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Named Pipes zwischen Service und eingeschränktem Programm

Ein Thema von CodeX · begonnen am 30. Aug 2008 · letzter Beitrag vom 6. Nov 2008

Registriert seit: 14. Apr 2003
Ort: Stuttgart
1.701 Beiträge
Delphi 7 Professional

Re: Named Pipes zwischen Service und eingeschränktem Program

  Alt 30. Aug 2008, 15:57
Sowas ?
program Server;



type TMessage = record
       Data : array[0..1023] of Char;

var PipeHandle : THandle;
    pSecAttr : TSecurityAttributes;
    SD : TJwSecurityDescriptor;
    i : Integer;
    lpData : TMessage;
    iRead : DWORD;

    PipeToken : TJwSecurityToken;
    c : Char;
  Writeln('Server Pipe');
  JwInitWellKnownSIDs; //for the JwXxxxSID variables

  SD := TJwSecurityDescriptor.Create;
  SD.DACL.Add(TJwDiscretionaryAccessControlEntryAllow.Create(nil,[],GENERIC_ALL,JwAdministratorsSID, false));
  SD.DACL.Add(TJwDiscretionaryAccessControlEntryAllow.Create(nil,[],GENERIC_ALL,JwLocalSystemSID, false));

  Writeln('Do you want to allow the actual logged on user to connect to the pipe? (y/n)');
  Writeln('If you say yes, your user will succed to connect to the pipe. However if you are using Vista, the user will get'+
   'the string ''denied'' from the server because he is deny only for admins. Is the process started elevated or on XP it should work fine.');
  Writeln('If you say no, the user will only allowed to be connected to the pipe, if he is an administrator or system ');

  if UpCase(c) = 'Ythen
    SD.DACL.Add(TJwDiscretionaryAccessControlEntryAllow.Create(nil,[],GENERIC_ALL,JwLocalGroupSID, false));


  //remove Everyone group if available
  i := SD.DACL.FindSID(JwWorldSID);
  if i > -1 then
    {If lpSecurityAttributes is NULL, the named pipe gets a default security descriptor
    and the handle cannot be inherited. The ACLs in the default security descriptor for
    a named pipe grant full control to the LocalSystem account, administrators, and the creator owner.
    They also grant read access to members of the Everyone group and the anonymous account.

    SD.DACL.Delete(i); //remove Everyone group

  pSecAttr := SD.Create_SAEx(true);

    PipeHandle := CreateNamedPipe(
      '\\.\pipe\JwsclPipeTest',//__in LPCTSTR lpName,
      PIPE_TYPE_MESSAGE or // message type pipe
        PIPE_WAIT,//__in DWORD dwPipeMode,
      1,//__in DWORD nMaxInstances,
      4096,//__in DWORD nOutBufferSize,
      4096,//__in DWORD nInBufferSize,
      0,//__in DWORD nDefaultTimeOut,
      LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES(@pSecAttr)//__in_opt LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpSecurityAttributes
    if PipeHandle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then

    if not ConnectNamedPipe(PipeHandle,nil) then

    if not ReadFile(PipeHandle,@lpData,sizeof(lpData),@iRead, nil) then

    writeln('Data from other side: ',lpData.Data);

      //throws exception if fails
      //we are in context of user now
        if JwCheckAdministratorAccess then
          lpData.Data := 'Success'#0#0;
          Writeln('Client is approved.');
          lpData.Data := 'Denied.'#0#0;
          Writeln('Client is denied.');

        WriteFile(PipeHandle, @lpData,sizeof(lpData), @iWritten, nil);
    Sleep(2000); //or wait for more connections as shown above
  writeln('Hit enter...');
Windows, Tokens, Access Control List, Dateisicherheit, Desktop, Vista Elevation?
Goto: JEDI API LIB & Windows Security Code Library (JWSCL)
  Mit Zitat antworten Zitat


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