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AW: Numerische Eingabe in Stinggrid validieren

  Alt 18. Okt 2014, 08:03
Hallo zusammen!

Ich habe die Lösung noch ein wenig angepaßt, so daß jetzt auch die Eingabe von Vorzeichen bzw. DecimalSeparator bei markiertem Text funktioniert.

Erst das TStringGrid:

// Validates a Float-only input in a Cell of a TStringGrid
procedure TMyForm.MyGridKeyPress(Sender : TObject; var Key : char);
  KEY_NONE = #0; // empty Char/nullCharacter
  selStart : integer;
  cellRow, cellCol : integer;
  DecSeparator: char;
   DecSeparator:= DefaultFormatSettings.DecimalSeparator; // the StandAlone Symbol "DecimalSeparator" is deprecated

  // If selection is not empty, first delete this selection, then do the rest
  if TStringCellEditor(TStringGrid(Sender).Editor).SelLength > 0 then
     TStringCellEditor(TStringGrid(Sender).Editor).SelText:= '';

  cellRow:= (sender as TStringGrid).Row;
  cellCol:= (sender as TStringGrid).Col;
  CellText:= (sender as TStringGrid).Cells[cellCol,cellRow];
  selStart:= TStringCellEditor(TStringGrid(Sender).Editor).SelStart ; // exessive Typecasting to access SelStart

  // only Keys 0-9(numeric), #8= Backspace, '-' and DecimalSeperator allowed
  if not (Key in [KEY_BACKSPACE, '0'..'9', '-', DecSeparator])
          then Key := KEY_NONE
  // '-' and DecimalSeperator are only allowed once in the String-Input
  else if ((Key = DecSeparator) or (Key = '-')) and (Pos(Key, CellText) > 0)
          then Key := KEY_NONE
  // '-' is only allowed as first Character / SelStart is the Caret(Text-Curser) Position
  else if (Key = '-') and (selStart <> 0)
          then Key := KEY_NONE

und Hier das Tedit:
// Validates a Float-only input in a TEdit
procedure TMyForm.MyEditKeyPress(Sender : TObject; var Key : char);
  KEY_NONE = #0; // empty Char/nullCharacter
  DecSeparator: Char;
  DecSeparator:= DefaultFormatSettings.DecimalSeparator; // the StandAlone Symbol "DecimalSeparator" is deprecated

  // If selection is not empty, first delete this selection, then do the rest
  if (Sender as TEdit).SelLength > 0 then (Sender as TEdit).SelText:= '';

  // only Keys 0-9(numeric), #8= Backspace, '-' and DecimalSeperator allowed
  if not (Key in [KEY_BACKSPACE, '0'..'9', '-', DecSeparator])
          then Key := KEY_NONE
  // '-' and DecimalSeperator are only allowed once in the String-Input
  else if ((Key = DecSeparator) or (Key = '-')) and (Pos(Key, (Sender as TEdit).Text) > 0)
          then Key := KEY_NONE
  // '-' is only allowed as first Character / SelStart is the Caret(Text-Curser) Position
  else if (Key = '-') and ((Sender as TEdit).SelStart <> 0)
          then Key := KEY_NONE
Gruß, Oliver

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