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Ort: Schweiz, Bern
58 Beiträge
Delphi XE3 Professional

AW: idHttp und Verwendung der URL

  Alt 21. Sep 2016, 19:41
Ich hoffe das Leerzeichen in der URL ist nur ein Copy&Paste Fehler zum Eintrag ins Forum.

Folgender Codeschnippsel zeigt Dir die Fehlermeldung an (Bei mir ist kein ShowMessage im Einsatz sondern ein Logfile Manager). Ausserdem habe ich eine Funktion um einen Zufallspfad und Dateinamen zu generieren, aber ich denke den Sinn der Funktion ergibt sich und vielleicht hilft es Dir ja:

// === Get a filepath from HTTP ================================================
function GetHTTPfile(AQuery,AUser,APassword:String; var AResponseText:String; var AResponseCode:Integer; var AMimeType:String) : String;
// uses idHTTP, IdSSLOpenSSL, idURI, IdException, IdStack,
// System.SysUtils, System.StrUtils, Classes
 LHandler : TIdSSLIOHandlerSocketOpenSSL;
 lStream: TStringStream;
 httpGetString, sFilename : String;
 IdHTTP1 := TIdHTTP.Create(nil);
 IdHTTP1.Request.UserAgent := 'Mozilla/3.0 (compatible; Indy Library)';

 lStream := TStringStream.Create(Result);

 with IdHTTP1 do
  LHandler := TIdSSLIOHandlerSocketOpenSSL.Create(nil);
  IOHandler := LHandler;
  ReadTimeout := 30000;
// OnWork := // Add here event handler
// OnWorkBegin := // Add here event handler

// = Check for authentification
  if (length(AUser) < 1) or (length(APassword) < 1) then Request.BasicAuthentication := False else
    Request.BasicAuthentication := true;
    HTTPOptions := HTTPOptions +[hoInProcessAuth];
    Request.Username := AUser;
    Request.Password := APassword;

    httpGetString := TIdURI.URLDecode(AQuery);
    httpGetString := TIdURI.URLEncode(httpGetString);

    WriteLog(1,'HTTP','URL=' +httpGetString);
    IdHTTP1.Get(TIdURI.URLEncode(httpGetString), lStream);
    AResponseCode := IdHTTP1.ResponseCode;
    AResponseText := IdHTTP1.ResponseText;
    AMimeType := IdHTTP1.Response.ContentType;
    lStream.Position := 0;
    CreateGUID(NewGUID); sFilename := GUIDToString(NewGUID);
    sFilename := // -> Put here estimated temporary filepath
    Result := sFilename;


    on E: EIdHTTPProtocolException do
      AResponseCode := IdHTTP1.ResponseCode;
      AResponseText := IdHTTP1.ResponseText;
      ShowMessage('[ERROR] ' +'Indy raised a protocol error!' +' | '
        +'HTTP status code: ' + IntToStr(E.ErrorCode) +' | '
        +'Error message' + E.Message);

    on E: EIdConnClosedGracefully do
      AResponseCode := IdHTTP1.ResponseCode;
      AResponseText := IdHTTP1.ResponseText;
      ShowMessage('[ERROR] ' +'Indy reports, that connection was closed gracefully!');

    on E: EIdSocketError do
      AResponseCode := IdHTTP1.ResponseCode;
      AResponseText := IdHTTP1.ResponseText;
      ShowMessage('[ERROR] ' +'Indy raised a socket error!' +' | '
        +'Error code: ' + IntToStr(E.LastError) +' | '
        +'Error message' + E.Message);

    on E: EIdException do
      AResponseCode := IdHTTP1.ResponseCode;
      AResponseText := IdHTTP1.ResponseText;
      ShowMessage('[ERROR] ' +'Indy raised an exception!' +' | '
        +'Exception class: ' + E.ClassName +' | '
        +'Error message: ' + E.Message);

    on E: Exception do
      AResponseCode := IdHTTP1.ResponseCode;
      AResponseText := IdHTTP1.ResponseText;
      ShowMessage('[ERROR] ' +'A non-Indy related exception has been raised!');


 end; {httpclient}

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