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Benutzerbild von Union

Registriert seit: 18. Mär 2004
Ort: Luxembourg
3.490 Beiträge
Delphi 7 Enterprise

AW: Spam-Killer DP: Danke an die Moderatoren

  Alt 13. Jun 2013, 16:18
Ich habe in einem anderen Forum eine interessante Anmerkung im Registrierungsformular gesehen:
IMPORTANT: leave the Profile Information blank!

Do not fill in any of the following Profile Information fields, else it will cause the registration process to fail. This is for security purposes; it prevents automatic sign-up robots (spambots) from registering, because they always fill in some of the fields.

Note: you can still provide Profile Information after your account has been created.
Ibi fas ubi proxima merces
sudo /Developer/Library/uninstall-devtools --mode=all
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