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Registriert seit: 1. Jul 2014
5 Beiträge

AW: Tabellarisches Dateneditieren mit "Typ-Bewusstsein"

  Alt 2. Jul 2014, 10:06
@Sailor: das Problem ist nicht das Übernehmen der Daten vom TEdit in die Cell, sondern das Verhindern dass ich in einer als "Integer" deklarierten Zelle "Otto ist blöd" eingeben kann... Ich will ihn schon daran hindern, das erste "O" zu schreiben. Das funktioniert auch wenn ich "mein" TEdit standalone benutze, aber nicht wenn ich es in "meinem" TStringGrid benutze.
Ich hab meine Unit mal auf das Wesentliche reduziert (hoffe so ist sie weiterhin compilierbar) und unten aufgeführt. Binde sie mal in ein leeres Beispielprojekt ein, das nur ein TEdit und ein TStringGrid enthält. Weise sowohl dem TEdit als auch einer Zelle des TStringGrid den Typ "ftInteger" zu. Probiere in das TEdit was "falsches" reinzuschreiben - geht nicht. Und jetzt probiere in die Zelle des StringGrids was "falsches" reinzuschreiben - geht leider. Grund: "mein" TEdit.Change wird nicht gerufen. Warum?

unit ControlImprovers;

uses StdCtrls, Grids, Typinfo, Types, Db;

  TEdit = class(StdCtrls.TEdit)
    FLastValidText : string;
    FEditType : TFieldType;
    FPrecision : integer;
    FDigits : integer;
    function GetValue : variant;
    procedure SetValue (AValue : Variant);
    procedure SetEditType(AType : TFieldType);
    procedure Change; override;
    property Value : variant read GetValue write SetValue;
    property EditType : TFieldType read FEditType write SetEditType;
    property Precision : integer read FPrecision write FPrecision;
    property Digits : integer read FDigits write FDigits;

type TStringGrid = class(Grids.TStringGrid)
    FCellType : array of array of TFieldType;
    FCustomInplaceEdit: TEdit;
    FCustomInplaceEditOnRow : integer;
    function GetCellType(ix, iy : integer) : TFieldType;
    procedure SetCellType(ix, iy : integer; ACellType : TFieldType);
    procedure OnCustomInplaceEditExit(Sender : TObject);
    function GetEditText(ACol, ARow: Integer) : string; override;
    property CellType[ix, iy : integer] : TFieldType read GetCellType write SetCellType;


uses Windows, SysUtils, Classes, ComCtrls, Forms, Controls, Math;

procedure TStringGrid.OnCustomInplaceEditExit(Sender : TObject);
  if assigned(FCustomInplaceEdit) then begin
    if FCustomInplaceEdit.Visible then begin
      Cells[FCustomInplaceEditOnCol, FCustomInplaceEditOnRow] := FCustomInplaceEdit.Value;
      if assigned(OnSetEditText) then begin
        OnSetEditText(Sender, FCustomInplaceEditOnCol, FCustomInplaceEditOnRow, FCustomInplaceEdit.Value);

function TStringGrid.GetEditText(ACol, ARow: Integer): string;
var Inp : TInput;
    ARect : TRect;
  if Assigned(OnGetEditText) then OnGetEditText(self, ACol, ARow, Result);

  if CellType[ACol, ARow] = ftUnknown then begin
    //no cell type specified - treat like normal stringgrid:
    //do nothing, and text for default inplace editor is current cell text
    result := Cells[ACol, ARow];
  else begin
    InplaceEditor.EditText := Cells[ACol, ARow];
    if not assigned(FCustomInplaceEdit) then begin
      FCustomInplaceEdit := TEdit.Create(self);
      FCustomInplaceEdit.Parent := Self;
    FCustomInplaceEditOnCol := ACol;
    FCustomInplaceEditOnRow := ARow;

    //EditType of the TEdit gets assigned from the CellType:
    FCustomInplaceEdit.EditType := CellType[ACol, ARow];

    //Assign value of the cell to the TEdit
    FCustomInplaceEdit.Value := Cells[ACol, ARow];
    //positioning the TEdit directly onto the cell:
    ARect := CellRect(ACol, ARow);
    FCustomInplaceEdit.Left := ARect.Left;
    FCustomInplaceEdit.Top := ARect.Top;
    FCustomInplaceEdit.Width:= ARect.Width;
    FCustomInplaceEdit.Font := Font; //use font of grid
    FCustomInplaceEdit.Color := Color;


    FCustomInplaceEdit.OnExit := OnCustomInplaceEditExit;
    result := FCustomInplaceEdit.Value;

function TEdit.GetValue : variant;
  if (FEditType in FieldTypesString) or (FEditType = ftUnknown) then begin
    result := Text;
  else if FEditType in FieldTypesInteger then begin
    result := Round(StrToFloatDef(Text, 0.0));
      //trunc(StrToFloat) instead of just StrToInt; allows converting from float to integer
      //without loss of value (StrToIntDef('1.234', 0) --> 0!)
  else if FEditType in FieldTypesFloat then begin
    result := StrToFloatDef(Text, 0.0);
  else assert(false, 'Unsupported EditType!');

procedure TEdit.SetValue(AValue: variant);
  if (FEditType in FieldTypesString) or (FEditType = ftUnknown) then begin
    Text := AValue;
  else if FEditType in FieldTypesInteger then begin
    Text := IntToStr(AValue);
  else if FEditType in FieldTypesFloat then begin
    Text := FloatToStrF(AValue, ffFixed, FPrecision, FDigits);
  else assert(false, 'Unsuppported EditType!');

procedure TEdit.SetEditType(AType: TFieldType);
  FEditType := AType;
  Value := Value; //converts "Text" to be of given type with given precision / digits if possible,
                      //otherwise sets value to 0 (or 0.0)

procedure TEdit.Change;
var iDummy : integer;
    dDummy : double;
    iSelLength : integer;
  iSelStart := SelStart;
  iSelLength := SelLength;
  if (FEditType in FieldTypesString) or (FEditType = ftUnknown) then begin
    //nothing to do
  else if FEditType in FieldTypesInteger then begin
    if TryStrToInt(Text, iDummy) then begin //is Text a valid integer?
      Value := Value; //"014" --> "14"
      FLastValidText := Text; //store "14" as "last known good" to be able to revert to it
    else if FLastValidText <> 'then begin
      Text := FLastValidText; //Text is not a valid integer, so revert to last valid text
      SelStart := iSelStart; //restore cursor pos to where it was before (gets misplaced by setting Text)
      SelLength := iSelLength;//restore selection to where it was before (gets misplaced by setting Text)
    else begin
      Value := 0; //sets Text to "0"
      SelStart := iSelStart; //restore cursor pos to where it was before (gets misplaced by setting Text)
      SelLength := iSelLength;//restore selection to where it was before (gets misplaced by setting Text)
  else if FEditType in FieldTypesFloat then begin
    if TryStrToFloat(Text, dDummy) then begin //is Text a valid float?
      Value := Value; //"014.3" --> "14.3"
      FLastValidText := Text; //store "14.3" as "last known good" to be able to revert to it
    else if FLastValidText <> 'then begin
      Text := FLastValidText; //Text is not a valid float, so revert to last valid text
      SelStart := iSelStart; //restore cursor pos to where it was before (gets misplaced by setting Text)
      SelLength := iSelLength; //restore selection to where it was before (gets misplaced by setting Text)
    else begin
      Value := 0.0; //sets Text to "0.000" (or whatever "Digits" says)
      SelStart := iSelStart; //restore cursor pos to where it was before (gets misplaced by setting Text)
      SelLength := iSelLength; //restore selection to where it was before (gets misplaced by setting Text)
  else assert(false, 'Unsuppported EditType!');
  if Assigned(OnChange) then OnChange(Self);

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