Thema: Delphi Reflektion vom Image

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Registriert seit: 6. Apr 2011
Ort: Berlin
3.060 Beiträge
Delphi 10.4 Sydney

AW: Reflektion vom Image

  Alt 2. Mai 2017, 09:07
function MussteHaltNochSinnvollBeiDirEinfügen(hbmReturn: HGDIOBJ): HGDIOBJ;
  pBits: PRGBQuad; // <----- richtigen Datentyp nehmen!
  // Tipp:
  if GDIP_CreateFromHDC(ImgHDC, Graphics) = OK then
    if GDIP_DrawImageRectI(Graphics, Img, 0, 0, imgW, imgH) = OK then
      // sicherheitshalber Initialisieren, schadet ja nicht
      FillChar(bm, SizeOf(bm), 0);

      // nur weitermachen wenn Funktion GetObject Erfolg meldet
      if GetObject(hbmReturn, SizeOf(bm), @bm) <> 0 then
        pBits := bm.bmBits;

        GDIP_ImageRotateFlip(Img, 6); // Rotate180FlipX

        GDIP_DrawImageRectI(Graphics, Img, 0, integer(imgH), integer(imgW),

        w := imgW;
        h := imgH;
        AlphaStep := 256;
        UseStep := 128 / (UseImgH - h);

        // Image Reflektieren
        for y := 0 to (UseImgH - h) - 1 do
          for x := 0 to (w - 1) do
            Alpha := MAX(pBits.rgbReserved - round(AlphaStep), 0);
            pBits.rgbReserved := Alpha;

          AlphaStep := AlphaStep - UseStep;

        for y := 0 to (h - 1) do
          for x := 0 to (w - 1) do
            AlphaCoef := (pBits.rgbReserved / 255);
            pBits.rgbBlue := round(pBits.rgbBlue / AlphaCoef);
            pBits.rgbGreen := round(pBits.rgbGreen / AlphaCoef);
            pBits.rgbRed := round(pBits.rgbRed / AlphaCoef);

        imgH := UseImgH;
        Result := hbmReturn;
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