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Registriert seit: 2. Sep 2018
Ort: Salem, Baden
102 Beiträge
Delphi 10.2 Tokyo Professional

AW: RttiRecordType und RTttiArrayType

  Alt 27. Jul 2022, 09:29
aber schon das nächste was ich nicht verstehe. Es geht um Delphi 10.4

 TValueData = record <--------------------------- steht in System.Rtti.pas bei Zeile 48
    FTypeInfo: PTypeInfo;
    // FValueData vs old FHeapData:
    // FHeapData doubled as storage for interfaces. However, that was ambiguous
    // in the case of nil interface values: FTypeInfo couldn't be trusted
    // because it looked like the structure was uninitialized. Then, DataSize
    // would be 0.
    // FValueData is different: interfaces are always stored like strings etc.,
    // as a reference stored in a blob on the heap.
    FValueData: IValueData;
    case Integer of
      0: (FAsUByte: Byte);
      1: (FAsUWord: Word);
      2: (FAsULong: Cardinal);
      3: (FAsObject: Pointer);
      4: (FAsClass: TClass);
      5: (FAsSByte: ShortInt);
      6: (FAsSWord: SmallInt);
      7: (FAsSLong: Integer);
      8: (FAsSingle: Single);
      9: (FAsDouble: Double);
      10: (FAsExtended: Extended);
      11: (FAsComp: Comp);
      12: (FAsCurr: Currency);
      13: (FAsUInt64: UInt64);
      14: (FAsSInt64: Int64);
      15: (FAsMethod: TMethod);
      16: (FAsPointer: Pointer);

  TValue = record
Wo ist das "end;" zu "TValueData = record" ?

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