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3.686 Beiträge
Delphi 11 Alexandria

AW: VirtualTreeview als Grid optimale Spaltenbreite berechnen

  Alt 7. Mär 2023, 12:14
Ich habe den VST in Delphi leider nie installiert aber in Lazarus.
Dort gibt es "VST.Header.AutoFitColumns()" als Methode.
procedure TVTHeader.AutoFitColumns(Animated: Boolean = True; SmartAutoFitType: TSmartAutoFitType = smaUseColumnOption;
  RangeStartCol: Integer = NoColumn; RangeEndCol: Integer = NoColumn);

  //--------------- local functions -------------------------------------------

  function GetUseSmartColumnWidth(ColumnIndex: TColumnIndex): Boolean;

    Result := False;
    case SmartAutoFitType of
        Result := True;
        Result := False;
        Result := coSmartResize in FColumns.Items[ColumnIndex].FOptions;


  procedure DoAutoFitColumn(Column: TColumnIndex);

    with FColumns do
      if ([coResizable, coVisible] * Items[FPositionToIndex[Column]].FOptions = [coResizable, coVisible]) and
            DoBeforeAutoFitColumn(FPositionToIndex[Column], SmartAutoFitType) and not TreeView.OperationCanceled then
        if Animated then
          AnimatedResize(FPositionToIndex[Column], Treeview.GetMaxColumnWidth(FPositionToIndex[Column],
          FColumns[FPositionToIndex[Column]].Width := Treeview.GetMaxColumnWidth(FPositionToIndex[Column],


  //--------------- end local functions ----------------------------------------

  I: Integer;
  EndCol: Integer;

  StartCol := Max(NoColumn + 1, RangeStartCol);

  if RangeEndCol <= NoColumn then
    EndCol := FColumns.Count - 1
    EndCol := Min(RangeEndCol, FColumns.Count - 1);

  if StartCol > EndCol then
    Exit; // nothing to do

    if Assigned(TreeView.FOnBeforeAutoFitColumns) then
      TreeView.FOnBeforeAutoFitColumns(Self, SmartAutoFitType);

    for I := StartCol to EndCol do

    if Assigned(TreeView.FOnAfterAutoFitColumns) then

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