Thema: Delphi File patchen

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Delphi 11 Alexandria

AW: File patchen

  Alt 27. Jan 2023, 12:03
Hier das ganze nochmal, sorry keine UI, alles unter der Console.
Als Ziel nahm ich einfach mein vorigen Post als Kompilat in der Hoffnung das er bei Dir exakt so ist wie bei mir.
program Patcher;


{$R *.res}

  System.SysUtils, System.Classes;

  CFName = string('Patch.exe');
  CFSize = UInt64(58880);
  CPatches = UInt64($23);
  COffsets: array[0..CPatches] of UInt64 = ($50,$51,$52,$53,$54,$55,$56,$57,$58,$59,$5A,$5B,$5C,$5D,$5E,$5F,$60,$61,$62,$63,$64,$65,$66,$67,$68,$69,$6A,$6B,$6C,$6D,$6E,$6F,$70,$71,$72,$73);
  //This program must be run under Win32
  COrgBytes: array[0..CPatches] of Byte = ($54,$68,$69,$73,$20,$70,$72,$6f,$67,$72,$61,$6d,$20,$6d,$75,$73,$74,$20,$62,$65,$20,$72,$75,$6e,$20,$75,$6e,$64,$65,$72,$20,$57,$69,$6e,$33,$32);
  //Hier steht jetzt etwas total cooles!
  CNewBytes: array[0..CPatches] of Byte = ($48,$69,$65,$72,$20,$73,$74,$65,$68,$74,$20,$6a,$65,$74,$7a,$74,$20,$65,$74,$77,$61,$73,$20,$74,$6f,$74,$61,$6c,$20,$63,$6f,$6f,$6c,$65,$73,$21);

  fs: TFileStream;
  FName: string;
  i: Integer;
  b: Byte;
  Org, New, Diff: UInt64;
  FName := ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0)) + CFName;
  if (not FileExists(FName)) then
      WriteLn(FName + ' not found!');
    fs := TFileStream.Create(FName, fmOpenReadWrite or fmShareExclusive);
      Org := 0; New := 0; Diff := 0;
      if (fs.Size <> CFSize) then
          WriteLn('Wrong Filesize!');
      for i := 0 to CPatches do
          fs.Position := COffsets[i];
          fs.Read(b, 1);
          if (b = COrgBytes[i]) then
          if (b = CNewBytes[i]) then
          if ((b <> COrgBytes[i]) and (b <> CNewBytes[i])) then
      if Org = Succ(CPatches) then
          for i := 0 to CPatches do
              fs.Position := COffsets[i];
              fs.Write(CNewBytes[i], 1);
          WriteLn('Patch applied!');
      if New = Succ(CPatches) then
          for i := 0 to CPatches do
              fs.Position := COffsets[i];
              fs.Write(COrgBytes[i], 1);
          WriteLn('Patch removed!');
      if Diff <> 0 then
        WriteLn('Wrong Version!');
    on E: Exception do
      Writeln(E.ClassName, ': ', E.Message);
Ich hoffe das es Dir hilft, so jedenfalls sieht bei mir ein simpler Byte-Patcher aus.
Falls es noch Fragen gibt, nur keine Scheu
Gruß vom KodeZwerg

Geändert von KodeZwerg (27. Jan 2023 um 12:06 Uhr)
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