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AW: TAudioVolume Komponente incl. System Mixer

  Alt 10. Mai 2018, 07:27
Jetzt kannst du das Postmessage weglassen und direkt reagieren.
OK nur mein bestreben ist das gerade keine unnötigen externen Funktionen ausgeführt werden müssen.
Die Komponente soll so einfach wie möglich gehalten werden.

zu dem basiert das komplette Control auf diesen Event.
    if not(csDesigning in ComponentState) then
      FEventHandle := AllocateHWnd(ProcessMsg);
procedure TAudioVolume.ProcessMsg(var Msg: TMessage);
  PVolMuteRec: PVolMute;
  Volume: single;
  Muted: boolean;
  Device: IMMDevice;
  DeviceId: WideString;
  DeviceInfo: TDeviceInfo;
  HR: HResult;
  NewState: DWORD;
  MyRegistry: TRegistry;
  case Msg.Msg of

        PVolMuteRec := PVolMute(Msg.WPARAM);
        if Assigned(tbMasterVolume) then
          tbMasterVolume.Position := round((1.0 - PVolMuteRec^.Volume) * tbMasterVolume.Max);
          ckMasterMute.Checked := PVolMuteRec^.Muted;
        if Assigned(tbMasterBalance) then

        if Assigned(FOnMasterVolumeEvent) then
          FOnMasterVolumeEvent(MyVolSet, PVolMuteRec^.Volume, PVolMuteRec^.Muted);

        PVolMuteRec := PVolMute(Msg.WPARAM);

        if MySessionVolSet or Assigned(FOnSessionVolumeEvent) then
          if Assigned(tbSessionVolume) or Assigned(FOnSessionVolumeEvent) then
            tbSessionVolume.Position := round((1.0 - PVolMuteRec^.Volume) * tbSessionVolume.Max);
            ckSessionMute.Checked := PVolMuteRec^.Muted;

          if (MySessionVolSet and (abs(PVolMuteRec^.Volume - MyVolVal) < 0.0001)) then
            MySessionVolSet := false
          else if (MyMuteSet and (PVolMuteRec^.Muted = MyMuteVal)) then
            MyMuteSet := false;

          if Assigned(tbSessionBalance) then

        if Assigned(FOnSessionStateEvent) then
          FOnSessionStateEvent(self, Msg.WPARAM);

    WM_DeviceStateChange, WM_DeviceAdded, WM_DeviceRemoved:
        DeviceId := WideString(PWideChar(Msg.WPARAM));
        NewState := Msg.LPARAM;
        // Just refresh device list to simplify the logic.
        // SetupDefaultAudioEndpoint(DeviceEnumerator);
        if Assigned(FOnDeviceStateChange) then
          if Msg.Msg = WM_DeviceStateChange then
            FOnDeviceStateChange(DeviceId, NewState)
          else if Msg.Msg = WM_DeviceAdded then
            FOnDeviceStateChange(DeviceId, DEVICE_STATE_ADDED)
          else if Msg.Msg = WM_DeviceRemoved then
            FOnDeviceStateChange(DeviceId, DEVICE_STATE_REMOVED);

        FAudioSessionList.SessionDisconnected := cAudioSessionDisconnected

        if Assigned(FOnSessionDisconnected) then
          FOnSessionDisconnected(self, Msg.WPARAM);

        if Assigned(FOnSessionCreated) then

        HR := DeviceEnumerator.GetDefaultAudioEndpoint(eRender, eMultimedia, Device);
        if HR <> S_OK then
          raise Exception.Create('Error : Unable to get DefaultAudioEndpoint Device');
        DeviceInfo := GetDeviceInfo(Device);
        if DeviceInfo.DeviceId <> FDefaultDevice.DeviceId then
          FDefaultDevice := DeviceInfo;
          if Assigned(FOnDefaultDeviceChange) then

        // wParam = (WPARAM) hMixer lParam = (LPARAM) dwLineID


        // wParam = (WPARAM) hMixer lParam = (LPARAM) dwControlID
        if (DWORD(Msg.LPARAM) <> MasterMute.dwControlID) and
          (DWORD(Msg.LPARAM) <> MasterVol.dwControlID) then

        Muted := IsMasterMuted;
        Volume := GetMasterVolume;
        if (DWORD(Msg.LPARAM) = MasterMute.dwControlID) then
          if (MyMuteSet and (Muted = MyMuteVal)) then
            MyMuteSet := false;
        // for (Msg.LParam = MasterVol.dwControlID)
          if (MyVolSet and (abs(Volume - MyVolVal) < 0.0001)) then
          MyVolSet := false;

        if Assigned(tbMasterVolume) then
          tbMasterVolume.Position := round((1.0 - Volume) * tbMasterVolume.Max);
          ckMasterMute.Checked := Muted;

        if Assigned(tbMasterBalance) then
    if Msg.Msg = WINMM_DEVICECHANGE then
      MyRegistry := TRegistry.Create;
      MyRegistry.RootKey := HKEY_CURRENT_USER;
      if MyRegistry.KeyExists('Software\Microsoft\Multimedia\Sound Mapper') then
        if MyRegistry.OpenKey('Software\Microsoft\Multimedia\Sound Mapper', true) then
          FDefaultDevice.DeviceName := MyRegistry.ReadString('Playback');
      Msg.Result := DefWindowProc(FEventHandle, Msg.Msg, Msg.WPARAM, Msg.LPARAM);
Kannst du dir vorstellen was ich dann alles ändern müsste?
Das ist nicht mal eben, mache die Events Public in TAudioVolume da hängt noch viel mehr von ab.


Geändert von EWeiss (10. Mai 2018 um 07:35 Uhr)
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