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AW: How elimitnate flicker of Form on resizing?

  Alt 8. Feb 2018, 02:45
Unfortunately i not understood your custom DoubleBuffer function.
Probably this can work to remove flicker when Form is resized in TakeScreenshot method, but i'm totally lost about how implement on my code
  if DoSnapShot then
    DoSnapShot := False;

    DesktopHwnd := GetDesktopWindow;
    DesktopDC := GetDC(DesktopHwnd);

    DesktopCanvas := DoubleBuffer(Canvas.Handle, ScreenRect.Right, ScreenRect.Bottom, CreateBuffer);
    BitBlt(DesktopCanvas, 0, 0, ScreenRect.Right, ScreenRect.Bottom, DesktopDC, 0, 0, SRCCOPY);
    DoubleBuffer(0, 0, 0, DestroyBuffer);

    ReleaseDc(DesktopHwnd, DesktopDC);
check this works by me..

Your problem is not the flickering but the setting of the height and width to 0
and then back to the old Position (Fullscreen)
Rethink your approach

using.. "Hide, Show" or "minimize, maximize" or create a Container for the Capture.
just a Suggestion.


Geändert von EWeiss ( 8. Feb 2018 um 04:58 Uhr)
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