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AW: Memo Feld export nach CSV

  Alt 26. Feb 2012, 12:58
procedure TForm1.ExportFunktion13Click(Sender: TObject);

var aNode,aNode2 : Olevariant;
   r,c,z,z2 : Integer;
 aNode := WebBrowser1.OleObject.Document.all.tags('intraLC').Item(5);
  r := aNode.all.tags('tr').Length;//Zeilen feststellen
   StringGrid1.RowCount := r;
  for z := 0 to r-1 do
aNode2 := aNode.all.tags('tr').Item(z);
 c := aNode2.all.tags('th').Length;
    if c > 0 then
      if c > StringGrid1.ColCount then
        StringGrid1.ColCount := c;
      for z2 := 0 to c-1 do
StringGrid1.Cells[z2,z] := aNode2.all.tags('th').Item(z2).innerText;
 c := aNode2.all.tags('td').Length;
    if c > 0 then
      if c > StringGrid1.ColCount then
        StringGrid1.ColCount := c;
      for z2 := 0 to c-1 do
 StringGrid1.Cells[z2,z] := aNode2.all.tags('td').Item(z2).innerText;

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