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Registriert seit: 29. Nov 2010
3.072 Beiträge
Delphi 2010 Enterprise

AW: ZEOS + TZStoredProc Problem

  Alt 24. Mär 2013, 21:26
Ein (My)SQL Rechteproblem beim Hoster?

Wenn Du nach der Fehlermeldung suchst (im Internet) findest Du z.B.:
"The process attempts to perform a SELECT statement on the 'proc' table. The 'proc' table is a system table which retains the procedures of all users on that mysql instance. On shared hosting, allowing userA to see the procedures of userB, which would include information about table structure, etc., would be considered breach of security.
A workaround has been documented on several mysql resources which indicates this can be fixed by adding "Use Procedure Bodies=false;" to the connection string, i.e.: "

Vielleicht hilfts..
Gruß, Jo
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