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AW: VU Meter (Wasapi)

  Alt 19. Dez 2018, 08:37
Ist vielleicht nur ein kleines Detail, aber sollte der Zeiger nicht hinter der Schraube und dem Glas liegen? Also eher so wie hier:

Ja Danke
Habe ich heute morgen auch gesehen nachdem ich den Compi angemacht habe.. hehehehe.


procedure CreateVUSprites(WinHandle: HWND; X, Y: Integer; SpritePath: string);
  ImgW, ImgH: Cardinal;
  X1, Y1: Integer;
  IntI: Integer;
  bmW, bmH: Cardinal;
  VuHeight, VUWidth: Integer;
  VULeftX, VULeftY: Integer;
  VURightX, VURightY: Integer;
  DotTop, DotWidth: Integer;

  VuHeight := 0;
  VuWidth := 0;
  DotTop := 0;
  DotWidth := 0;

  if gSprVU.GD_GetObjectBitmap(ID_LAYER) = 0 then
    hBmp := gSprVU.GI_CreateBitmapFromFile(PWideChar(SpritePath + 'Layer.png'), ImgW, ImgH);
    if hBmp <> 0 then
      // Layer
      gSprVU.GD_DrawBitmapToCtrl(WinHandle, X, Y, hBmp, gSprVU.GD_ColorARGB(255, 0), ID_LAYER,
      gSprVU.GD_SetObjectLinked(ID_LAYER, ID_LAYER);
      gSprVU.GD_SetObjectLocked(ID_LAYER, true);

      hBmp := gSprVU.GI_CreateBitmapFromFile(PWideChar(SpritePath + 'TopLight.png'), ImgW, ImgH);

      X1 := X + 110;
      Y1 := Y + 28;

      for IntI := 0 to 3 do
        gSprVU.GD_DrawBitmapToCtrl(WinHandle, X1, Y1, hBmp, gSprVU.GD_ColorARGB(255, 0),
          ID_TOPLIGHT + IntI, GS_HIDDEN);
        gSprVU.GD_SetObjectLinked(ID_TOPLIGHT + IntI, ID_LAYER);

        case IntI of
            X1 := X1 + 240;
            X1 := X1 + 110;
            X1 := X1 + 240;

      // ************** VUMeter Left
      VULeftX := X + 64;
      VULeftY := Y + 32;
      hBmp := gSprVU.GI_CreateBitmapFromFile(PWideChar(SpritePath + 'BVU.png'), ImgW, ImgH);
      if hBmp <> 0 then
        gSprVU.GD_DrawBitmapToCtrl(WinHandle, VULeftX, VULeftY, hBmp, gSprVU.GD_ColorARGB(255, 0),

        gSprVU.GD_SetObjectLinked(ID_VULEFT, ID_VULEFT);
        gSprVU.GD_SetObjectLocked(ID_VULEFT, true);
        VuHeight := ImgH;
        VuWidth := ImgW;
      // LeftPendel
      hBmp := gSprVU.GI_CreateBitmapFromFile(PWideChar(SpritePath + 'Pendel.png'), ImgW, ImgH);
      if hBmp <> 0 then
        gSprVU.GD_DrawBitmapToCtrl(WinHandle, VULeftX + (VuWidth div 2) - 10, VULeftY + 39, hBmp,
          gSprVU.GD_ColorARGB(255, 0), ID_PENDELLEFT, GS_VISIBLE);
        gSprVU.GD_SetObjectLinked(ID_PENDELLEFT, ID_VULEFT);
        gSprVU.GD_SetObjectLocked(ID_PENDELLEFT, true);
        gSprVU.GD_SetObjectAngle(ID_PENDELLEFT, 310);
      // Dot
      hBmp := gSprVU.GI_CreateBitmapFromFile(PWideChar(SpritePath + 'Dot.png'), ImgW, ImgH);
      if hBmp <> 0 then
        DotTop := (VULeftY + VuHeight) - Integer(ImgH);
        DotWidth := ImgW;
        gSprVU.GD_DrawBitmapToCtrl(WinHandle, VULeftX + (VuWidth - DotWidth + 1) div 2, DotTop, hBmp,
          gSprVU.GD_ColorARGB(255, 0), ID_DOTLEFT, GS_VISIBLE);
        gSprVU.GD_SetObjectLinked(ID_DOTLEFT, ID_VULEFT);
        gSprVU.GD_SetObjectLocked(ID_DOTLEFT, true);
      // VULeftLight
      hBmp := gSprVU.GI_CreateBitmapFromFile(PWideChar(SpritePath + 'BLight.png'), ImgW, ImgH);
      if hBmp <> 0 then
        gSprVU.GD_DrawBitmapToCtrl(WinHandle, VULeftX, VULeftY, hBmp, gSprVU.GD_ColorARGB(255, 0),
        gSprVU.GD_SetObjectLinked(ID_LIGHTLEFT, ID_VULEFT);
        gSprVU.GD_SetObjectLocked(ID_LIGHTLEFT, true);

      // ************** VU Meter Right
      VURightX := VULeftX + Integer(ImgW);
      VURightY := VULeftY;
      // same Bitmap as VULeft so to clone
      gSprVU.GD_CloneObject(ID_VULEFT, ID_VURIGHT, VURightX, VURightY);
      // RightPendel
      // same Bitmap as LeftPendel so to clone
      gSprVU.GD_CloneObject(ID_PENDELLEFT, ID_PENDELRIGHT, VURightX + (VuWidth div 2) - 10, VURightY + 39);
      gSprVU.GD_SetObjectAngle(ID_PENDELRIGHT, 310);
      // Dot
      // same Bitmap as DotLeft so to clone
      gSprVU.GD_CloneObject(ID_DOTLEFT, ID_DOTRIGHT, VURightX + (VuWidth - DotWidth + 1) div 2, DotTop);
      // VURightLight
      // same Bitmap as VULeftLight so to clone
      gSprVU.GD_CloneObject(ID_LIGHTLEFT, ID_LIGHTRIGHT, VURightX, VURightY);

      hBmp := gSprVU.GI_CreateBitmapFromFile(PWideChar(SpriteResPath + 'hSwitch.png'), bmW, bmH);
      if (hBmp <> 0) then
        gSprVU.GD_DrawBitmapToCtrl(HSprVU, 740, 267, hBmp, OPAQUEIMAGE, ID_POWER,
        gSprVU.GD_SetObjectFrameCount(ID_POWER, 2);
        // Frame 2 Power OFF
        gSprVU.GD_SetObjectFrameToUse(ID_POWER, 2);
        gSprVU.GD_SetObjectLocked(ID_POWER, true);

      // Left Anchor
      gSprVU.GD_SetObjectAnchorMode(ID_VULEFT, ANCHOR_CENTER);
      gSprVU.GD_SetObjectAnchorMode(ID_PENDELLEFT, ANCHOR_CENTER);
      gSprVU.GD_SetObjectAnchorMode(ID_LIGHTLEFT, ANCHOR_CENTER);
      gSprVU.GD_SetObjectAnchorMode(ID_DOTLEFT, ANCHOR_CENTER);
      // Right Anchor
      gSprVU.GD_SetObjectAnchorMode(ID_VURIGHT, ANCHOR_CENTER);
      gSprVU.GD_SetObjectAnchorMode(ID_LIGHTRIGHT, ANCHOR_CENTER);
      gSprVU.GD_SetObjectAnchorMode(ID_DOTRIGHT, ANCHOR_CENTER);

Geändert von EWeiss (11. Jul 2019 um 15:54 Uhr)
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