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Registriert seit: 17. Jun 2009
Ort: Wolfenbüttel/Baddeckenstedt
255 Beiträge
Delphi XE5 Professional

AW: TMS Webcore app mit DB auf gehosteten Systemen

  Alt 29. Nov 2022, 17:05
Hi TigerLilly,

super, tolle hilfe, funktioniert bei mir aber leider nicht:
alles noch lokal
im Browser: http://localhost/api.php/records/customers
{"records":[{"id":1,"company":"Company A","last_name":"Bedecs","first_name":"Anna","email _address":null,"job_title":"Owner","business_phone ":"(123)555-0100","home_phone":null,"mobile_phone":null,"fax_n umber":"(123)555-0101","address":"123 1st Street","city":"Seattle","state_province":"WA","zi p_postal_code":"99999","country_region":"USA","web _page":null,"notes":null,"attachments":""},{"id":2 ,"company":"Company B","last_name":"Gratacos Solsona","first_name":"Antonio","email_address":nu ll,"job_title":"Owner","business_phone":"(123)555-0100","home_phone":null,"mobile_phone":null,"fax_n umber":"(123)555-0101","address":"123 2nd Street","city":"Boston","state_province":"MA","zip _postal_code":"99999","country_region":"USA","web_ page":null,"notes":null,"attachments":""},{"id":3, "company":"Company C".....
Das Ganze mit
Rest Explorer 1.2 auf http://localhost/api.php/records/customers versucht...liefert auch Ergebnisse

dann in Delphi:
object Form1: TForm1
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  object WebLabel1: TWebLabel
    Left = 24
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  object WebLabel2: TWebLabel
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    Caption = 'DBGrid Demo'
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  object WebDBGrid1: TWebDBGrid
    Left = 24
    Top = 59
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    Columns = <
        DataField = 'Company'
        Title = 'Company'
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    FixedCols = 0
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    HeightPercent = 100.000000000000000000
    WidthPercent = 100.000000000000000000
    OnFixedCellClick = WebDBGrid1FixedCellClick
    ColWidths = (
    RowHeights = (
  object WebClientConnection1: TWebClientConnection
    Active = True
    URI = 'localhost/api.php/records/customers/'
    Left = 464
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  object WebDataSource1: TWebDataSource
    DataSet = WebClientDataSet1
    Left = 624
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  object WebClientDataSet1: TWebClientDataSet
    Connection = WebClientConnection1
    Params = <>
    Left = 256
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    object WebClientDataSet1Brand: TStringField
      FieldName = 'Company'
      Size = 256
liefert mir
Error connecting to URI localhost/api.php/records/customers/ | fMessage::Error connecting to URI localhost/api.php/records/customers/ FJSError::Error: Error connecting to URI localhost/api.php/records/customers/ fHelpContext::0
at http://localhost:8000/TMSWeb_DBGrid/TMSWeb_DBGrid.js [259:48]

und die gleiche Fehlermeldung bekomme ich auch schon, wenn ich ich mir im Designer auf WebClientDataset die Felder holen will...

Bin ich zu doof, oder was ist hier los?
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