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AW: MT940 importieren

  Alt 2. Jun 2016, 18:26
Mit Hilfe der Code-Snippets konnte ich heute einen eigenen Parser schreiben, der das Ganze schon ganz gut für mich erledigt. Ein paar Kleinigkeiten fehlen noch, aber vom Prinzip her funktioniert. Auch hier ist wieder das Problem, das ich meine eigenen Methoden nutze, vom Prinzip her dürfte die Logik aber klar sein...falls es einem hilfe

function TDataModShared.ParseContent(Parser: TNXStringParser): Boolean;
  Str: string;
  Item: TPaymentItem;
  Detail: TNXString;
  Process: Boolean;
  FormatSettings: TFormatSettings;
  { set result }
  Result := True;

  { init vars }
  Process := False;

  { set local format settings }
  GetLocaleFormatSettings(GetSystemDefaultLangID, FormatSettings);
  FormatSettings.DateSeparator := '/';
  FormatSettings.ShortDateFormat := 'yyyy/mm/dd';
  FormatSettings.DecimalSeparator := ',';

  { endless loop... }
  while True do
    { skip to next token }

    { end of file? }
    if Parser.Token = toEOF then

    { not an main identifier? }
    if Parser.Token <> ':then

    { process special parts }
    case TNXStrings.IndexOf(Parser.SkipToToken(':'), ['61', '86']) of
      0: // sales part #61
          { reset process flag }
          Process := False;

          { get parsed token string }
          Str := Parser.SkipTokenString;

          { check for debit payments only! }
          if not(SameText('D', TNXStrings.Mid(Str, 11, 1))) then
            { skip to end-block, but freeze token pos }
            Parser.SkipToTokenString(':6', True);

            { continue }

          { reset payment item }
          FillChar(Item, SizeOf(TPaymentItem), #0);

          { update entry date }
          Item.EntryDate := StrToDateDef(
            TNXStrings.Inject('20' + TNXStrings.Left(Str, 6), [4, 6], '/'), Date, FormatSettings

          { update validity date }
          Item.ValidityDate := TNXStrings.FormatDate(Item.EntryDate);

          { update amount }
          Str := TNXStrings.RestOf(Str, 12);
          Item.Amount := StrToFloatDef(TNXStrings.Before('N', Str), 0.00, FormatSettings);

          { set process flag }
          Process := True;
          { catch all index errors }

      1: // sales part #86
        if Process then
          { reset process flag }
          Process := False;

          { extract whole content up to next block }
          Str := NXString.From(Parser.SkipToTokenString(':6', True)).EnsureNoSuffix(':').Text;

          { only process sepa-compatible payments }
          if not(TNXStrings.HasPrefix('1', Str)) then

          { create single line with all additional details }
          Str := NXString.From(Str).After('?').EnsurePrefix('?').Strip([#13, #10]).Replace(#32, '_').Text;

          { iterate through all details seperated by ?-ids }
          for Detail in NXStrings.From(Str, '?').StripBlanks do
            { create simple id#content lines }
            Detail.Inject([2], '#');

            { get detail content }
            Str := NXString.From(Detail.Text).After('#').Replace('_', #32).Text;

            { get detail by id }
            case StrToIntDef(TNXStrings.Before('#', Detail.Text), -1) of
              { purposes }
              20..29, 60..63:
                Item.Purposes := TNXStrings.Stake(Item.Purposes, Str, '');

              { sender info }
              30: Item.Sender.BIC := Str;
              31: Item.Sender.IBAN := Str;
              32, 33: Item.Sender.Identifier := Str;

          { add item to list }

Geändert von kaju74 ( 3. Jun 2016 um 07:25 Uhr)
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