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AW: Canny edge algorithmus und Sobel Matrix

  Alt 27. Jul 2014, 17:32
Hallo Medium,

danke fuer die Antwort. Dass man aus den x und y gradienten das endgueltige bild mittels G=sqrt(Gx*Gx + Gy*Gy) berechnet ist mir klar. Es geht mir um eine vernuenftige Darstellung der einzelnen Bilder Gx und Gy und da muessen alle Werte positiv sein.

Ich habe immer noch das Problem, dass sowohl die einzelnen Bilder als auch das endgueltige Sobel Bild keinerlei Kannten zeigen. Wahrscheinlich habe ich irgendwo einen Fehler in der Implementierung. Hier mein Code:


// ##############################################################
// Prozedur um Graubild zu erzeugen
// ##############################################################

Procedure ConvertToGrayScale(ImgIn : TBitmap; var ImgOut : TBitmap);
type TRGB = Array[1..3] of Byte;
     PixArray = Array[1..MaxInt div SizeOf(TRGB)-1] of TRGB;
     PPixArray = ^PixArray;
     PixArray2D = Array of PPixArray;
var ImgIn2D : PixArray2D; // Access to ImgIn Pixels
    ImgOut2D : PixArray2D; // Access to ImgOut Pixels
    rows,cols : Integer;
    GrayShade : Byte;

   // Build 2D Arrays via 'scanline' to speed up pixel operations
   // access pixels: Img[a]^[b][c] , a=line, b=col, c: 3=R,2=G,or 1=B
   // Input Image:
   For rows := 0 to ImgIn.Height-1 do ImgIn2D[rows] := ImgIn.ScanLine[rows];
   // Output Image:
   For rows := 0 to ImgOut.Height-1 do ImgOut2D[rows] := ImgOut.ScanLine[rows];

   // Convert to grayscale
   for rows := 0 to ImgIn.Height-1 do
   for cols := 0 to ImgIn.Width-1 do
      GrayShade := Round( 0.3 * ImgIn2D[rows]^[cols][3]
                         + 0.6 * ImgIn2D[rows]^[cols][2]
                         + 0.1 * ImgIn2D[rows]^[cols][1]);
      ImgOut2D[rows]^[cols][1] := GrayShade; // B-value
      ImgOut2D[rows]^[cols][2] := GrayShade; // G-value
      ImgOut2D[rows]^[cols][3] := GrayShade; // R-value

// ##############################################################
// Prozeduren um Filter Matrizen zu erzeugen
// ##############################################################

Procedure MakeSmoothenFilter(var Filter : TFilter);
var i : Integer;
   // Set Dimensions of Filter Array
   for i := 0 to High(Filter) do SetLength(Filter[i],5);
   // Define Gauss Filter Matrix
   // 2 4 5 4 2
   // 4 9 12 9 4
   // 5 12 15 12 5
   // 4 9 12 9 4
   // 2 4 5 4 2
   // first Line
   Filter[0,0] := 2; Filter[0,1] := 4; Filter[0,2] := 5;
   Filter[0,3] := 4; Filter[0,4] := 2;
   // second Line
   Filter[1,0] := 4; Filter[1,1] := 9; Filter[1,2] := 12;
   Filter[1,3] := 9; Filter[1,4] := 4;
   // third Line
   Filter[2,0] := 5; Filter[2,1] := 12; Filter[2,2] := 15;
   Filter[2,3] := 12; Filter[2,4] := 5;
   // fourth Line
   Filter[3,0] := 4; Filter[3,1] := 9; Filter[3,2] := 12;
   Filter[3,3] := 9; Filter[3,4] := 4;
   // fifth Line
   Filter[4,0] := 2; Filter[4,1] := 4; Filter[4,2] := 5;
   Filter[4,3] := 4; Filter[4,4] := 2;

Procedure MakeSobelFilterX(var Filter : TFilter);
var i : integer;
   // Set Dimensions of Filter Array
   for i := 0 to High(Filter) do SetLength(Filter[i],3);
   // Define Sobel-X Filter Matrix
   // -1 0 1
   // -2 0 2
   // -1 0 1
   // first Line
   Filter[0,0] := -1; Filter[0,1] := 0; Filter[0,2] := 1;
   // second Line
   Filter[1,0] := -2; Filter[1,1] := 0; Filter[1,2] := 2;
   // third Line
   Filter[2,0] := -1; Filter[2,1] := 0; Filter[2,2] := 1;

Procedure MakeSobelFilterY(var Filter : TFilter);
var i : integer;
   // Set Dimensions of Filter Array
   for i := 0 to High(Filter) do SetLength(Filter[i],3);
   // Define Sobel-Y Filter Matrix
   // 1 2 1
   // 0 0 0
   // -1 -2 -1
   // first Line
   Filter[0,0] := 1; Filter[0,1] := 2; Filter[0,2] := 1;
   // second Line
   Filter[1,0] := 0; Filter[1,1] := 0; Filter[1,2] := 0;
   // third Line
   Filter[2,0] := -1; Filter[2,1] := -2; Filter[2,2] := -1;

// ##############################################################
// Prozedur um Filter auf ein Bild anzuwenden (Faltung)
// ##############################################################

Procedure ApplyFilterOnImage(var ImgIn, ImgOut : TBitmap; Filter : TFilter);
type TRGB = Array[1..3] of Byte;
     PixArray = Array[1..MaxInt div SizeOf(TRGB)-1] of TRGB;
     PPixArray = ^PixArray;
     PixArray2D = Array of PPixArray;
var rows,cols : Integer; // rows and cols in the image
    FLowX, FHighX : Integer;
    FLowY, FHighY : Integer;
    weight : Integer; // Weight for Filter Matrix
    ImgIn2D : PixArray2D; // Access to ImgIn Pixels
    ImgOut2D : PixArray2D; // Access to ImgOut Pixels
    SumMinus : Integer;
    ScaleShift : Integer;
    PixelSum, x, y : Integer;
    Pixel : Integer;
   // Filter matrix, element -> pixel position with respect to center pixel
   // Calculate extremes in x and y direction
   FLowX := -Round(0.5 * Length(Filter)-1);
   FHighX := +Round(0.5 * Length(Filter)-1);
   FLowY := -Round(0.5 * Length(Filter[0])-1);
   FHighY := +Round(0.5 * Length(Filter[0])-1);

   // Determine matrix weight and scaleshift required after convolution:
   ScaleShift := 0;
   SumMinus := 0;
   weight := 0;
   For y := 0 to High(Filter[0]) do
   For x := 0 to High(Filter) do
      if Filter[x,y] < 0 then SumMinus := SumMinus + Filter[x,y];
      weight := weight + Abs(Filter[x,y]);
   ScaleShift := Abs(Round((SumMinus/weight)*255));

   // Build 2D Arrays via 'scanline' to speed up pixel operations
   // access pixels: Img[a]^[b][c] , a=line, b=col, c: 3=R,2=G,or 1=B
   // Input Image:
   For rows := 0 to ImgIn.Height-1 do ImgIn2D[rows] := ImgIn.ScanLine[rows];
   // Output Image:
   For rows := 0 to ImgOut.Height-1 do ImgOut2D[rows] := ImgOut.ScanLine[rows];

   // Calculate filtered Image, i.e. convolution of Filter and ImgIn -> ImgOut
   For rows := 0-FLowY to ImgIn.Height-1-FHighY do
   For cols := 0-FLowX to ImgIn.Width-1-FHighX do
      // Perform Convolution
      PixelSum := 0;
      For y := FLowY to FHighY do
      For x := FLowX to FHighX do
        PixelSum := PixelSum +
            Filter[x-FLowX,y-FLowY]* ImgIn2D[rows+y]^[cols+x][1];
      Pixel := Round(PixelSum/weight) + ScaleShift;
      ImgOut2D[rows]^[cols][1] := Pixel;
      ImgOut2D[rows]^[cols][2] := Pixel;
      ImgOut2D[rows]^[cols][3] := Pixel;

// ##############################################################
// Prozedur um finales Sobelbild aus Einzelbildern zu erzeugen
// ##############################################################

Procedure GenerateFinalSobel(ImgSx, ImgSy : TBitmap; var ImgOut : TBitmap);
type TRGB = Array[1..3] of Byte;
     PixArray = Array[1..MaxInt div SizeOf(TRGB)-1] of TRGB;
     PPixArray = ^PixArray;
     PixArray2D = Array of PPixArray;
var rows,cols : Integer; // rows and cols in the image
     ImgSx2D : PixArray2D; // Access to ImgSx Pixels
     ImgSy2D : PixArray2D; // Access to ImgSy Pixels
     ImgOut2D : PixArray2D; // Access to ImgOut Pixels
     Gx,Gy,Gf : Byte;
   // Build 2D Arrays via 'scanline' to speed up pixel operations
   // access pixels: Img[a]^[b][c] , a=line, b=col, c: 3=R,2=G,or 1=B
   // SobelX Image:
   For rows := 0 to ImgSx.Height-1 do ImgSx2D[rows] := ImgSx.ScanLine[rows];
   // SobelY Image:
   For rows := 0 to ImgSy.Height-1 do ImgSy2D[rows] := ImgSy.ScanLine[rows];
   // Output Image:
   For rows := 0 to ImgOut.Height-1 do ImgOut2D[rows] := ImgOut.ScanLine[rows];

   // Perform G = sqrt(Gx*Gx + Gy*Gy);
   for rows := 0 to ImgSx.Height-1 do
   for cols := 0 to ImgSx.Width-1 do
     Gx := ImgSx2D[rows]^[cols][1];
     Gy := ImgSy2D[rows]^[cols][1];
     Gf := Round(sqrt(Abs(Gx*Gx)+Abs(Gy*Gy)));
     ImgOut2D[rows]^[cols][1] := Gf;
     ImgOut2D[rows]^[cols][2] := Gf;
     ImgOut2D[rows]^[cols][3] := Gf;

// ##############################################################
// Prozedur um geglaettetes Graubild zu erzeugen
// ##############################################################

Procedure Smoothen(var ImgIn, ImgOut : TBitmap);
var GaussFilter : TFilter;
    SobelXFilter : TFilter;
    ImgGray : TBitmap;
   //convert to Grayscale
   ImgGray := TBitmap.Create;
   ImgGray.Width := ImgIn.Width;
   ImgGray.Height := ImgIn.Height;
   ConvertToGrayScale(ImgIn, ImgGray);
   //smoothen grayscale image
   ApplyFilterOnImage(ImgGray, ImgOut, GaussFilter);

// ##############################################################
// Prozedur fuer kompletten Sobel
// ##############################################################

Procedure Sobel(var ImgIn, ImgOut : TBitmap);
var SobelX, SobelY : TFilter;
    ImgSmooth, ImgSx, ImgSy : TBitmap;
    // create ImgSmooth
   ImgSmooth := TBitmap.create;
   ImgSmooth.width := ImgIn.width;
   ImgSmooth.height := ImgIn.height;
   // Smoothen Image
   Smoothen(ImgIn, ImgSmooth);
   // create ImgSx
   ImgSx := TBitmap.create;
   ImgSx.width := ImgIn.width;
   ImgSx.height := ImgIn.height;
   // create ImgSy
   ImgSy := TBitmap.create;
   ImgSy.width := ImgIn.width;
   ImgSy.height := ImgIn.height;
   // Make SobelX and SobelY Filter
   // Apply Sobel Filter on ImgIn -> ImgSx and ImgSy
   ApplyFilterOnImage(ImgSmooth, ImgSx, SobelX);
   ApplyFilterOnImage(ImgSmooth, ImgSy, SobelY);
   // ImgSx and ImgSy -> ImgOut
   GenerateFinalSobel(ImgSx, ImgSy, ImgOut);
Hier eine Prozedur zum Aufruf des Ganzen:

procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject);
var ImgIn, ImgOut : TBitmap;
  ImgIn := TBitmap.Create;
  ImgOut := TBitmap.Create;
  ImgOut.Width := ImgIn.Width;
  ImgOut.Height := ImgIn.Height;
  //Smoothen(ImgIn, ImgOut);
  Sobel(ImgIn, ImgOut);
  Image3.Picture.Bitmap := ImgOut;
Die Umwandlung in ein Graubild und das Glaetten mittels Gaussfilter klappt wunderbar. Die einzelnen Sobelbilder sehen nicht aus wie Bilder in denen horizontale oder vertikale Kannten betont sind sondern eher wie helle oder dunkle Bilder mit stark veraendertem Gammawert. Im finalen Sobelbild ist quasi nichts zu sehen, d.h. mehr oder weniger einfarbige Flaeche.


Edit: Code ist mit Lazarus erstellt, sollte aber 1:1 auf Delphi laufen

Geändert von Gutelo (27. Jul 2014 um 17:41 Uhr)
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