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AW: Audio Session Test

  Alt 28. Okt 2018, 10:47
Zwei Korrekturen..
1. Verhindern das gleiche Anwendungen doppelt oder dreifach angezeigt werden.
procedure TSessionThread.Execute;
  Success: HResult;
  Msg: TMsg;
  HR: HResult;
  i: integer;
  IntI: integer;
  M, N: integer;
  bDuplicate: boolean;
  ASessionInfo: TSessionInfo;
  Success := CoInitializeEx(nil, COINIT_MULTITHREADED);

  FWnd := AllocateHWnd(WndProc);

  SessionNotification := TAudioSessionNotification.Create;

  HR := SessionEnumerator.GetCount(i);
  if HR = S_OK then
     N := i else N := 0;

  M := 0;
  for i := 0 to (N - 1) do
    ASessionInfo := GetSessionInfoByIndex(i);
    if ASessionInfo.FileName <> 'then // is a invalid session info ?
      // Check to prevent duplicate registeration of audio session
      bDuplicate := false;
      for IntI := 0 to (M - 1) do
        if SessionInfo[IntI].PID = ASessionInfo.PID then
          // for the case of reuse of same PID (but different programs)
          if SessionInfo[IntI].State <> AudioSessionStateExpired then
            bDuplicate := true;

      if not bDuplicate then
        SetLength(SessionInfo, M);
        SessionInfo[M-1] := ASessionInfo;
  FSessionCount := M;

  FWmiAsyncEvent := TWmiAsyncEvent.Create;
  FWmiAsyncEvent.OnProcessTerminated := ProcessTerminated;

    while not Terminated do
      if MsgWaitForMultipleObjects(0, nil^, False, 1000, QS_ALLINPUT) = WAIT_OBJECT_0 then
        while PeekMessage(Msg, 0, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE) do

      if bEnd then


  if SessionManager2 <> nil then

2. Den Thread absichern (Thread safe) (TTHread.Queue)
procedure TSessionThread.WndProc(var Msg: TMessage);
  i: integer;
  bDuplicate: boolean;
  if Msg.Msg = WM_SessionCreate then
    ASessionInfo := GetSessionInfo(IAudioSessionControl(Msg.WParam));
    if ASessionInfo.FileName <> 'then // Is a valid audio session ?
      // Check to prevent duplicate registeration of audio session
      bDuplicate := false;
      for i := 0 to (FSessionCount - 1) do
        if SessionInfo[i].PID = ASessionInfo.PID then
          // for the case of reuse of same PID (but different programs)
          if SessionInfo[i].State <> AudioSessionStateExpired then
            bDuplicate := true;

      if not bDuplicate then
        SetLength(SessionInfo, FSessionCount);
        SessionInfo[FSessionCount-1] := ASessionInfo;
        if Assigned(FOnAudioSessionCreate) then
          TTHread.Queue(nil, // executes a procedure call within the main thread.
          procedure // Unlike Synchronize, execution of the current thread
          begin // is allowed to continue.
            FOnAudioSessionCreate(ASessionInfo, FSessionCount);
  end else
  Msg.Result := DefWindowProc(FWnd, Msg.Msg, Msg.WParam, Msg.LParam);

procedure TSessionThread.ProcessTerminated(ProcessID: Cardinal);
  i: integer;
  for i := 0 to (FSessionCount - 1) do
    if SessionInfo[i].PID = ProcessID then
      SessionInfo[i].State := AudioSessionStateExpired;
      ASessionInfo := SessionInfo[i];

      if Assigned(FOnAudioSessionExpire) then
        TTHread.Queue(nil, // executes a procedure call within the main thread.
          procedure // Unlike Synchronize, execution of the current thread
          begin // is allowed to continue.
            FOnAudioSessionExpire(ASessionInfo, i);

Geändert von EWeiss (28. Okt 2018 um 10:50 Uhr)
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