Thema: Delphi TTaskDialog.Buttons.Add

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3.685 Beiträge
Delphi 11 Alexandria

AW: TTaskDialog.Buttons.Add

  Alt 25. Aug 2022, 23:20
with TTaskDialog.Create(self) do
    Title := 'Confirm Removal';
    Caption := 'Rejbrand BookBase';
    Text := Format('Are you sure that you want to remove the book file named "%s"?', [FNameOfBook]);
    CommonButtons := []; // <<<--- das ist entscheidend!
    with TTaskDialogButtonItem(Buttons.Add) do
      Caption := 'Remove';
      CommandLinkHint := 'Remove the book from the catalogue.';
      ModalResult := mrYes;
    with TTaskDialogButtonItem(Buttons.Add) do
      Caption := 'Keep';
      CommandLinkHint := 'Keep the book in the catalogue.';
      ModalResult := mrNo;
    Flags := [tfUseCommandLinks];
    MainIcon := tdiNone;
    if Execute then
      if ModalResult = mrYes then
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