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Registriert seit: 1. Mai 2016
Ort: Berlin
415 Beiträge
Delphi 10.2 Tokyo Professional

AW: Aufrechnen von Integer-Werten in ein neues Ergebnis

  Alt 1. Feb 2018, 20:36
nochmals zum Thema Integer oder int32: Marco Cantù, Object Pascal Handbook:
If you have a hard time remembering the difference between a ShortInt and a
SmallInt (including which one is effectively smaller), rather than the actual type
you can use one of the predefined aliases declared in the System unit:
Int8 = ShortInt;
Int16 = SmallInt;
Int32 = Integer;
UInt8 = Byte;
UInt16 = Word;
UInt32 = Cardinal;
Again, these types don't add anything new, but are probably easier to use, as it is
simple to remember the actual implementation of an Int16 rather than that of a
SmallInt. These type aliases are also easier to use for developers coming from C and
other languages that use similar type names.
Man kann es halten wie ein Gartenschlauch, nur nass werden darf man dabei nicht.
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