encoder := WMStreamedIn1.Id3v2Tags.Encoder;
            MP3Out1.Id3v2Tags.Copyright := WMStreamedIn1.Id3v2Tags.Copyright;
            MP3Out1.Id3v2Tags.Language := WMStreamedIn1.Id3v2Tags.Language;
            MP3Out1.AverageBitrate := mbr128;
          StatusBar1.Panels[1].Text := ('Recording');
          Timer1.Enabled := True;
          StartTime := Time;
          StatusBar1.Panels[2].Text := '';
          btnRecord.Tag := 1;
        if not cbOut.Checked then
          ShowMessage('Saved to - ' + WMATap1.FileName);
          ShowMessage('Saved to - ' + MP3Out1.FileName);
        btnRecord.Caption := 'Record';
        mbtnRecord.Caption := 'Record';
        Timer1.Enabled := False;
        if (WMATap1.Status = tosIdle) and (MP3Out1.Status = tosIdle) then
          BitRate := InttoStr(WMStreamedIn1.BitRate div 1000) + ' kbps';
          SampleRate := InttoStr(WMStreamedIn1.SampleRate) + ' Hz';
          StatusBar1.Panels[1].Text := SampleRate + ' @ ' + BitRate;
          if WMStreamedIn1.Channels = 1 then
            StatusBar1.Panels[2].Text := 'Mono'
            StatusBar1.Panels[2].Text := 'Stereo';
        btnRecord.Tag := 0;
hat jemand ne Idee

Geändert von Horst0815 (10. Sep 2011 um 10:44 Uhr)
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