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Registriert seit: 25. Nov 2005
Ort: München
1.909 Beiträge
Delphi 2010 Professional

AW: Wissen welches Textfeld in welcher Zelle ist ? [VBA 2010]

  Alt 31. Jul 2012, 15:17
Hallo Elvis,

danke erstmal für Deine beiden Funktionen. Ich habe mal versucht diese nachzuvollziehen. Leider gibt es jedesmal die Fehlermeldung "Die Methode 'TopLeftCell' wird vom Automatisierungsobjekt nicht unterstützt".
Wenn deine Excel-Version auch kein TopLeftCell hat (welches nutzt du überhaupt?), dann kannst du ähnlich wie in der von mir geposteten Funktion vorgehen um die Zelle links oben zu finden.
function FindCellAtPos(workSheet : OleVariant;
                       const x,
                             y : Integer;
                       const startAtColumn : Integer = 1;
                       const startAtRow : Integer = 1) : OleVariant;
  currentRange : OleVariant;

  rowIndex : Integer;
   foundColumn := Variants.Null;
   foundRow := Variants.Null;
   result := Variants.Null;

   for columnIndex := startAtColumn to Integer(workSheet.Columns.Count) do
     currentRange := workSheet.Columns[columnIndex];
     if (Integer(currentRange.Left) <= y)
     and (Integer(currentRange.Left + currentRange.Width) >= y) then
       foundColumn := currentRange;
   if VarIsNull(foundColumn) then

   for rowIndex := startAtRow to workSheet.Rows.Count do
     currentRange := workSheet.Rows[rowIndex];
     if (Integer(currentRange.Top) <= y)
     and (Integer(currentRange.Top + currentRange.Height) >= y) then
       foundRow := currentRange;
   if VarIsNull(foundRow) then

   result := workSheet.Application.Cells[foundRow.Row, foundColumn.Column];

function FindBottomRightCellOfShape(shape, workSheet : OleVariant) : OleVariant;
   result := FindCellAtPos(workSheet,
                           shape.Left + shape.Width,
                           shape.Top + shape.Height);

function FindTopLeftCellOfShape(shape, workSheet : OleVariant) : OleVariant;
   result := FindCellAtPos(workSheet,
Wenn du bei neueren Excel-Version direkt die TopleftCell und bottomRightCell auslsen willst, kannst Delphi anonyme Methoden nutzen (auch wenn deren Syntax absolut grauenvoll hässlich ist...)
// returns a delegate which will try to call getValue for the first call,
// and decide whether to use getValue or failOver for every subsequent call
function InititializeGetCellCall(getValue : TFunc<OleVariant, OleVariant>;
                                 failOver : TFunc<OleVariant, OleVariant, OleVariant>) : TFunc<OleVariant, OleVariant, OleVariant>;
  innerCall : TFunc<OleVariant, OleVariant, OleVariant>;
  innerCall := function(outerShape, outerWorkSheet : OleVariant) : OleVariant
    dummy : OleVariant;
      // the first call to "innerCall" tests whether "getValue" thorws an exception
      dummy := getValue(outerShape);

      // nothing blew up, we can simply return the result of "getValue"
      innerCall := function(shape, workSheet : OleVariant) : OleVariant
         result := getValue(shape);
      // it did blew up, so we have to use the provided "failOver" delegate
      innerCall := failOver;

    // this first call has to use the new value of "innerCall" to deliver an actual result
    // further calls will go to "innerCall" directly
    result := innerCall(outerShape, outerWorkSheet);

  result := function(shape, workSheet : OleVariant) : OleVariant
    result := innerCall(shape, workSheet);

  getBottomRightCell : TFunc<OleVariant, OleVariant, OleVariant>;
  getTopLeftCell := InititializeGetCellCall(function(shape : OleVariant) : OleVariant
    // try getting "TopLeftCell" directly on newer Excel Versions
    result := shape.TopLeftCell;

  getBottomRightCell := InititializeGetCellCall(function(shape : OleVariant) : OleVariant
    // try getting "BottomRightCell" directly on newer Excel Versions
    result := shape.BottomRightCell;

                   getTopLeftCell(shape, workSheet),
                   getBottomRightCell(shape, workSheet));
Robert Giesecke
I’m a great believer in “Occam’s Razor,” the principle which says:
“If you say something complicated, I’ll slit your throat.”
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