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AW: NotifyWindow, dynamisches Fenster in nur einer Prozedur inklusive Events und AA

  Alt 30. Aug 2015, 01:44
Ich glaub' so ist das noch viel besser... grins.... in 100 Jahren ist die Unit vielleicht perfekt...
Unit uNotifyWindow;


 Uses Windows, Forms, Classes, SysUtils, Graphics, Controls, StdCtrls, ExtCtrls;

  NotifyWindow = Class
   Class Procedure CloseQuery(Sender: TObject; Var CanClose: Boolean);
   Class Procedure KeyDown(Sender: TObject; Var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftstate);
    Class Procedure Show(WindowTitle: String; WindowText: String);

  form_Notify : TForm;
  boolean_Close : Boolean = False;


Procedure ErrorLog(ErrorInfo: String);
   LogFile : TStringlist;
   LoadedFile : TStringlist;
   boolean_Loaded : Boolean;

  Procedure LoadErrorLog;
     boolean_Loaded := False;
     If FileExists('ErrorLog.txt')
       LoadedFile := TStringlist.Create;
       boolean_Loaded := True;

  Procedure Free_LogFile;

  Procedure Free_LoadedFile;

    LogFile:= TStringlist.Create;
      If boolean_Loaded = True
        LogFile.Text := LogFile.Text + LoadedFile.Text;


Procedure Free_MainForm;

Procedure Close_MainForm;
   boolean_Close := True;

Function GetKey(Keycode: Integer) : Boolean;
   GetKey := GetAsyncKeyState(KeyCode) <> 0;
   ErrorLog('uNotifyWindow: Function GetKey (GetAsyncKeyState) Failed');

Function OK_Pressed : Boolean;
   If GetKey(VK_LControl) And GetKey(VK_LMenu) And GetKey(Ord('O')) And GetKey(Ord('K'))
   Then OK_Pressed := True
   Else OK_Pressed := False;
   ErrorLog('uNotifyWindow: Function OK_Pressed (GetAsyncKeyState) Failed');

Class Procedure NotifyWindow.CloseQuery(Sender: TObject; Var CanClose: Boolean);
   If OK_Pressed = True
   Then CanClose := True
   Else CanClose := False;

   If boolean_Close = True Then CanClose := True;
   ErrorLog('uNotifyWindow: OnCloseQuery Failed');

Class Procedure NotifyWindow.KeyDown(Sender: TObject; Var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftstate);
   If OK_Pressed = True Then form_Notify.Close;
   ErrorLog('uNotifyWindow: OnKeyDown Failed');

Class Procedure NotifyWindow.Show(WindowTitle: String; WindowText: String);
   panel_BehindMemo : TPanel;
   memo_Text : TMemo;
   label_OKTaste : TLabel;

  Procedure AAFont(ObjFont: TFont);
     LogFont: TLogFont;
     GetObject(ObjFont.Handle, SizeOf(TLogFont), @LogFont);
     LogFont.lfQuality := ANTIALIASED_QUALITY;
     ObjFont.Handle := CreateFontIndirect(LogFont);

    form_Notify := TForm.Create(Nil);
    form_Notify.Caption := WindowTitle;
    form_Notify.Height := 374;
    form_Notify.Width := 583;
    form_Notify.BorderStyle := bsSingle;
    form_Notify.BorderIcons := [];
    form_Notify.Color := 898061;
    form_Notify.FormStyle := fsStayOnTop;
    form_Notify.Left := (Screen.Width - form_Notify.Width) Div 2;
    form_Notify.Top := (Screen.Height - form_Notify.Height) Div 2;
    form_Notify.OnCloseQuery := NotifyWindow.CloseQuery;
    form_Notify.OnKeyDown := NotifyWindow.KeyDown;

    panel_BehindMemo := TPanel.Create(form_Notify);
    panel_BehindMemo.Borderstyle := bsNone;
    panel_BehindMemo.Color := 898061;
    panel_BehindMemo.Enabled := False;
    panel_BehindMemo.Height := 296;
    panel_BehindMemo.Width := 549;
    panel_BehindMemo.Left := 14;
    panel_BehindMemo.Top := 17;
    panel_BehindMemo.Parent := form_Notify;

    memo_Text := TMemo.Create(form_Notify);
    memo_Text.Alignment := taLeftJustify;
    memo_Text.BorderStyle := bsSingle;
    memo_Text.Color := 898061;
    memo_Text.Font.Color := clBlack;
    memo_Text.Font.Size := 14;
    memo_Text.Font.Name := 'Verdana';
    memo_Text.Font.Style := [fsBold];
    memo_Text.Height := 284;
    memo_Text.Width := 537;
    memo_Text.Left := 6;
    memo_Text.Top := 6;
    memo_Text.ReadOnly := True;
    memo_Text.ScrollBars := ssNone;
    memo_Text.Parent := panel_BehindMemo;
    memo_Text.Text := WindowText;

    label_OKTaste := TLabel.Create(form_Notify);
    label_OKTaste.Caption := 'CTRL + ALT + O + K';
    label_OKTaste.Color := 898061;
    label_OKTaste.Font.Color := clBlue;
    label_OKTaste.Font.Name := 'Arial';
    label_OKTaste.Font.Size := 14;
    label_OKTaste.Font.Style := [fsBold];
    label_OKTaste.AutoSize := True;
    label_OKTaste.Left := 375;
    label_OKTaste.Top := 317;
    label_OKTaste.Parent := form_Notify;

   ErrorLog('uNotifyWindow: OnShow Failed');

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