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Registriert seit: 3. Jun 2010
1.611 Beiträge
Delphi 10.3 Rio

AW: VirtualStringTree, CellPaint und der grafische Offset

  Alt 5. Jul 2016, 17:48
Ich habe dein Problem nicht 100%ig verstanden und kann deshalb nur mit den Informationen arbeiten, die ich aus deinem Post herauslesen konnte. Hierzu die Frage: Hilft dir die vst.GetDisplayRect(Node: PVirtualNode; Column: TColumnIndex; TextOnly: Boolean; Unclipped: Boolean = False; ApplyCellContentMargin: Boolean = False): TRect; Funktion weiter?

Im Source des VST lese ich folgendes:

function TBaseVirtualTree.GetDisplayRect(Node: PVirtualNode; Column: TColumnIndex; TextOnly: Boolean;
  Unclipped: Boolean = False; ApplyCellContentMargin: Boolean = False): TRect;

// Determines the client coordinates the given node covers, depending on scrolling, expand state etc.
// If the given node cannot be found (because one of its parents is collapsed or it is invisible) then an empty
// rectangle is returned.
// If TextOnly is True then only the text bounds are returned, that is, the resulting rectangle's left and right border
// are updated according to bidi mode, alignment and text width of the node.
// If Unclipped is True (which only makes sense if also TextOnly is True) then the calculated text rectangle is
// not clipped if the text does not entirely fit into the text space. This is special handling needed for hints.
// If ApplyCellContentMargin is True (which only makes sense if also TextOnly is True) then the calculated text
// rectangle respects the cell content margin.
// If Column is -1 then the entire client width is used before determining the node's width otherwise the bounds of the
// particular column are used.
// Note: Column must be a valid column and is used independent of whether the header is visible or not.

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