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FreePascal / Lazarus

AW: Tools API Delphi 2007 kompletten Source des aktuellen Editors auslesen

  Alt 13. Jun 2013, 10:36
Zu Punkt zwei kann ich Dir helfen. Ich hab mir vor Ewigkeiten mal einen Helper geschrieben, der mir u.a. nen Header über jede Seite packt. Der Code ist auch nur irgendwo im Netz gefunden und angepasst, vielleicht hilft Dir das ja schon als Ansatz:

   TCodeBeautifierWizard = class(TNotifierObject, IOTAWizard, IOTAMenuWizard)
      // IOTAWizard
      function GetIDString: string;
      function GetName: string;
      function GetState: TWizardState;
      procedure Execute; virtual;
      // IOTAMenuWizard
      function GetMenuText: string;
// ...

function GetReaderTextSize(fReader: IOTAEditReader): LongInt;
   iHigh, iLow, iMiddle: LongInt;
   c: Char;
   Result := 0;
   if (fReader <> nil) then begin
      iHigh := high(LongInt);
      iLow := 0;
      while iLow <= iHigh do begin
         iMiddle := (iHigh + iLow) div 2;
         if fReader.GetText(iMiddle, @c, 1) = 1 then begin
            iLow := iMiddle + 1;
         end else begin
            iHigh := iMiddle - 1;
      Result := iLow;
// ...
procedure TCodeBeautifierWizard.Execute;
   ModuleServices: IOTAModuleServices;
   Module: IOTAModule;
   Intf: IOTAEditor;
   Editor: IOTASourceEditor;
   View: IOTAEditView;
   i: Integer;
   pf: TPascalFile;
   Reader: IOTAEditReader;
   Writer: IOTAEditWriter;
   s: AnsiString;
   c: cardinal;

   ModuleServices := BorlandIDEServices as IOTAModuleServices;
   // Get the module interface for the current file.
   Module := ModuleServices.CurrentModule;
   // If no file is open, Module is nil.
   if Module = nil then begin
      Messagedlg('No source file selected, Code Beautifier works on the current file only!', mtError, [mbOK], 0);
   // Get the interface to the source editor.
   for i := 0 to Module.GetModuleFileCount - 1 do begin
      Intf := Module.GetModuleFileEditor(i);
      if Intf.QueryInterface(IOTASourceEditor, Editor) = S_OK then Break;
   // If the file is not a source file, Editor is nil.
   if Editor = nil then begin
      Messagedlg('No source shown, Code Beautifier works in source view only!', mtError, [mbOK], 0);
   // The expert cannot tell which view is active, so force
   // the user to have only one view at a time.
   if Editor.EditViewCount > 1 then raise Exception.Create(sCloseViews);

   View := Editor.EditViews[0];
   pf := TPascalFile.Create;
   Reader := Editor.CreateReader;
      pf.Filename := Editor.Filename;
      c := GetReaderTextSize(Reader);
      SetLength(s, c);
      Reader.GetText(0, PAnsiChar(s), c);
      pf.Text := s;
      if ShowCodeBeautifierDialog(pf) then begin
         Writer := Editor.CreateUndoableWriter;
            Writer.DeleteTo( high(LongInt));
            Writer := nil;
      Reader := nil;
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