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AW: Canny edge algorithmus und Sobel Matrix

  Alt 28. Jul 2014, 23:46
Soderle, hab es jetzt mal umgeschrieben. Funktioniert soweit so gut -> Siehe angehaengte Bilder.
Als naechstes nehme ich NMS, Hysteresis und Hough in Angriff.

Falls jemand etwas Aehnliches machen moechte, hier mein Code bis hierhin. An einigen Stellen sicher noch etwas suboptimal und verbesserungsfaehig (z.B. dass das gesammte Array extra Durchlaufen wird um die minimalen und maximalen Werte zu bestimmen.)

unit Canny;

{$mode objfpc}{$H+}


  Classes, SysUtils, Graphics, LCLIntf, Dialogs, Math;

type // type to store a filter
     TFilter = Array of Array of Integer;
     // types for fast access to TBitmap image pixels
     TRGB = Array[1..3] of Byte;
     PixArray = Array[1..MaxInt div SizeOf(TRGB)-1] of TRGB;
     PPixArray = ^PixArray;
     PixArray2D = Array of PPixArray;
     // type to store the pixels of grayscale TBitmaps in an Array
     // and to perform filter operations on the array values
     TPixelArray = Array of Array of integer;

// Export
Procedure ConvertToGrayScale(ImgIn : TBitmap; var ImgOut : TBitmap);
Procedure CalcSobel(ImgIn : TBitmap; var ImgOut : TBitmap);


// ############################################################################
// Convert Color Image to Grayscale Image
// ############################################################################

Procedure ConvertToGrayScale(ImgIn : TBitmap; var ImgOut : TBitmap);
var ImgIn2D : PixArray2D; // Access to ImgIn Pixels
    ImgOut2D : PixArray2D; // Access to ImgOut Pixels
    rows,cols : Integer; // rows and cols of an image
    GrayShade : Byte; // Gray value
   // Build 2D Arrays via 'scanline' to speed up pixel operations
   // access pixels: Img[a]^[b][c] , a=line, b=col, c: 3=R,2=G,or 1=B
   // Input Image:
   For rows := 0 to ImgIn.Height-1 do ImgIn2D[rows] := ImgIn.ScanLine[rows];
   // Output Image:
   For rows := 0 to ImgOut.Height-1 do ImgOut2D[rows] := ImgOut.ScanLine[rows];
   // Convert to grayscale:
   for rows := 0 to ImgIn.Height-1 do
   for cols := 0 to ImgIn.Width-1 do
      GrayShade := Round( 0.3 * ImgIn2D[rows]^[cols][3]
                         + 0.6 * ImgIn2D[rows]^[cols][2]
                         + 0.1 * ImgIn2D[rows]^[cols][1]);
      ImgOut2D[rows]^[cols][1] := GrayShade; // B-value
      ImgOut2D[rows]^[cols][2] := GrayShade; // G-value
      ImgOut2D[rows]^[cols][3] := GrayShade; // R-value

// ############################################################################
// Make Gauss Filter Matrix
// ############################################################################

Procedure MakeGaussFilter(var Filter : TFilter);
var i : Integer;
   // Set dimensions of filter array
   for i := 0 to High(Filter) do SetLength(Filter[i],5);
   // Define Gauss filter matrix
   // 2 4 5 4 2
   // 4 9 12 9 4
   // 5 12 15 12 5
   // 4 9 12 9 4
   // 2 4 5 4 2
   // first Line
   Filter[0,0] := 2; Filter[0,1] := 4; Filter[0,2] := 5;
   Filter[0,3] := 4; Filter[0,4] := 2;
   // second Line
   Filter[1,0] := 4; Filter[1,1] := 9; Filter[1,2] := 12;
   Filter[1,3] := 9; Filter[1,4] := 4;
   // third Line
   Filter[2,0] := 5; Filter[2,1] := 12; Filter[2,2] := 15;
   Filter[2,3] := 12; Filter[2,4] := 5;
   // fourth Line
   Filter[3,0] := 4; Filter[3,1] := 9; Filter[3,2] := 12;
   Filter[3,3] := 9; Filter[3,4] := 4;
   // fifth Line
   Filter[4,0] := 2; Filter[4,1] := 4; Filter[4,2] := 5;
   Filter[4,3] := 4; Filter[4,4] := 2;

// ############################################################################
// Make Sobel-X Filter Matrix
// ############################################################################

Procedure MakeSobelXFilter(var Filter : TFilter);
var i : integer;
   // Set dimensions of filter array
   for i := 0 to High(Filter) do SetLength(Filter[i],3);
   // Define Sobel-X filter matrix
   // -1 0 1
   // -2 0 2
   // -1 0 1
   // first Line
   Filter[0,0] := -1; Filter[0,1] := 0; Filter[0,2] := 1;
   // second Line
   Filter[1,0] := -2; Filter[1,1] := 0; Filter[1,2] := 2;
   // third Line
   Filter[2,0] := -1; Filter[2,1] := 0; Filter[2,2] := 1;

// ############################################################################
// Make Sobel-Y Filter Matrix
// ############################################################################

Procedure MakeSobelYFilter(var Filter : TFilter);
var i : integer;
   // Set dimensions of filter array
   for i := 0 to High(Filter) do SetLength(Filter[i],3);
   // Define Sobel-Y filter matrix
   // 1 2 1
   // 0 0 0
   // -1 -2 -1
   // first Line
   Filter[0,0] := 1; Filter[0,1] := 2; Filter[0,2] := 1;
   // second Line
   Filter[1,0] := 0; Filter[1,1] := 0; Filter[1,2] := 0;
   // third Line
   Filter[2,0] := -1; Filter[2,1] := -2; Filter[2,2] := -1;

// ############################################################################
// Convert "Image -> Pixel Array" and "Pixel Array -> Image"
// ############################################################################

Procedure ImgToPixArray(ImgIn : TBitmap; var PixArr : TPixelArray);
var H,W : Integer;
    ImgIn2D : PixArray2D;
    rows, cols : Integer;
  // Store height and width of input image
  H := ImgIn.Height;
  W := ImgIn.Width;
  // Fast access to input image:
  For rows := 0 to H-1 do ImgIn2D[rows] := ImgIn.ScanLine[rows];
  // Set dimensions of pixel array
  For rows := 0 to H-1 do SetLength(PixArr[rows],W);
  // Copy pixel values of input image to pixel array
  For rows := 0 to H-1 do
  For cols := 0 to W-1 do
    PixArr[rows,cols] := ImgIn2D[rows]^[cols][1];

Procedure PixArrayToImg(PixArr : TPixelArray; var ImgOut : TBitmap);
var H,W : Integer;
    ImgOut2D : PixArray2D;
    rows, cols : Integer;
    MinVal, MaxVal : integer;
    Pixel : Integer;
   // Store height and width of input image
   H := Length(PixArr);
   W := Length(PixArr[0]);
   // Initialize output image
   ImgOut := TBitmap.Create;
   ImgOut.Width := W;
   ImgOut.Height := H;
   // Fast access to output Image:
   For rows := 0 to H-1 do ImgOut2D[rows] := ImgOut.ScanLine[rows];
   // Determine minimum and maximum values in pixel array
   MinVal := PixArr[0,0];
   MaxVal := PixArr[0,0];
   For rows := 0 to H-1 do
   For cols := 0 to W-1 do
      if PixArr[rows,cols] < MinVal then MinVal := PixArr[rows,cols];
      if PixArr[rows,cols] > MaxVal then MaxVal := PixArr[rows,cols];
   // Rescale value range to 0..255 and copy values to output image
   For rows := 0 to H-1 do
   For cols := 0 to W-1 do
     // only scale if necessary
     if (MinVal < 0) or (MaxVal > 255)
         Pixel := Round(255*((PixArr[rows,cols] - MinVal)/ (MaxVal-MinVal)))
         Pixel := PixArr[rows,cols];
     // Copy values to output image
     ImgOut2D[rows]^[cols][1] := Pixel;
     ImgOut2D[rows]^[cols][2] := Pixel;
     ImgOut2D[rows]^[cols][3] := Pixel;

// ############################################################################
// Apply Filter on Pixel Array
// ############################################################################

Procedure ApplyFilterOnPixArray(PA_In : TPixelArray; var PA_Out : TPixelArray; Filter : TFilter; DoWeight : Boolean);
var H,W : Integer; // Height and width of ImgIn
    rows,cols : Integer; // rows and cols in the image
    weight : Integer; // Weight for Filter Matrix
    FilterBT : Integer; // Border Thickness of Filter around central element
    x, y : Integer; // Variables for Convolution
    PixelSum : Integer; // Convolution Value
    Pixel : Integer; // Final Pixel Value
   // Border thickness of filter around central matrix element:
   // Examples: 3x3 Matrix -> BT=1 , 5x5 Matrix -> BT=3
   FilterBT := Round(0.5 * (Length(Filter)-1));
   // Store height and width of input pixel array (PA_In):
   H := Length(PA_In);
   W := Length(PA_In[0]);
   // Set dimensions of output pixel array (PA_Out), "removes Filter Border":
   SetLength(PA_Out, H-(2*FilterBT));
   For rows := 0 to High(PA_Out) do SetLength(PA_Out[rows],W-(2*FilterBT));
   // Determine filter matrix weight:
   weight := 0;
   For y := 0 to High(Filter[0]) do
   For x := 0 to High(Filter) do
      weight := weight + Abs(Filter[x,y]);
   // Calculate filtered Image, i.e. perform convolution of Filter and PA_In -> PA_Out
   For rows := FilterBT to High(PA_In)-FilterBT do
   For cols := FilterBT to High(PA_In[0])-FilterBT do
      // Perform convolution
      PixelSum := 0;
      For y := -FilterBT to FilterBT do
      For x := -FilterBT to FilterBT do
        PixelSum := PixelSum + Filter[x+FilterBT,y+FilterBT]* PA_In[rows+y,cols+x];
      // Apply weight when required
      if DoWeight then Pixel := Round(PixelSum/weight)
                  else Pixel := PixelSum;
      // write output pixel array
      PA_Out[rows-FilterBT,cols-FilterBT] := Pixel;

// ############################################################################
// Make final Sobel pixel array based on Sobel-X and Sobel-Y
// ############################################################################

Procedure MakeSobel(PA_Sx, PA_Sy : TPixelArray; var PA_Out : TPixelArray);
var rows, cols : Integer;
    Sx, Sy : Integer;
   // Set dimensions of output pixel array
   For rows := 0 to High(PA_Out) do SetLength(PA_Out[rows], Length(PA_Sx[0]));
   // calculate output pixel array:
   For rows := 0 to High(PA_Sx) do
   For cols := 0 to High(PA_Sx[0]) do
      Sx := PA_Sx[rows,cols];
      Sy := PA_Sy[rows,cols];
      // write output pixel array
      PA_Out[rows,cols] := Round(sqrt(Sx*Sx + Sy*Sy));

// ############################################################################
// Procedure to perform complete Sobel calculation
// ############################################################################

Procedure CalcSobel(ImgIn : TBitmap; var ImgOut : TBitmap);
var ImgGray : TBitmap;
    PA_Gray, PA_Gauss, PA_SobelX, PA_SobelY, PA_Sobel : TPixelArray;
    GaussFilter, SobelX, SobelY : TFilter;
  ImgGray := TBitmap.Create;
  ImgGray.Width := ImgIn.Width;
  ImgGray.Height := ImgIn.Height;
  // Convert color input image (ImgIn) to grayscale image (ImgGray)
  // and convert ImgGray to pixel array format (PA_Gray)
  ImgToPixArray(ImgGray, PA_Gray);
  // Apply Gauss smoothening filter to PA_Gray -> PA_Gauss
  ApplyFilterOnPixArray(PA_Gray, PA_Gauss, GaussFilter, true);
  // Apply SobelX filter to PA_Gauss -> PA_SobelX
  ApplyFilterOnPixArray(PA_Gauss, PA_SobelX, SobelX, false);
  // Apply SobelY filter to PA_Gauss -> PA_SobelY
  ApplyFilterOnPixArray(PA_Gauss, PA_SobelY, SobelY, false);
  // Combine PA_SobelX and PA_SobelY -> PA_Sobel
  MakeSobel(PA_SobelX, PA_SobelY, PA_Sobel);
  // Convert PA_Sobel to output image (ImgOut)
  PixArrayToImg(PA_Sobel, ImgOut);

Verwendung aus Hauptprogramm:

procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
var ImgIn, ImgOut : TBitmap;
  ImgIn := TBitmap.Create;
  ImgOut := TBitmap.Create;
  CalcSobel(ImgIn, ImgOut);
  Image3.Picture.Bitmap := ImgOut;
Miniaturansicht angehängter Grafiken
book.jpg   gray_gauss.jpg   sobelx.jpg   sobely.jpg   sobel.jpg  

  Mit Zitat antworten Zitat