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Registriert seit: 2. Mär 2013
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AW: Combobox mittig ausrichten

  Alt 2. Mär 2013, 20:01
danke hat sich doch erledigt. Ich fauler Sack hab doch mal google bedient

hier noch bei Interesse für andere:

Height is the total height of the form (including titlebar height, main menu height, window borders, etc). ClientHeight is the height of the client-area of the form. The height can vary between systems depending on size of font used for titlebar text, menu text, type of theme used, etc, so setting a form's height to a specific integer gives a different view on different systems.

To roll up a form to its minimum height, set ClientHeight to 0. (You might want to store the old ClientHeight to an integer variable first, so you can restore the form to the same height when the user wants to 'unroll' it.)

Same things apply to Width/ClientWidth, or course, but there's usually only a few pixels' difference between them, and not much system variation.

Hope that helps.

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