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AW: NotifyWindow, dynamisches Fenster in nur einer Prozedur inklusive Events und AA

  Alt 28. Jul 2015, 19:06
tja, was ich auch mache das klappt bei mir nicht...
Also hab' ich jetzt einfach 'ne Unit daraus gemacht und die ist ja auch sehr praktisch... grins...
Das funzt wenigstens immer...

Wie schon erwähnt... nicht auf das ExceptionHandling achten...

Unit uNotifyWindow;


 Uses Windows, Forms, Classes, SysUtils, Graphics, Controls, StdCtrls, ExtCtrls;

  TNotifyWindow = Class
   Class Procedure CloseQuery(Sender: TObject; Var CanClose: Boolean);
   Class Procedure KeyDown(Sender: TObject; Var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftstate);

    Class Procedure Show(WindowTitle: String; WindowText: String);

  form_Notify : TForm;


Function GetKey(Keycode: Integer) : Boolean;
   GetKey := GetAsyncKeyState(KeyCode) <> 0;

Function OK_Pressed : Boolean;
   If GetKey(VK_LControl) And GetKey(VK_LMenu) And GetKey(Ord('O')) And GetKey(Ord('K'))
   Then OK_Pressed := True
   Else OK_Pressed := False;

Class Procedure TNotifyWindow.CloseQuery(Sender: TObject; Var CanClose: Boolean);
   If OK_Pressed = True
   Then CanClose := True
   Else CanClose := False;

Class Procedure TNotifyWindow.KeyDown(Sender: TObject; Var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftstate);
   If OK_Pressed = True Then form_Notify.Close;

Class Procedure TNotifyWindow.Show(WindowTitle: String; WindowText: String);
   panel_BehindMemo : TPanel;
   memo_Text : TMemo;
   label_OKTaste : TLabel;

  Procedure AAFont(ObjFont: TFont);
     LogFont: TLogFont;
     GetObject(ObjFont.Handle, SizeOf(TLogFont), @LogFont);
     LogFont.lfQuality := ANTIALIASED_QUALITY;
     ObjFont.Handle := CreateFontIndirect(LogFont);

    form_Notify := TForm.Create(Nil);
    form_Notify.Caption := WindowTitle;
    form_Notify.Height := 374;
    form_Notify.Width := 583;
    form_Notify.BorderStyle := bsSingle;
    form_Notify.BorderIcons := [];
    form_Notify.Color := 898061;
    form_Notify.FormStyle := fsStayOnTop;
    form_Notify.Left := (Screen.Width - form_Notify.Width) Div 2;
    form_Notify.Top := (Screen.Height - form_Notify.Height) Div 2;
    form_Notify.OnCloseQuery := TNotifyWindow.CloseQuery;
    form_Notify.OnKeyDown := TNotifyWindow.KeyDown;

    panel_BehindMemo := TPanel.Create(form_Notify);
    panel_BehindMemo.Borderstyle := bsNone;
    panel_BehindMemo.Color := 898061;
    panel_BehindMemo.Enabled := False;
    panel_BehindMemo.Height := 296;
    panel_BehindMemo.Width := 549;
    panel_BehindMemo.Left := 14;
    panel_BehindMemo.Top := 17;
    panel_BehindMemo.Parent := form_Notify;

    memo_Text := TMemo.Create(form_Notify);
    memo_Text.Alignment := taLeftJustify;
    memo_Text.BorderStyle := bsSingle;
    memo_Text.Color := 898061;
    memo_Text.Font.Color := clBlack;
    memo_Text.Font.Size := 14;
    memo_Text.Font.Name := 'VerdanaB';
    memo_Text.Font.Style := [fsBold];
    memo_Text.Height := 284;
    memo_Text.Width := 537;
    memo_Text.Left := 6;
    memo_Text.Top := 6;
    memo_Text.ReadOnly := True;
    memo_Text.ScrollBars := ssNone;
    memo_Text.Parent := panel_BehindMemo;
    memo_Text.Text := WindowText;

    label_OKTaste := TLabel.Create(form_Notify);
    label_OKTaste.Caption := 'CTRL + ALT + O + K';
    label_OKTaste.Color := 898061;
    label_OKTaste.Font.Color := clBlue;
    label_OKTaste.Font.Name := 'VerdanaB';
    label_OKTaste.Font.Size := 14;
    label_OKTaste.Font.Style := [fsBold];
    label_OKTaste.AutoSize := True;
    label_OKTaste.Left := 375;
    label_OKTaste.Top := 317;
    label_OKTaste.Parent := form_Notify;


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