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Registriert seit: 6. Apr 2011
Ort: Berlin
3.060 Beiträge
Delphi 10.4 Sydney

AW: DLL Schnitstelle

  Alt 10. Jul 2020, 15:01
SE_API_IMPL(se_result_t, se_getCertificationId)(char **certificationId, uint32_t *certificationIdLength)
-> declare se_getCertificationId as function (pointer to pointer to char, pointer to uint32_t) returning se_result_t
  se_result_t = Cardinal; //? musst du in der Doku gucken was se_result_t sein soll
  PUInt32 = ^System.UInt32;
  PPByte = ^System.PByte;

function se_getCertificationId(var certificationId: PAnsiChar; certificationIdLength: PUInt32): se_result_t ; cdecl; external 'se-api-c.dll';
function se_getCertificationId(var certificationId: PAnsiChar; var certificationIdLength: UInt32): se_result_t ; cdecl; external 'se-api-c.dll';
// probiere auch mal so, wenn certificationID eh ne Zahl zwischen 0 und 255 laut Doku ist:
function se_getCertificationId(var certificationId: PByte; var certificationIdLength: UInt32): se_result_t ; cdecl; external 'se-api-c.dll';
// gerne auch
function se_getCertificationId(certificationId: PPByte; certificationIdLength: PUInt32): se_result_t ; cdecl; external 'se-api-c.dll';
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