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Registriert seit: 17. Jan 2003
Ort: Frauenfeld
32 Beiträge
Delphi XE5 Architect

AW: Berechnetes Feld ändern Integer<->DateTime

  Alt 30. Sep 2019, 14:58
Nur noch zur Information, falls es jemanden interessiert. Ich hatte hierzu bei Devexpress nachgefragt. Hier ist die Antwort:

"Calculated Field" is one of standard types of DataSet Fields. They are read-only. This behavior is standard and we cannot regulate this.

As for the task, I recommend you consider opening an extra dialog form, where you will be able to edit the clicked cell value. For example:
1. Handle the cell's double click;
2. Open the dialog form and show there a converted date in a DateEdit editor;
3. The end user can edit the value and close the dialog form;
4. Post the required value to the DataSet after you close the dialog form.
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