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Registriert seit: 8. Jun 2009
Ort: Bayern
1.123 Beiträge
Delphi 11 Alexandria

AW: TBitmap mit 50.000 x 50.000 pixel

  Alt 24. Nov 2021, 13:33
mit diesem Code fragment aus dem Swiss Delphi center, kann ich zumindest schon mal große BMPs zur Anzeige bringen,
nachdem die Datentypen jetzt 64 bit breit sind


  Winapi.Windows, Winapi.Messages, System.SysUtils, System.Variants, System.Classes, Vcl.Graphics,
  Vcl.Controls, Vcl.Forms, Vcl.Dialogs, Vcl.StdCtrls, Vcl.ExtCtrls;

  TForm2 = class(TForm)
    OpenDialog1: TOpenDialog;
    Panel1: TPanel;
    Image1: TImage;
    Button1: TButton;
    ListBox1: TListBox;
    CheckBox_autosize: TCheckBox;
    CheckBox_stretched: TCheckBox;
    CheckBox_proportional: TCheckBox;
    procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
    procedure CheckBox_autosizeClick(Sender: TObject);
    procedure CheckBox_proportionalClick(Sender: TObject);
    procedure CheckBox_stretchedClick(Sender: TObject);
    procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
    { Private declarations }

    FLargeBitmap : TBitmap;

    { Public declarations }


  Form2: TForm2;


{$R *.dfm}

function MyGetMem(Size: DWORD): Pointer;
  Result := Pointer(GlobalAlloc(GPTR, Size));

procedure MyFreeMem(p: Pointer);
  if p = nil then Exit;

/// <summary>
/// This code will fill a bitmap by stretching an image coming from a big
/// bitmap on disk. <br /><br />
/// </summary>
/// <param name="FileName">
/// Name of the uncompressed bitmap toread
/// </param>
/// <param name="DestBitmap">
/// Target bitmapwhere the bitmap on disk will be resampled
/// </param>
/// <param name="BufferSize">
/// The size of a memory buffer used for reading scanlines fromthe physical
/// bitmap on disk. <br />This value will decide how manyscanlines can be
/// read from disk at the same time, with always a <br />minimum value of 2
/// scanlines
/// </param>
/// <param name="Proportional">
/// Adjust the size of the des
/// </param>
/// <param name="TotalBitmapWidth">
/// nr. of pixels
/// </param>
/// <param name="TotalBitmapHeight">
/// nr. of pixels
/// </param>
/// <returns>
/// Will return false on error.
/// </returns>
function GetDIBInBands(const FileName: string;
  DestBitmap: TBitmap; BufferSize: Integer; Proportional : Boolean;
  out TotalBitmapWidth, TotalBitmapHeight: Integer): Boolean;
  FileSize: int64; // calculated file size
  ImageSize: int64; // calculated image size
  dest_MaxScans: int64; // number of scanline from source bitmap
  dsty_top: int64; // used to calculate number of passes
  NumPasses: int64; // number of passed needed
  dest_Residual: int64; // number of scanlines on last band
  Stream: TStream; // stream used for opening the bitmap
  bmf: TBITMAPFILEHEADER; // the bitmap header
  lpBitmapInfo: PBITMAPINFO; // bitmap info record
  BitmapHeaderSize: int64; // size of header of bitmap
  SourceIsTopDown: Boolean; // is reversed bitmap ?
  SourceBytesPerScanLine: int64; // number of bytes per scanline
  SourceLastScanLine: Extended; // last scanline processes
  SourceBandHeight: Extended; //
  BitmapInfo: PBITMAPINFO;
  img_start: int64;
  img_end: int64;
  img_numscans: int64;
  OffsetInFile: int64;
  OldHeight: int64;
  bits: Pointer;
  CurrentTop: int64;
  CurrentBottom: int64;
  Result := False;

  // open the big bitmap
  Stream := TFileStream.Create(FileName, fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyWrite);

  // total size of bitmap
  FileSize := Stream.Size;
  // read the header
  Stream.ReadBuffer(bmf, SizeOf(TBITMAPFILEHEADER));
  // calculate header size
  BitmapHeaderSize := bmf.bfOffBits - SizeOf(TBITMAPFILEHEADER);
  // calculate size of bitmap bits
  ImageSize := FileSize - Integer(bmf.bfOffBits);
  // check for valid bitmap and exit if not
  if ((bmf.bfType <> $4D42) or
    (Integer(bmf.bfOffBits) < 1) or
    (FileSize < 1) or (BitmapHeaderSize < 1) or (ImageSize < 1) or
    (FileSize < (SizeOf(TBITMAPFILEHEADER) + BitmapHeaderSize + ImageSize))) then
  lpBitmapInfo := MyGetMem(BitmapHeaderSize);
    Stream.ReadBuffer(lpBitmapInfo^, BitmapHeaderSize);
    // check for uncompressed bitmap
    if ((lpBitmapInfo^.bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RLE4) or
      (lpBitmapInfo^.bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RLE8)) then

    // bitmap dimensions
    TotalBitmapWidth := lpBitmapInfo^.bmiHeader.biWidth;
    TotalBitmapHeight := abs(lpBitmapInfo^.bmiHeader.biHeight);

        if Proportional then
               DestBitmap.Height := Round( DestBitmap.Width * TotalBitmapHeight / TotalBitmapWidth );

    // is reversed order ?
    SourceIsTopDown := (lpBitmapInfo^.bmiHeader.biHeight < 0);

    // calculate number of bytes used per scanline
    SourceBytesPerScanLine := ((((lpBitmapInfo^.bmiHeader.biWidth *
      lpBitmapInfo^.bmiHeader.biBitCount) + 31) and not 31) div 8);

    // adjust buffer size
    if BufferSize < Abs(SourceBytesPerScanLine) then
      BufferSize := Abs(SourceBytesPerScanLine);

    // calculate number of scanlines for every pass on the destination bitmap
    dest_MaxScans := round(BufferSize / abs(SourceBytesPerScanLine));
    dest_MaxScans := round(dest_MaxScans * (DestBitmap.Height / TotalBitmapHeight));

    if dest_MaxScans < 2 then
      dest_MaxScans := 2; // at least two scan lines

    // is not big enough ?
    if dest_MaxScans > TotalBitmapHeight then
      dest_MaxScans := TotalBitmapHeight;

    { count the number of passes needed to fill the destination bitmap }
    dsty_top := 0;
    NumPasses := 0;
    while (dsty_Top + dest_MaxScans) <= DestBitmap.Height do
      Inc(dsty_top, dest_MaxScans);
    if NumPasses = 0 then Exit;

    // calculate scanlines on last pass
    dest_Residual := DestBitmap.Height mod dest_MaxScans;

    // now calculate how many scanlines in source bitmap needed for every band on the destination bitmap
    SourceBandHeight := (TotalBitmapHeight * (1 - (dest_Residual / DestBitmap.Height))) /

    // initialize first band
    CurrentTop := 0;
    CurrentBottom := dest_MaxScans;

    // a floating point used in order to not loose last scanline precision on source bitmap
    // because every band on target could be a fraction (not integral) on the source bitmap
    SourceLastScanLine := 0.0;

    while CurrentTop < DestBitmap.Height do
      // scanline start of band in source bitmap
      img_start := Round(SourceLastScanLine);
      SourceLastScanLine := SourceLastScanLine + SourceBandHeight;
      // scanline finish of band in source bitmap
      img_end := Round(SourceLastScanLine);
      if img_end > TotalBitmapHeight - 1 then
        img_end := TotalBitmapHeight - 1;
      img_numscans := img_end - img_start;
      if img_numscans < 1 then Break;
      OldHeight := lpBitmapInfo^.bmiHeader.biHeight;
      if SourceIsTopDown then
        lpBitmapInfo^.bmiHeader.biHeight := -img_numscans
        lpBitmapInfo^.bmiHeader.biHeight := img_numscans;

      // memory used to read only the current band
      bits := MyGetMem(Abs(SourceBytesPerScanLine) * img_numscans);

        // calculate offset of band on disk
        OffsetInFile := TotalBitmapHeight - (img_start + img_numscans);
        Stream.Seek(Integer(bmf.bfOffBits) + (OffsetInFile * abs(SourceBytesPerScanLine)),
        Stream.ReadBuffer(bits^, abs(SourceBytesPerScanLine) * img_numscans);

        SetStretchBltMode(DestBitmap.Canvas.Handle, COLORONCOLOR);

        // now stretch the band readed to the destination bitmap
          Abs(CurrentBottom - CurrentTop),
        lpBitmapInfo^.bmiHeader.biHeight := OldHeight;

      CurrentTop := CurrentBottom;
      CurrentBottom := CurrentTop + dest_MaxScans;
      if CurrentBottom > DestBitmap.Height then
        CurrentBottom := DestBitmap.Height;
  Result := True;

procedure TForm2.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
  bmw, bmh: Integer;
  Bitmap : TBitmap;
  Bitmap := TBitmap.Create;
  with TOpenDialog.Create(nil) do
      DefaultExt := 'BMP';
      Filter := 'Bitmaps (*.bmp)|*.bmp|Raw files (*.raw)|*.RAW';
      Title := 'Define bitmap to display';
      if not Execute then Exit;
      { define the size of the required bitmap }
      FLargeBitmap.Width := Self.ClientWidth;
      FLargeBitmap.Height := Self.ClientHeight;
      FLargeBitmap.PixelFormat := pf24Bit;
      Screen.Cursor := crHourglass;
      // use 100 KB of buffer

      if not GetDIBInBands(FileName, FLargeBitmap, 100 * 1024, true, bmw, bmh) then Exit;

      ListBox1.Items.Add('width :' + bmw.ToString);
      ListBox1.Items.Add('height:' + bmh.ToString);

      // Self.Canvas.Draw(0,0,Bitmap);


      Screen.Cursor := crDefault;

procedure TForm2.CheckBox_autosizeClick(Sender: TObject);
     image1.AutoSize := CheckBox_autosize.Checked;

procedure TForm2.CheckBox_proportionalClick(Sender: TObject);
    image1.Proportional := CheckBox_proportional.Checked;

procedure TForm2.CheckBox_stretchedClick(Sender: TObject);
    image1.Stretch := CheckBox_stretched.Checked;

procedure TForm2.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
     FLargeBitmap :=TBitmap.Create;

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