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Gauge in Firemonkey

  Alt 17. Apr 2014, 09:05

ich habe mit einer eigenen Komponente ein Problem welches ich nicht reproduzieren kann. Für SES Astra entwickle ich derzeit ein Tool zur Auswertung von Sat>IP Signalen. Schwerpunkt ist dabei Android als Platform. Für die Anzeige der Signal und Qualität habe ich eine einfache Gauge erstellt die jedoch ein enormer Performancekiller ist. Genauer gesagt schluckt die 7-Segment Anzeige mit ihrer Fillpolygon Routine und der Teil der die Kalibrierung zeichnet die meiste Last. Da laut Anforderung die Werte alle 200ms aktualisiert werden müssen und auch gerne schwanken muss ich die Anzeige recht oft neu zeichnen. Meine Versuche das in eine Bitmap zu rendern funktionierten nur mit meinem Testsystem. Mit einem echten Server schwanken die Werte mindestens 2x die Sekunde so das das Rendern in eine Textur noch langsamer ist.
Ein weiteres Problem ist das die gradienten nicht korrekt gerendert werden auf einigen Androiden. Da wird scheinbar alles rot und nicht mit dem angegebenen Farbverlauf gezeichnet.

Ich habe mal schnell ein Beispielprojekt (nur die optische Karkasse und die Gaugeklasse) an den Post gehängt. Vielleicht weiß ja jemand wie man das beschleunigen kann? Ohne die Gauge geht es eigentlich recht gut mit Firemonkey. Mit hakelt es extrem, insbesondere bei Geräten die eine hohe Auflösung besitzen.

unit UGauge;


uses System.Types, System.Classes, System.UITypes,
  FMX.Types, FMX.Graphics, FMX.Controls;

  TGauge = class(TControl)
    FFlatMode: Boolean;
    FBackColor: TAlphaColor;
    FDialColor: TAlphaColor;
    FForeColor: TAlphaColor;

    FGlossAlpha: Byte;

    FCurrentValue: Single;
    FThreshHold: Single;
    FCaptureThresh: Boolean;
    FMaxValue: Single;
    FMinValue: Single;

    FToAngle: Single;
    FFromAngle: Single;

    FNoOfDivisions: integer;
    FNoOfSubDivisions: integer;

    FGaugeName: String;

    procedure DrawDigit(const Canvas: TCanvas; const number: integer;
      const position: TPointF; const dp: Boolean; const height: Single);

    procedure DisplayNumber(const Canvas: TCanvas;
      const X, Y, Width, height: Single; const number: Single);
    procedure DrawBackground(const Canvas: TCanvas; const Width: Single;
      const Center: TPointF);
    procedure DrawCenterPoint(const Canvas: TCanvas; const Width: Single;
      const Center: TPointF);
    procedure DrawCallibration(const Canvas: TCanvas; const Width: Single;
      const Center: TPointF);
    procedure DrawPointer(const Canvas: TCanvas; const Width: Single;
      const Center: TPointF; const Thresh: Boolean = false);
    procedure DrawGloss(const Canvas: TCanvas; const Width: Single;
      const Center: TPointF);

    procedure SetCurrentValue(const Value: Single);
    procedure Paint; override;
    procedure SetFlatMode(const Value: Boolean);
    constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
    destructor Destroy; override;

    procedure ResetThreshold;

    property BackColor: TAlphaColor read FBackColor write FBackColor;
    property ForeColor: TAlphaColor read FForeColor write FForeColor;
    property DialColor: TAlphaColor read FDialColor write FDialColor;
    property GlossAlpha: Byte read FGlossAlpha write FGlossAlpha;
    property CurrentValue: Single read FCurrentValue write SetCurrentValue;
    property MaxValue: Single read FMaxValue write FMaxValue;
    property MinValue: Single read FMinValue write FMinValue;
    property ToAngle: Single read FToAngle write FToAngle;
    property FromAngle: Single read FFromAngle write FFromAngle;
    property noOfDivisions: integer read FNoOfDivisions write FNoOfDivisions;
    property noOfSubDivisions: integer read FNoOfSubDivisions
      write FNoOfSubDivisions;
    property GaugeName: String read FGaugeName write FGaugeName;
    property CaptureThresh: Boolean read FCaptureThresh write FCaptureThresh;
    property FlatMode: Boolean read FFlatMode write SetFlatMode default false;
    property Align;
    property Anchors;
    property ClipChildren default false;
    property ClipParent default false;
    property DesignVisible default True;
    property Enabled default True;
    property Locked default false;
    property height;
    property HitTest default True;
    property Padding;
    property Opacity;
    property Margins;
    property PopupMenu;
    property position;
    property RotationAngle;
    property RotationCenter;
    property Scale;
    property Visible default True;
    property Width;
    { Mouse events }
    property OnClick;
    property OnDblClick;

    property OnMouseDown;
    property OnMouseMove;
    property OnMouseUp;
    property OnMouseWheel;
    property OnMouseEnter;
    property OnMouseLeave;

    property OnPainting;
    property OnPaint;
    property OnResize;


uses System.SysUtils, System.Character, FMX.Platform;

{ TGauge }
constructor TGauge.Create{$IFDEF COMPONENT}(AOwner: TComponent){$ENDIF};
  FFlatMode := True;
  FBackColor := $FF000080;
  FDialColor := $FFE6E6FA;
  FForeColor := $FF000000;

  MaxValue := 100;
  MinValue := 0;
  CurrentValue := 0;

  FromAngle := 135;
  ToAngle := 405;

  noOfDivisions := 10;
  noOfSubDivisions := 3;
  FGaugeName := '';

  GlossAlpha := 200;

destructor TGauge.Destroy;

procedure TGauge.DrawCallibration(const Canvas: TCanvas; const Width: Single;
  const Center: TPointF);
  currentAngle: Single;
  gap: integer;
  X, Y, x1, y1, tx, ty, radius: Single;
  rulerValue, incr, totalAngle: Single;
  i, j: integer;
  gap := trunc(Width * 0.01);
  radius := Width / 2 - gap * 5;

  currentAngle := FromAngle * PI / 180;
  totalAngle := ToAngle - FromAngle;

  incr := totalAngle / (noOfDivisions * noOfSubDivisions) * PI / 180;
  rulerValue := MinValue;

  Canvas.stroke.Kind := TBrushKind.bkSolid;
  Canvas.stroke.Color := $FF000000;

  Canvas.Fill.Color := $FF000000 or (FForeColor and $FFFFFF);
  Canvas.Font.Size := Width / 24;

  for i := 0 to noOfDivisions do
    // Draw Thick Line
    X := (Center.X + radius * Cos(currentAngle));
    Y := (Center.Y + radius * Sin(currentAngle));
    x1 := (Center.X + (radius - Width / 20) * Cos(currentAngle));
    y1 := (Center.Y + (radius - Width / 20) * Sin(currentAngle));
    Canvas.DrawLine(PointF(X, Y), PointF(x1, y1), 1);

    // Draw Strings
    tx := (Center.X + (radius - Width / 10) * Cos(currentAngle));
    ty := (Center.Y - Width / 25 + (radius - Width / 10) * Sin(currentAngle));

    Canvas.FillText(RectF(tx, ty, tx + 1024, ty + 1024), floattostr(rulerValue),
      false, 1, [], TTextAlign.taLeading, TTextAlign.taLeading);

    rulerValue := rulerValue + round((MaxValue - MinValue) / noOfDivisions);

    if i < noOfDivisions then
      for j := 0 to noOfSubDivisions - 1 do
                    // Draw thin lines
        currentAngle := currentAngle + incr;
        X := (Center.X + radius * Cos(currentAngle));
        Y := (Center.Y + radius * Sin(currentAngle));
        x1 := (Center.X + (radius - Width / 50) * Cos(currentAngle));
        y1 := (Center.Y + (radius - Width / 50) * Sin(currentAngle));
        Canvas.DrawLine(PointF(X, Y), PointF(x1, y1), 1);

procedure TGauge.DrawPointer(const Canvas: TCanvas; const Width: Single;
  const Center: TPointF; const Thresh: Boolean = false);
  radius: Single;
  val: Single;
  angle: Single;
  pts: TPolygon;
  Value, w, len: Single;

  radius := Width / 2 - (Width * 0.12);
  val := MaxValue - MinValue;

  if Thresh then
    w := 6;
    Value := FThreshHold;
    len := 0.09;
    w := 20;
    Value := CurrentValue;
    len := 0.09;

  val := (100 * (Value - MinValue)) / val;
  val := ((ToAngle - FromAngle) * val) / 100;
  val := val + FromAngle;

  angle := val * PI / 180;

  setlength(pts, 5);
  pts[0].X := (Center.X + radius * Cos(angle));
  pts[0].Y := (Center.Y + radius * Sin(angle));

  pts[4].X := (Center.X + radius * Cos(angle - 0.02));
  pts[4].Y := (Center.Y + radius * Sin(angle - 0.02));

  angle := (val + w) * PI / 180;
  pts[1].X := (Center.X + (Width * len) * Cos(angle));
  pts[1].Y := (Center.Y + (Width * len) * Sin(angle));

  pts[2].X := Center.X;
  pts[2].Y := Center.Y;

  angle := (val - w) * PI / 180;
  pts[3].X := (Center.X + (Width * len) * Cos(angle));
  pts[3].Y := (Center.Y + (Width * len) * Sin(angle));

  if Thresh then
    Canvas.Fill.Color := $FFFF0000
    Canvas.Fill.Color := $FF000000;
  Canvas.FillPolygon(pts, 1);

  if Thresh then

  setlength(pts, 3);
  angle := val * PI / 180;
  pts[0].X := (Center.X + radius * Cos(angle));
  pts[0].Y := (Center.Y + radius * Sin(angle));

  angle := (val + w) * PI / 180;
  pts[1].X := (Center.X + (Width * len) * Cos(angle));
  pts[1].Y := (Center.Y + (Width * len) * Sin(angle));

  pts[2].X := Center.X;
  pts[2].Y := Center.Y;

  if FFlatMode then
    Canvas.Fill.Color := $FF808080;
    Canvas.FillPolygon(pts, 2);
    Canvas.Fill.Kind := TBrushKind.bkGradient;
      Canvas.Fill.Gradient.Color := $FF808080;
      Canvas.Fill.Gradient.Color1 := $0F000000;
      Canvas.FillPolygon(pts, 1);
      Canvas.Fill.Kind := TBrushKind.bkSolid;

procedure TGauge.DrawGloss(const Canvas: TCanvas; const Width: Single;
  const Center: TPointF);
  R: TRectF;
  X, Y: Single;
  R := RectF(Center.X - Width / 2, Center.Y - Width / 2, Center.X + Width / 2,
    Center.Y + Width / 2);
  if not FFlatMode then
    Canvas.Fill.Kind := TBrushKind.bkGradient;

    if not FFlatMode then
      Canvas.Fill.Gradient.Color := (GlossAlpha and $FF) shl 24 or $FFFFFF;
      Canvas.Fill.Gradient.Color1 := $00FFFFFF;
      Canvas.Fill.Color := $20303030;

    X := R.Left + (Width * 0.10);
    Y := R.Top + (Width * 0.07);
    Canvas.FillEllipse(RectF(X, Y, X + (Width * 0.80), Y + (Width * 0.7)), 1);
    Canvas.Fill.Color := ((GlossAlpha div 3) and $FF) shl 24 or
      (FBackColor and $FFFFFF);

    if not FFlatMode then
      Canvas.Fill.Gradient.Color := $00FFFFFF;
      Canvas.Fill.Gradient.Color1 := Canvas.Fill.Color;

    X := R.Left + Width * 0.25;
    Y := R.Top + Width * 0.77;
    Canvas.FillEllipse(RectF(X, Y, X + Width * 0.5, Y + Width * 0.2), 1);
    Canvas.Fill.Kind := TBrushKind.bkSolid;

procedure TGauge.DrawCenterPoint(const Canvas: TCanvas; const Width: Single;
  const Center: TPointF);
  R: TRectF;
  shift: Single;
  shift := Width / 5;
  R := RectF(Center.X - (shift / 2), Center.Y - (shift / 2),
    Center.X + (shift / 2), Center.Y + (shift / 2));

  if not FFlatMode then
    Canvas.Fill.Kind := TBrushKind.bkGradient;

    Canvas.Fill.Color := 100 shl 24 or (FDialColor and $FFFFFF);
    if not FFlatMode then
      Canvas.Fill.Gradient.Color := $FF000000;
      Canvas.Fill.Gradient.Color1 := Canvas.Fill.Color;
    Canvas.FillEllipse(R, 1);

    shift := Width / 7;
    R := RectF(Center.X - (shift / 2), Center.Y - (shift / 2),
      Center.X + (shift / 2), Center.Y + (shift / 2));

    if FFlatMode then
      Canvas.Fill.Color := $FF808080
      Canvas.Fill.Gradient.Color := $FF808080;
      Canvas.Fill.Gradient.Color1 := $FF000000;

    Canvas.FillEllipse(R, 1);
    Canvas.Fill.Kind := TBrushKind.bkSolid;

procedure TGauge.DrawBackground(const Canvas: TCanvas; const Width: Single;
  const Center: TPointF);
  R: TRectF;
  X, Y: Single;
  R := RectF(Center.X - (Width / 2), Center.Y - (Width / 2),
    Center.X + (Width / 2), Center.Y + (Width / 2));
  Canvas.Fill.Color := 120 shl 24 or (FDialColor and $FFFFFF);
  Canvas.FillEllipse(R, 1);

  // Draw Rim
  Canvas.stroke.Kind := TBrushKind.bkSolid;
  Canvas.stroke.Color := $64808080;
  Canvas.DrawEllipse(R, 1);

  Canvas.stroke.Color := $FF808080;
  Canvas.DrawEllipse(R, 1);

  Canvas.Fill.Color := $FF000000 or (FForeColor and $FFFFFF);
// Canvas.Font.Size := Width / 18;

  Canvas.FillText(RectF(0, Center.Y + (Width / 4.5), Width, Height), FGaugeName, false, 1,
    [], TTextAlign.taCenter, TTextAlign.taLeading);

  DrawCallibration(Canvas, Width, Center);

  X := Center.X - Width / 4.8;
  Y := Center.Y + Width / 3.2;

  DisplayNumber(Canvas, X, Y, Width, Width / 8, CurrentValue);

procedure TGauge.DisplayNumber(const Canvas: TCanvas;
  const X, Y, Width, height: Single; const number: Single);
  num: string;
  shift: Single;
  drawDPS: Boolean;
  c: char;
  i: integer;
  num := formatfloat('000.0', number);

  shift := 0;
  if (number < 0) then
    shift := shift - Width / 17;

  for i := low(num) to high(num) do
    c := num[i];
    drawDPS := (i < high(num)) and (num[i + 1].IsInArray([',', '.']));

    if (c <> '.') and (c <> ',') then
      if (c = '-') then
        DrawDigit(Canvas, -1, PointF(X + shift, Y), drawDPS, height)
        DrawDigit(Canvas, StrToInt(c), PointF(X + shift, Y), drawDPS, height);
      shift := shift + 24 * Width / 250;
      shift := shift + 8 * Width / 250;

procedure TGauge.DrawDigit(const Canvas: TCanvas; const number: integer;
  const position: TPointF; const dp: Boolean; const height: Single);
  Width: Single;
  outline, fillpen: Cardinal;
  Segment: TPolygon;

  function GetX(const X, Width: Single): Single; inline;
    result := X * Width / 12;

  function GetY(const Y, height: Single): Single; inline;
    result := Y * height / 15;

  function IsNumberAvailable(const number: integer;
    const list: array of integer): Boolean;
    i: integer;
    result := false;
    for i := low(list) to high(list) do
      if (number = list[i]) then
        result := True;

  Width := 10 * height / 13;

  outline := 40 shl 24 or (FDialColor and $FFFFFF);
  fillpen := $FF000000;

  Canvas.Fill.Color := outline;

            // Segment A
  setlength(Segment, 5);
  Segment[0] := PointF(position.X + GetX(2.8, Width),
    position.Y + GetY(1, height));
  Segment[1] := PointF(position.X + GetX(10, Width),
    position.Y + GetY(1, height));
  Segment[2] := PointF(position.X + GetX(8.8, Width),
    position.Y + GetY(2, height));
  Segment[3] := PointF(position.X + GetX(3.8, Width),
    position.Y + GetY(2, height));
  Segment[4] := Segment[0];

  if (IsNumberAvailable(number, [0, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9])) then
    Canvas.Fill.Color := fillpen
    Canvas.Fill.Color := outline;
  Canvas.FillPolygon(Segment, 1);

// Segment B
  Segment[0] := PointF(position.X + GetX(10, Width),
    position.Y + GetY(1.4, height));
  Segment[1] := PointF(position.X + GetX(9.3, Width),
    position.Y + GetY(6.8, height));
  Segment[2] := PointF(position.X + GetX(8.4, Width),
    position.Y + GetY(6.4, height));
  Segment[3] := PointF(position.X + GetX(9, Width),
    position.Y + GetY(2.2, height));
  Segment[4] := Segment[0];
  if (IsNumberAvailable(number, [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9])) then
    Canvas.Fill.Color := fillpen
    Canvas.Fill.Color := outline;
  Canvas.FillPolygon(Segment, 1);

            // Segment C
  Segment[0] := PointF(position.X + GetX(9.2, Width),
    position.Y + GetY(7.2, height));
  Segment[1] := PointF(position.X + GetX(8.7, Width),
    position.Y + GetY(12.7, height));
  Segment[2] := PointF(position.X + GetX(7.6, Width),
    position.Y + GetY(11.9, height));
  Segment[3] := PointF(position.X + GetX(8.2, Width),
    position.Y + GetY(7.7, height));
  Segment[4] := Segment[0];

  if (IsNumberAvailable(number, [0, 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9])) then
    Canvas.Fill.Color := fillpen
    Canvas.Fill.Color := outline;

  Canvas.FillPolygon(Segment, 1);

            // Segment D
  Segment[0] := PointF(position.X + GetX(7.4, Width),
    position.Y + GetY(12.1, height));
  Segment[1] := PointF(position.X + GetX(8.4, Width),
    position.Y + GetY(13, height));
  Segment[2] := PointF(position.X + GetX(1.3, Width),
    position.Y + GetY(13, height));
  Segment[3] := PointF(position.X + GetX(2.2, Width),
    position.Y + GetY(12.1, height));
  Segment[4] := Segment[0];

  if (IsNumberAvailable(number, [0, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9])) then
    Canvas.Fill.Color := fillpen
    Canvas.Fill.Color := outline;

  Canvas.FillPolygon(Segment, 1);

            // Segment E
  Segment[0] := PointF(position.X + GetX(2.2, Width),
    position.Y + GetY(11.8, height));
  Segment[1] := PointF(position.X + GetX(1, Width),
    position.Y + GetY(12.7, height));
  Segment[2] := PointF(position.X + GetX(1.7, Width),
    position.Y + GetY(7.2, height));
  Segment[3] := PointF(position.X + GetX(2.8, Width),
    position.Y + GetY(7.7, height));
  Segment[4] := Segment[0];
  if (IsNumberAvailable(number, [0, 2, 6, 8])) then
    Canvas.Fill.Color := fillpen
    Canvas.Fill.Color := outline;

  Canvas.FillPolygon(Segment, 1);

            // Segment F
  Segment[0] := PointF(position.X + GetX(3, Width),
    position.Y + GetY(6.4, height));
  Segment[1] := PointF(position.X + GetX(1.8, Width),
    position.Y + GetY(6.8, height));
  Segment[2] := PointF(position.X + GetX(2.6, Width),
    position.Y + GetY(1.3, height));
  Segment[3] := PointF(position.X + GetX(3.6, Width),
    position.Y + GetY(2.2, height));
  Segment[4] := Segment[0];
  if (IsNumberAvailable(number, [0, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9])) then
    Canvas.Fill.Color := fillpen
    Canvas.Fill.Color := outline;
  Canvas.FillPolygon(Segment, 1);

            // Segment G
  setlength(Segment, 7);
  Segment[0] := PointF(position.X + GetX(2, Width),
    position.Y + GetY(7, height));
  Segment[1] := PointF(position.X + GetX(3.1, Width),
    position.Y + GetY(6.5, height));
  Segment[2] := PointF(position.X + GetX(8.3, Width),
    position.Y + GetY(6.5, height));
  Segment[3] := PointF(position.X + GetX(9, Width),
    position.Y + GetY(7, height));
  Segment[4] := PointF(position.X + GetX(8.2, Width),
    position.Y + GetY(7.5, height));
  Segment[5] := PointF(position.X + GetX(2.9, Width),
    position.Y + GetY(7.5, height));
  Segment[6] := Segment[0];
  if (IsNumberAvailable(number, [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, -1])) then
    Canvas.Fill.Color := fillpen
    Canvas.Fill.Color := outline;

  Canvas.FillPolygon(Segment, 1);

// Draw decimal point
  if dp then
    Canvas.Fill.Color := fillpen;
    Canvas.FillEllipse(RectF(position.X + GetX(10, Width), position.Y + GetY(12,
      height), position.X + GetX(10, Width) + Width / 7, position.Y + GetY(12,
      height) + Width / 7), 1);

procedure TGauge.Paint;
  Center: TPointF;
  w: Single;
  Center := PointF(Width / 2, height / 2);
  w := 0.95 * Width;

  DrawBackground(Canvas, w, Center);
  if FThreshHold >= FMinValue then
    DrawPointer(Canvas, w, Center, True);
  DrawPointer(Canvas, w, Center);
  DrawCenterPoint(Canvas, w, Center);
  DrawGloss(Canvas, w, Center);

procedure TGauge.SetFlatMode(const Value: Boolean);
  if FFlatMode <> Value then
    FFlatMode := Value;
// Repaint;

procedure TGauge.SetCurrentValue(const Value: Single);
  if abs(FCurrentValue - Value) >= 0.1 then
    FCurrentValue := Value;
    if (CaptureThresh) and (FThreshHold < Value) then
      FThreshHold := Value;

// Repaint;

procedure TGauge.ResetThreshold;
  CaptureThresh := false;
  FThreshHold := FMinValue - 1;
// Repaint;

PS: Die Gaugeklasse ist Public Domain und kann sofern wer die braucht gerne ohne Angabe von Quellen verwendet werden.
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