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AW: Exception in Laufzeitbibliothek einfangen unter Win 2019 server

  Alt 5. Sep 2023, 11:56
Hi Kas Ob,
welcome to Delphi-Praxis and thanks for your answer!
Regarding your off-topic question, I don't know, never had problems like that, maybe someone else might answer that.
Let me tell you a bit about my intension in that thread.
My App is still "under construction" and shurely, I intend to avoid exceptions. But, in this early phase of development you can't avoid them, since there's always still something wrong with the code.
I'm testing my App on Win 10, 11 and 2019 server. The server system is the one where the final App should be running, but my IDE is on Win 11.
The whole thing started with a simple error, the server system was set to region "US" and my development system is region "germany". This caused a StrToFloat call to throw an exception on converting a string like "1,5". Usually this is really easy to fix, but it turned into a skill issue since the App disappeared without any trace except the useless exit code. Without debugger on the server system it took me quite a long time to figure out what happened.
Once I got this fixed, I wondered why this simple error caused the whole App to crash that way. I build in a simple raise statement in one of my BPL and saw the same behavior: On Win 10 and 11 the exception was shown, on 2019 server the App crashed. Further on I tried to catch the exception, but try ... raise ... except worked fine on win 10 and 11, but on 2019 server the App still crashed. It looks to me like my code doesn't see the exception at all, it rushes straight to the system causing it to kill my App. This happens only with exceptions in the BPLs, exceptions in the exe are shown also on win 2019 server.
I experimented also with safecall (no effect) and using an installer for my App on the server to tell him which libraries belong to my App (also no effect).
Meanwhile, to continue with development (I'm running out of time), I'm linking the App without BPLs (70 MB exe).
By the way, all the research on this issue lead me to madExcept - that's really a great help for developers since the bug report for every uncaught exception gives you a complete call stack with procedure names and even line numbers of your source code. Unfortunately even madExcept doesn't see the exceptions in my BPLs on win 2019 server.
I will reflect your idea with the corrupted stack. Maybe there's something wrong with my BPLs and the server system is more sensitive for this special misbehavior. If I find something I will surely post it here.
But I really appreciate any further ideas for this!
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