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AW: Memorystream vs TMemoryStream

  Alt 17. Apr 2015, 08:14
Danke für deine Ausführung.. Werde das mal in ruhe durchgehen.
Hier nur noch als Info wie das im eigenen Sample von Delphi gehandhabt wird.
Auf der Basis wollte ich das auch machen (was aber nun mal nicht geht mit den Streams in .NET)

procedure TForm1.Button5Click(Sender: TObject);
    PictureStream: TMemoryStream;
    Description: String;
    MIMEType: String;
    JPEGPicture: TJPEGImage;
    PNGPicture: TPNGImage;
    GIFPicture: TGIFImage;
    BMPPicture: TBitmap;
    Width, Height: Integer;
    NoOfColors: Integer;
    ColorDepth: Integer;
    PictureMagic: Word;
    CoverArtPictureFormat: TTagPictureFormat;
    CoverArtData: TCoverArtData;
    if NOT OpenDialog1.Execute then begin
    //* Clear the cover art data
    MIMEType := '';
    Description := '';
    Width := 0;
    Height := 0;
    ColorDepth := 0;
    NoOfColors := 0;
    CoverArtPictureFormat := TTagPictureFormat.tpfUnknown;
    if FileExists(OpenDialog1.FileName) then begin
            PictureStream := TMemoryStream.Create;
                PictureStream.Seek(0, soBeginning);
                Description := ExtractFileName(OpenDialog1.FileName);
                PictureStream.Read(PictureMagic, 2);
                PictureStream.Seek(0, soBeginning);
                if PictureMagic = MAGIC_JPG then begin
                    MIMEType := 'image/jpeg';
                    CoverArtPictureFormat := tpfJPEG;
                    JPEGPicture := TJPEGImage.Create;
                        Width := JPEGPicture.Width;
                        Height := JPEGPicture.Height;
                        NoOfColors := 0;
                        ColorDepth := 24;
                if PictureMagic = MAGIC_PNG then begin
                    MIMEType := 'image/png';
                    CoverArtPictureFormat := tpfPNG;
                    PNGPicture := TPNGImage.Create;
                        Width := PNGPicture.Width;
                        Height := PNGPicture.Height;
                        NoOfColors := 0;
                        ColorDepth := PNGPicture.PixelInformation.Header.BitDepth;
                if PictureMagic = MAGIC_GIF then begin
                    MIMEType := 'image/gif';
                    CoverArtPictureFormat := tpfGIF;
                    GIFPicture := TGIFImage.Create;
                        Width := GIFPicture.Width;
                        Height := GIFPicture.Height;
                        NoOfColors := 0; //GIFPicture.ColorResolution
                        ColorDepth := GIFPicture.BitsPerPixel;
                if PictureMagic = MAGIC_BMP then begin
                    MIMEType := 'image/bmp';
                    CoverArtPictureFormat := tpfBMP;
                    BMPPicture := TBitmap.Create;
                        Width := BMPPicture.Width;
                        Height := BMPPicture.Height;
                        NoOfColors := 0;
                        case BMPPicture.PixelFormat of
                            pfDevice: ColorDepth := 32;
                            pf1bit: ColorDepth := 1;
                            pf4bit: ColorDepth := 4;
                            pf8bit: ColorDepth := 8;
                            pf15bit: ColorDepth := 15;
                            pf16bit: ColorDepth := 16;
                            pf24bit: ColorDepth := 24;
                            pf32bit: ColorDepth := 32;
                            pfCustom: ColorDepth := 32;
                PictureStream.Seek(0, soBeginning);
                //* Add the cover art
                CoverArtData.Name := PwideChar(Description);
                CoverArtData.CoverType := 3; //* ID3v2 cover type (3: front cover)
                CoverArtData.MIMEType := PwideChar(MIMEType);
                CoverArtData.Description := PwideChar(Description);
                CoverArtData.Width := Width;
                CoverArtData.Height := Height;
                CoverArtData.ColorDepth := ColorDepth;
                CoverArtData.NoOfColors := NoOfColors;
                CoverArtData.PictureFormat := CoverArtPictureFormat;
                CoverArtData.Data := PictureStream.Memory;
                CoverArtData.DataSize := PictureStream.Size;
                if TagsLibrary_AddCoverArt(Tags, ttAutomatic, CoverArtData) = - 1 then begin
                    MessageDlg('Error while adding cover art: ' + SaveDialog1.FileName, mtError, [mbCancel], 0);
            MessageDlg('Error while adding cover art: ' + SaveDialog1.FileName, mtError, [mbCancel], 0);
    //* Display added cover art
Von Delphi zu Delphi sollte das kein Problem sein.
Während das im .NET schon anders aussieht.

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