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637 Beiträge

AW: Programme bzw. Funktionen von KI schreiben lassen (OpenAI)

  Alt 16. Dez 2022, 09:26
Me: Create a Delphi console application that implements a chatbot

Chatbot: Sure! Here is an example of how you can create a simple chatbot in Delphi using the console application:

program Chatbot;



  input: string;

  WriteLn('Hello, I am a chatbot. How can I help you today?');

  while True do
    Write('You: ');

    if input = 'exitthen

    case input of
      'hi', 'hello':
        WriteLn('Chatbot: Hi there! How are you doing?');
      'how are you':
        WriteLn('Chatbot: I am just a computer program, so I don''t have feelings. But I am here to assist you.');
      'what can you do':
        WriteLn('Chatbot: I can answer questions, provide information, and carry out simple tasks. Is there anything specific you would like to know or do?');
        WriteLn('Chatbot: I am sorry, I didn''t understand your question. Could you please rephrase it or ask for something else?');
This chatbot will greet the user and then enter into a loop where it will continually read the user's input and respond with a predefined message. The chatbot can understand and respond to a few specific phrases, such as "hi", "hello", "how are you", and "what can you do". If the user enters any other phrase, the chatbot will respond with a default message.

To exit the chatbot, the user can type "exit".

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any questions or need further assistance.

Me: Now let's add a functionality to the chatbot so it will be able to do some simple math operations.


Sure! Here is an example of how you can modify the chatbot to perform simple math operations:

program Chatbot;


  SysUtils, Math;

  input: string;
  num1, num2: Integer;
  result: Real;

  WriteLn('Hello, I am a chatbot. How can I help you today?');

  while True do
    Write('You: ');

    if input = 'exitthen

    case input of
      'hi', 'hello':
        WriteLn('Chatbot: Hi there! How are you doing?');
      'how are you':
        WriteLn('Chatbot: I am just a computer program, so I don''t have feelings. But I am here to assist you.');
      'what can you do':
        WriteLn('Chatbot: I can answer questions, provide information, and carry out simple tasks. Is there anything specific you would like to know or do?');
      'add', 'sum':
          Write('Enter the first number: ');
          Write('Enter the second number: ');
          result := num1 + num2;
          WriteLn('Chatbot: The sum of the two numbers is ', result);
      'subtract', 'difference':
          Write('Enter the first number: ');
          Write('Enter the second number: ');
          result := num1 - num2;
          WriteLn('Chatbot: The difference of the two numbers is ', result);
      'multiply', 'product':
          Write('Enter the first number: ');
          Write('Enter the second number: ');
          result := num1 * num2;
          WriteLn('Chatbot: The product of the two numbers is ', result);
      'divide', 'quotient':
          Write('Enter the first number: ');
          Write('Enter the second number: ');
          if num2 = 0 then
            WriteLn('Chatbot: Cannot divide by zero!')
            result := num1 / num2;
            WriteLn('Chatbot: The quotient of the two numbers is ', result);
        WriteLn('Chatbot: I am sorry, I didn''t understand your question. Could you please rephrase it or ask for something else?');
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