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AW: Ich bitte um euer aller Mithilfe (Pflege meiner Windows-Versionsliste)

  Alt 15. Jan 2013, 09:33
Info ( 2013_01_15__10_32_57__765 )
Prog Name = MZUsages
Prog Version = v0.91
Prog Path = C:\Program Files\MZ\MZUsages\\
Docu Path = C:\Users\87\Documents\MZUsages\
Use Path = C:\Users\87\Documents\MZUsages\
Open Explorer In Path #1 = C:\Users\87\Documents\MZUsages\
Open Explorer In Path #2 = C:\Users\87\Documents\Borland Studio-Projekte\P31\
Open Explorer In Path #3 = \
Open Explorer In Path #4 = \
Open Explorer In Path #5 = \
Open Explorer In Path #6 = \
Open Explorer In Path #7 = \
Open Explorer In Path #8 = \
WorkAreaLeft = 0
WorkAreaTop = 0
WorkAreaWidth = 1680
WorkAreaHeight = 915
MainWindowLeft = 738
MainWindowTop = 5
MainWindowWidth = 942
MainWindowHeight = 276
Allow Update Clock = Yes
Clock Offset Hours = 0
Clock Offset Minutes = 0
Clock Offset Seconds= 0
Allow Update Running = Yes
Update Timer Interval [ms] = 1.500
Wait To Read Interval [ms] = 1.500
Wait Before ScreenShot Interval [ms] = 1.000
Battery Number = 1
What Browser = 1
Processes Sort By #1 = NAME
Processes Sort Inc Dec #2 = DECREASE
Sound Volume Left [%] = 50
Sound Volume Right [%] = 50
HardDisk Allow Update = Yes
Dvd Allow Update = Yes
Dvd Allow AutoStop = Yes
Dvd AutoStop Update If Caption Found = Formatieren
Usb Allow Update = Yes
Server Allow Update = Yes
Mouse Radar = Yes
Stop Clock Is Go = Yes
Stop Clock Is Lap = No
Allow Hints = Yes
Allow Vertical = Yes
Allow Sounds = Yes
Allow Show Alternate Key = Yes
Allow Close After Execute = No
Allow Short Execute = Yes
Allow Run Go Clock = Yes
Allow AutoRun = Yes
Allow RunToTray = No
Screen Save As Jpg = Yes
Jpg Quality [%] = 70
Login Name = 87
Boot Mode = Normal Boot
Monitor Numbers = 1
Network Present = Yes
Processors Total = 2
Processors Active = 2
CPU Usage [%] = 11
CPU Frequency [MHz] = 2.094
Memory Ram Usage [%] = 38
Memory Pages Usage [%] = 4
Memory Virtual Usage [%] = 5
Memory Ram Total [MB] = 2.047
Memory Ram Avail [MB] = 1.275
Memory Pages Total [MB] = 4.095
Memory Pages Avail [MB] = 3.936
Memory Virtual Total [MB] = 2.047
Memory Virtual Avail [MB] = 1.935
RecycleBin Harddisk 1 Size [MB] =7.968
RecycleBin Harddisk 1 Files = 283
RecycleBin Harddisk 2 Size [MB] =2.626
RecycleBin Harddisk 2 Files = 69
RecycleBin Harddisk 3 Size [MB] =0
RecycleBin Harddisk 3 Files = 0
RecycleBin Size Total [MB] = 10.594
RecycleBin Files Total [MB] = 352
RecycleBin Usage [%] = 0
Battery Number = 1
Battery Present = Yes
Battery Capacity Avail [%] = 100
Battery Status = High Power
Battery Work = Not Charging
Battery LifeTime = Over 1 Year
Battery Full LifeTime = Over 1 Year
Battery Numbers = 1
Battery DevicePath 1 = \\?\acpi#pnp0c0a#1#{72631e54-78a4-11d0-bcf7-00aa00b7b32a}
Battery Number = 1
Battery ManufactureName: SONYCorp
Battery ManufactureDate: Unknown
Battery Chemistry: LION
Battery Technology: Rechargeable
Battery DeviceName: AS07B42
Battery SerialNumber: 21092
Battery Unique ID: 21092SONYCorpAS07B42
Battery PowerState: Power On Line.
Battery Capacity: 21312 mWh
Battery Voltage: 16437 mV
Battery Designed Capacity: 71040 mWh
Battery Fullcharge Capacity: 21312 mWh
Battery Cycle Count: Not supported
Battery Default Alert 1: 725 mWh
Battery Default Alert 2: 1036 mWh
Battery Critical Bias: 0 mWh
Battery Capabilities: System Battery
Battery Estimated Time: 4294967295
Battery Temperature: Unknown
Battery Rate: 0 mWh
Battery Granularity 1: 311 mWh
Battery Granularity 2: 20276 mWh
Battery Granularity 3: 0 mWh
Battery Granularity 4: 0 mWh
Battery Capacity 1: 725 mWh
Battery Capacity 2: 71040 mWh
Battery Capacity 3: 0 mWh
Battery Capacity 4: 0 mWh
Online Usage [%] = 100
Server 1 Usage [%] = 100
Server 2 Usage [%] = 100
Server 3 Usage [%] = 100
Online Name = mz-PC
Online Addr = 10 . 171 . 137 . 212
Online Prog = C:\Program Files\Mobile Partner2\Mobile Partner.exe
Online Prog Ok = Yes
Server 1 Name = www.google.de
Server 1 Addr = 173 . 194 . 35 . 151
Server 2 Name = www.youtube.com
Server 2 Addr = 173 . 194 . 35 . 133
Server 3 Name = www.delphipraxis.net
Server 3 Addr = 88 . 198 . 53 . 15
Clock Time [hh.mm.ss] = 10:32:57
Clock Message = Clock=System
Clock Time Hours [h] = 10
Clock Time Minutes [m] = 32
Clock Time Seconds [s] = 57
Stop Clock Time [hh.mm.ss] = 00:05:33
Stop Time Hours [h] = 0
Stop Time Minutes [m] = 5
Stop Time Seconds [s] = 33
Mouse Present = Yes
Mouse Wheel Present = Yes
Mouse Buttons Swapped = Yes
Mouse Cursor Pos [x,y] = 1634 , 528
Mouse Wheel Lines = 3
Mouse Speed Min = 0
Mouse Speed Max = 20
Mouse Speed Value = 10
Mouse Speed Usage [%] = 50
Mouse Dbl Click Min [ms] = 200
Mouse Dbl Click Max [ms] = 900
Mouse Dbl Click Value [ms] = 567
Mouse Dbl Click Usage [%] = 52
Color Depth [bit] = 32
Screen Usage [%] = 97
HardDisk Letters = CD
HardDisk 123 Total [MB] = 299.183.095
HardDisk 1 Label = [ ACER ]
HardDisk 1 Usage [%] = 70
HardDisk 1 Total [KB] = 149.579.772
HardDisk 1 Avail [KB] = 45.496.932
HardDisk 1 Sectors/Cluster [x] = 8
HardDisk 1 Bytes/Sector [B] = 512
HardDisk 1 Number Of Free Clusters [x] = 11.374.233
HardDisk 1 Number Of Total Clusters [x] = 37.394.943
HardDisk 1 ClusterSize [B] = 4.096
HardDisk 2 Label = [ DATA ]
HardDisk 2 Usage [%] = 88
HardDisk 2 Total [KB] = 149.603.324
HardDisk 2 Avail [KB] = 17.855.692
HardDisk 2 Sectors/Cluster [x] = 8
HardDisk 2 Bytes/Sector [B] = 512
HardDisk 2 Number Of Free Clusters [x] = 4.463.923
HardDisk 2 Number Of Total Clusters [x] = 37.400.831
HardDisk 2 ClusterSize [B] = 4.096
HardDisk 3 Label = []
HardDisk 3 Usage [%] = -1
HardDisk 3 Total [KB] = -1
HardDisk 3 Avail [KB] = 0
HardDisk 3 Sectors/Cluster [x] = 0
HardDisk 3 Bytes/Sector [B] = 0
HardDisk 3 Number Of Free Clusters [x] = 0
HardDisk 3 Number Of Total Clusters [x] = 0
HardDisk 3 ClusterSize [B] = 0
Dvd Letters = EG
Dvd 1 Label = []
Dvd 1 Usage [%] = -1
Dvd 1 Total [KB] = -1
Dvd 1 Avail [KB] = 0
Dvd 1 Sectors/Cluster [x] = 0
Dvd 1 Bytes/Sector [B] = 0
Dvd 1 Number Of Free Clusters [x] = 0
Dvd 1 Number Of Total Clusters [x] = 0
Dvd 1 ClusterSize [B] = 0
Dvd 2 Label = [ Mobile Partner ]
Dvd 2 Usage [%] = 100
Dvd 2 Total [KB] = 25.250
Dvd 2 Avail [KB] = 0
Dvd 2 Sectors/Cluster [x] = 1
Dvd 2 Bytes/Sector [B] = 2.048
Dvd 2 Number Of Free Clusters [x] = 0
Dvd 2 Number Of Total Clusters [x] = 12.625
Dvd 2 ClusterSize [B] = 2.048
Dvd 3 Label = []
Dvd 3 Usage [%] = -1
Dvd 3 Total [KB] = -1
Dvd 3 Avail [KB] = 0
Dvd 3 Sectors/Cluster [x] = 0
Dvd 3 Bytes/Sector [B] = 0
Dvd 3 Number Of Free Clusters [x] = 0
Dvd 3 Number Of Total Clusters [x] = 0
Dvd 3 ClusterSize [B] = 0
Usb Letters = H
Usb 1 Label = []
Usb 1 Usage [%] = -1
Usb 1 Total [KB] = -1
Usb 1 Avail [KB] = 0
Usb 1 Sectors/Cluster [x] = 0
Usb 1 Bytes/Sector [B] = 0
Usb 1 Number Of Free Clusters [x] = 0
Usb 1 Number Of Total Clusters [x] = 0
Usb 1 ClusterSize [B] = 0
Usb 2 Label = []
Usb 2 Usage [%] = -1
Usb 2 Total [KB] = -1
Usb 2 Avail [KB] = 0
Usb 2 Sectors/Cluster [x] = 0
Usb 2 Bytes/Sector [B] = 0
Usb 2 Number Of Free Clusters [x] = 0
Usb 2 Number Of Total Clusters [x] = 0
Usb 2 ClusterSize [B] = 0
Usb 3 Label = []
Usb 3 Usage [%] = -1
Usb 3 Total [KB] = -1
Usb 3 Avail [KB] = 0
Usb 3 Sectors/Cluster [x] = 0
Usb 3 Bytes/Sector [B] = 0
Usb 3 Number Of Free Clusters [x] = 0
Usb 3 Number Of Total Clusters [x] = 0
Usb 3 ClusterSize [B] = 0
Info End.


Geändert von terence14 (15. Jan 2013 um 09:36 Uhr)
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