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Delphi 11 Alexandria

AW: Belegter Speicherplatz von Verzeichnissen ermitteln?

  Alt 24. Mär 2022, 15:27
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/...ctory-size-api <- gute variante finde ich.
function ListFilesOf(CONST aFolder, FileType: string; CONST ReturnFullPath, DigSubdirectories: Boolean): TTSL;
{ If DigSubdirectories is false, it will return only the top level files,
  else it will return also the files in subdirectories of subdirectories.
  If FullPath is true the returned files will have full path.
  FileType can be something like '*.*' or '*.exe;*.bin'
  Will show also the Hidden/System files.
  Source Marco Cantu Delphi 2010 HandBook

   // Works with UNC paths}

  i: Integer;
  s: string;
  SubFolders, filesList: TStringDynArray;
  MaskArray: TStringDynArray;
  Predicate: TDirectory.TFilterPredicate;

 procedure ListFiles(CONST aFolder: string);
 VAR strFile: string;
        function(const Path: string; const SearchRec: TSearchRec): Boolean
        VAR Mask: string;
          for Mask in MaskArray DO
            if System.Masks.MatchesMask(SearchRec.Name, Mask)
            then EXIT(TRUE);

  filesList:= TDirectory.GetFiles (aFolder, Predicate);
  for strFile in filesList DO
   if strFile<> ''                                                                                 { Bug undeva: imi intoarce doua intrari empty ('') }
   then Result.Add(strFile);

 { I need this in order to prevent the EPathTooLongException (reported by some users) }
 if aFolder.Length >= MAXPATH then
   MesajError('Path is longer than '+ IntToStr(MAXPATH)+ ' characters!');

 if NOT System.IOUtils.TDirectory.Exists (aFolder)
 then RAISE Exception.Create('Folder does not exist! '+ CRLF+ aFolder);

 Result:= TTSL.Create;

 { Split FileType in subcomponents }
 MaskArray:= System.StrUtils.SplitString(FileType, ';');

 { Search the parent folder }

 { Search in all subfolders }
 if DigSubdirectories then
   SubFolders:= TDirectory.GetDirectories(aFolder, TSearchOption.soAllDirectories, NIL);
   for s in SubFolders DO
     if cIO.DirectoryExists(s) { This solves the problem caused by broken 'Symbolic Link' folders }
     then ListFiles(s);

 { Remove full path }
 if NOT ReturnFullPath then
  for i:= 0 to Result.Count-1 DO
   Result[i]:= TPath.GetFileName(Result[i]);

{ Works with >4GB files
  Source: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1642220/getting-size-of-a-file-in-delphi-2010-or-later }

function GetFileSize(const aFilename: String): Int64;
   info: TWin32FileAttributeData;
 if GetFileAttributesEx(PWideChar(aFileName), GetFileExInfoStandard, @info)
 then Result:= Int64(info.nFileSizeLow) or Int64(info.nFileSizeHigh shl 32)
 else Result:= -1;

function GetFolderSize(aFolder: string; FileType: string= '*.*'; DigSubdirectories: Boolean= TRUE): Int64;
   i: Integer;
 Result:= 0;
 TSL:= ListFilesOf(aFolder, FileType, TRUE, DigSubdirectories);
  for i:= 0 to TSL.Count-1 DO
   Result:= Result+ GetFileSize(TSL[i]);
Note that:
1. You can only count the size of some file types in a folder. For example in a folder containing BMP and JPEG files, if you want/need, you can only obtain the folder size only for BMP files.
2. Multiple filetypes are supported, like this: '.bmp;.png'.
3. You can choose if you want to read or not rea the size of the sub-folders.

Further improvements: You can massively reduce the size of the code by eliminating the GetFolderSize and moving the GetFileSize directly into ListFilesOf.
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